
10 prefectural police departments begin trial program for treating stalkers


The National Police Agency (NPA) has announced that 10 prefectural police departments have begun a trial program for people who have been issued restraining orders under the Anti-Stalking Act.

Previously, such decisions were made on a case-by-case basis. Kyodo News reported that the trial program, which began on Tuesday, will be implemented by other prefectural police departments if no issues are reported during the three-month period.

The 10 prefectural police departments participating in the new initiative are Hokkaido, Iwate, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Osaka, Yamaguchi, Ehime, Fukuoka and Okinawa. 

The NPA strengthened its response to stalking cases after a woman was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, who had received a restraining order, in Fukuoka City in January.

According to the NPA, anyone issued with a restraining order for repeated stalking incidents or persistently sending messages to their victims will be regularly called by phone or visited in-person by police. 

In cases where people report that they are still being stalked, police will recommend offenders receive voluntary counseling at medical facilities or face arrest.

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In cases where people report that they are still being stalked, police will recommend offenders receive voluntary counseling at medical facilities or face arrest.

"recommend" "voluntary counselling" because the stalker is ignoring the restraining order.

more powerful measures are necessary! first, urge the stalkers to desist, and if that doesn't work, I recommend police stamp their foot and threaten to get cross, that should do the trick.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

In cases where people report that they are still being stalked, police will recommend offenders receive voluntary counseling at medical facilities or face arrest.

Or face arrest? What is voluntary part about that?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

In cases where people report that they are still being stalked, police will recommend offenders receive voluntary counseling at medical facilities or face arrest.

How can a restraining order even work if people can repeatedly violate it without being automatically arrested?

Why are the police so reluctant to deal with stalking as the serious crime it is?

How many more women will have to be brutally murdered before the police act?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

In cases where people report that they are still being stalked, police will recommend offenders receive voluntary counseling at medical facilities or face arrest.

Why not have the Diet enact a law that allows the police to get a court order to attach a GPS location device, ie ankle bracelet, in cases where stalkers do not stop, a 3-strike rule per-say. The stalker is warned that if the behavior does nor cease that a court order will be sought to attach a GPS location device on their person and that a system will alert the police if they enter into an established perimeter of the victim, their residence, place of employment, etc. as requested.

The police can additionally provide the victim, completely voluntarily, a GPS device that can be carried say on a key chain for example so that the system could alert officers to respond if the victim and stalker are in close proximity to one another outside the established zones.

This would let the stalker know that the police know where that individual is at all times and allow a rapid response by police if a violation occurs. In addition it might give some comfort to the victim knowing that the stalker is being monitored.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Still too lenient! If they are already ignoring court orders they should arrested immediately not threatened with arrest! The only way to stop this insidious crime is to make perpetrators know there will be severe consequences if they refuse to follow court orders!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

In my country, police train stalkers by tuning them up back at the station.

Works pretty good, we don't have many repeat stalkers.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

10 prefectural police departments begin trial program for treating stalkers.

Does the treatment involve getting them to repeat " I will not stalk", while being beaten around the head and body with night sticks?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Having been a stalker’s victim, I know a little about the trauma stalking causes

This. is a problem which Japan is failing to cope with and that is unwanted interference in the lives of innocent people.

Lazy Japanese politicians need to enact laws to deal with it…, now

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

10 prefecture police departments begin trial program for treating stalkers BUT NOT PROGRAMS FOR CHILD ABUSERS! JT shouldn't the title be 10 Prefecture and not prefectural police departments begin trial program for treating stalkers

0 ( +0 / -0 )

10 prefectural police departments begin trial program for treating stalkers

what about a program that not only fires, but also throws cops in jail for committing sexual harassment, assault or other various crimes?

oh wait…….I forgot, money talks

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

In cases where people report that they are still being stalked, police will recommend offenders receive voluntary counseling at medical facilities or face arrest.

Shouldn't they skip right to "face arrest"?

The voluntary counseling should be required when first serving the restraining order.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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