Photo: Pakutaso

2025 Osaka World Expo aims to be first in the world to allow dogs, possibly cats too

By SoraNews24

We’re just a little more than 18 months away from the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, where wonders of the modern age and possibly Pokemon tour guides await. A lot of details about the massive event are still under wraps, aside from its really weird mascot, but now it’s been revealed that they are planning to allow dogs and possibly other pets for the first time ever.

The idea was said to have been put forward last summer by the then-mayor of Osaka Ichiro Matsui, who is said to have a fondness for cats. Earlier this year, the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition set up a task group consisting of veterinary association members and event organizing officials to discuss the feasibility of allowing animals into the venue.

As a result, they found that small domesticated dogs could be permitted as long as their owner provides proof that they had their shots in advance. Owners must also declare that their canine doesn’t bite, doesn’t bark, isn’t in heat, and is small enough to take on a train, which according to Japan Railways Group, means they must be able to fit in a case with a combined length, height, and width of less than 90 centimeters, be under 70 centimeters long, and weigh under 10 kilograms.

Other conditions include only one dog per adult human visitor and for a period limited to May and June to avoid the hotter season. Domesticated cats are also under consideration, but if I’m to believe what my Saturday morning cartoons taught me, they should probably be at different times than the dogs.

Readers of the news online remained skeptical about the idea, with even dog owners joining the comments, saying that pets and major international festivals might not be a great mix.

“I don’t feel like taking my pet into a crowded place like that.”

“Are they going to make it a dog park?”

“They’ll have to hire some pooper-scoopers.”

“I wonder if they’re going to charge an additional admission.”

“How can you guarantee your dog won’t bark or bite?”

“Poop and pee on the ground, dogs fighting each other, biting kids, howling at the noises from attractions, and all that is just off the top of my head.”

“I would never take my dog there. I’d be too worried about his leash getting tangled or people kicking it.”

There does seem to be a bit of natural selection at play here, since a vast majority of dog owners probably won’t even consider this. The rest will either be responsible enough to know whether their dog can handle a situation like that, or be so irresponsible that they probably won’t be able to clear what appears to be a considerable amount of paperwork to get their dogs admitted in the first place.

We won’t know for sure though until we see pets at a World Expo for the first time in history. The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition still has to submit their proposal to the Bureau International des Exposition and a decision is expected around September.

Source: The Sankei News, My Game News Flash

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Actually, I'd probably go to this thing if they only had cats and dogs!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

We have a saying in Belgium” not a cat to be seen” which refers to a deserted place. Japan wants to avoid that. This anachronistic pork barrel event serves only greedy politicians and friends

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Good job!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I've had all my shots,I rarely bite or bark,and am currently not in heat,to my knowledge.

Can I get in for free,with my responsible owner?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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