
'Super Mario' is year's first film to pass $1 bil globally


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$1 bil


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Great news! I've read nearly nothing but positive reviews for this film and I've always enjoyed the Mario Bros. video games. And along with 'Cocaine Bear', this looks like it's gonna stomp all of last year's (and the previous several years' worth) of trash like a pissant.

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I've read nearly nothing but positive reviews for this film

Lol, ya must not have heard about the story going around

The story is that it's getting only about 50% critic review scores, but over 90% audience scores. So there's a great divide between critics and audiences (much like the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies)

It's been going around so much, some people have begged for it to stop, lol

"Enough Critics Vs. Audience Discourse I'm Begging You - There's a big disparity between the critic's score and the audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, but that doesn't mean either one is wrong."


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samuraivunylToday  09:32 pm JST


that works the other way round too with movies getting 96% critics score and then being panned by audiences.

crotucs , should, watch a lot of movies and so it might be difficult to ‘ hit the spot ‘ as it were. Audiences, including me, watch movies not just to be enlightened or moved by the protagonists existential dilemma . I have an 11 year old son. He can’t wait to see it. Me neither ( and some of my favorite movies include withnail and I , Henry potrait of a serial killer, lucky and down by law. Grab some popcorn and a large Diet Coke and enjoy. Job done !

I remember so many times where Siskel and Ebert gave 'two thumbs up' to so many films that were worth only one finger up - the middle one. And there's some 'classics' like 'Titantic' that made zillions of bucks at the box office but bored the hell outta me, never mind that awful new age soundtrack it had (Céline Dion too). Yeeeccchhh.

And there's the films that get all the Cannes Fest accolades and 36 Oscars/Tont/oh WTH awards that only resonate with the milquetoast and artsy-fartsy muckety-mucks.

Then there's the usual pedestrian godawful trash that gets shoved down on us year after year after year that insylts the intelligence like the deluge of wimpy 'superhero' garbage and cliche-ridden trash like 'Avatar'.

And once in a while there's some good plain old fun that anybody can enjoy. 'Cocaine Bear' is a terrific hilarious romp even though it has those elements that give it an 'R' rating. But 'Mario Bros.' may be good fresh original entertainment for ALL ages. And what's wrong with that? I call it a welcome change of pace.

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