
650 new coronavirus cases reported in Japan; 290 in Tokyo


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Still the first wave, also New York City should be a model of exactly what is happening in Tokyo now. Politicians in complete denial of the situation until it gets so bad that they are forced to come up with a solid plan. Here we go.

10 ( +18 / -8 )

Lockdown for 7 weeks.

-8 ( +17 / -25 )

As the old adage goes, 'there are lies, damned lies and statistics. '

Without testing en-masse, without contextual reading, these daily numbers mean nothing.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

I would think that HAMBURGER is copying and pasting his lockdown exhortations posted in every single COVID-19 related article, but it’s gone from “Lockdown for 6 weeks” to 7 now!

13 ( +22 / -9 )

Without testing en-masse, without contextual reading, these daily numbers mean nothing.

Well, here is some context:

Japan 985 deaths,

USA 140,000 deaths,

here is some context:

There have no covid 19 deaths in Japan in three weeks.

In the USA 8000 in one day.

-16 ( +15 / -31 )

Those numbers cannot be trusted and neither can the reporting.

5 ( +17 / -12 )

Lockdown for 7 weeks.

I think 2 weeks is a much better figure. It would give the Government a chance to save face and come up with a workable plan for the entire country.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Without testing en-masse, without contextual reading, these daily numbers mean nothing.

Well, here is some context:

Japan 985 deaths,

USA 140,000 deaths,

here is some context:

There have no covid 19 deaths in Japan in three weeks.

In the USA 8000 in one day.

As we are talking about context, please elaborate what your point is. Nothing to worry about? Continue as usual? Life goes on?

Yes, the US has significantly more infections and mortality rate, but that does not mean that we should ignore the recent numbers. Moreover, why should the situation in a foreign country dictate the anti-virus measures in another? Germany for instance just reported four corona deaths yesterday. So should the Germans be happy that they have less deaths than the US? Realtivism is dangerous in this matter, as it leads to carelessness.

Keep on wearing masks, wash your hands and avoid clusters.

23 ( +25 / -2 )

Mainland China still has there numbers down to single digits,,

what is being done differently in Japan and other countries . . . ?

4 ( +7 / -3 )


That is exactly right. I was trying to make the point that unless everyone gets tested then we can't possibly how many people have the virus. As has already been widely documented, many carriers are asymptomatic so who knows what the true numbers are?

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Wait I thought new experts have been brought in to solve this.

Surely the new experts are doing a better job than the old experts at sitting around in meetings for hours nodding at each other.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


I think 2 weeks is a much better figure. It would give the Government a chance to save face and come up with a workable plan for the entire country.

Hahaha... They've had 6 months to come up with a "workable plan". But sure, let's give them another 2 weeks for good measure.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

A million people a year die in Japan, if not more. Less than a thousand deaths due to COVID is a rounding error at best. I am happy that people here are being realistic.

The news also doesnt mention that nearly 20,000 people have recovered from COVID. The remaining active cases number about 4,000 for the entire country.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

A million people a year die in Japan, if not more.

People are gonna die, so let's let 'em die even if we can prevent it. Right? Idiocy at it's most selfish finest. People like you only worry about yourself. The whole point is that if proper steps are taken, people do not have to die needlessly, whether it is 10 people or 10,000.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

I would think that HAMBURGER is copying and pasting his lockdown exhortations posted in every single COVID-19 related article, but it’s gone from “Lockdown for 6 weeks” to 7 now!

I pointed it out too. I think he just sits in front of the computer refreshing the page every 5 seconds just to post his arbitrary number of weeks or months the lockdown should last. He changes the number every time too.

If his comments are not considered spam, I this one will be... Then there is not justice in this world. XD

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Dont worry. The “government” will start screwing the numbers down to safe managable figures.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I've not been to the local gyms for months now... (and its showing), was thinking of buying my own home gym equipment to supplement the ubiquitous bar-bells - though none of the Gym equipment is made within Japan - everything has to be imported from China or the US.... somewhat sad.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Austin; actually the opposite. If I only worried about myself, I would say to lock down the place until the end of the year. I'm doing fine financially, my job is secure, the only bump in the road is that I can't travel overseas. A lockdown won't really have much impact on me.


Unfortunately you have to do the math. A cost/benefit analysis, even using human lives. There is an element of risk in every activity that cannot be eliminated, or even minimized, without consequences. So maybe you can save a thousand lives with a lockdown, but suicide goes up, child/spousal abuse goes up, the economy tanks, and our children are left to pay the bill caused by untold billions of dollars in government bailouts.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


It's very convenient you're comparing Japan with the country right at the top of the list, USA. You conveniently left out countries like Australia, South Korea, Taiwan and a whole host of African countries.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

unless the government does another shut down the numbers are going to keep rising as people do not wish to stay home.

@ashley shiba

People do not wish to stay home so the government should lock every down?????

Have you heard of democracy(?_?)

The government acts on the wishes of its people, it doesn't lock people in their homes against their wishes.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )


You can get a great work out using bodyweight only ( lots of info on net/ youtube.)

Or just a pair of dumbells if you like equipment.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Another lock down without having at least 1000 cases a day would hurt Japan in many ways, mental health of people should also be consider. Some are being pushed to suicide because of the isolation, financial problems increasing.

In many countries dealing with this pandemic with a large population over 127 million..... 300 cases is small potatoes.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Increased testing. But this will only prove that the death rate is extremely low. Just look at the statistics. No cases are in critical condition and only 2 deaths in the last month. Media is over blowing this.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I have been perusing these comments for a week or so, trying to make some sense of things. I have come to two conclusions:

A sufficient number of people believe the virus is harmless, a hoax, or a conspiracy to make any attempt at another state of emergency or lock down futile, especially in Japan where a enforced lockdown is unconstitutional.

A sufficient number of people believe the virus to be a threat, include leaders around the world, to depress economic activity such that recession and economic collapse is inevitable.

Basically, our inability to just work together means we will suffer both sides worst fears - a prolonged fight against corona and a spiralling economy.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Still the first wave, also New York City should be a model of exactly what is happening in Tokyo now. Politicians in complete denial of the situation until it gets so bad that they are forced to come up with a solid plan. Here we go.

Can you elaborate on that? Why should NYC be a model? I don't see any similarities so far.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Ashley ShibaToday  07:11 pm JST

............. what I saw this evening to go and get my water jug filled up. The mall was crowded with people .......

I'm really curious about why you need to go to a shopping mall to fill up your water jug.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Whatever! Most Japanese are tired and don't care anymore about the numbers.

If we get it and die so be it, death is an inevitable part of life. If afraid, stay home. let others live their lives.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

KORE NANIToday  10:24 pm JST

When the bodies start stacking in Japan, maybe then will the Government realize they knew not what they were doing or talking about.

Why? Why should japan suddenly start to see a mass number of deaths. The virus has been here since january at the latest. Everyone knows the number of infections is only a fraction of the total, yet hospitals havent been over run,the death rate isnt higher than normal So why know would people suddenly start dying on mass?

The virus could mutate into a more deadly form of course, but it could equally mutate into an even weaker form if it hasnt already.

Its these stupid predictions with no basis which are what is driving the governments response and your own anxiety.


0 patients in intensive care

10 deaths this month (all elderly and with preexisting conditions)

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Wait I thought new experts have been brought in to solve this.

Surely the new experts are doing a better job than the old experts at sitting around in meetings for hours nodding at each other.

Only if they got even better matching uniforms and clipboards.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I don’t want to live the rest of my life locked down with a mask

Christ, you'd think mask was a euphemism for ball and chain. Victim or what.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

“The government acts on the wishes of its people, it doesn't lock people in their homes against their wishes.”

The problem is that nobody in this country can think for themselves. They need to be shown how to react or behave. Just watch any trash evening television show.

People should be up in arms questioning their government at the moment, given the shady covid numbers.

But since Abe is literally hiding at the moment and nobody is saying there is a huge problem, the people think everything is okay and carry on.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It is time to request people to "stay home" again. People understand it well and infections decrease again. It seems more people go out more infections spread among people. Stay home as much as possible.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Japan 985 deaths,

USA 140,000 deaths,

here is some context:

There have no covid 19 deaths in Japan in three weeks.

How about to compare with a communist country like Vietnam:

Population 100 million,

Cases 372,

Deaths zero!!!

All the world must learn from Vietnam!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

They forgot one zero. Always add one zero to the daily infections rate to get you closer to the reality.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The virus is here to stay in Japan, how long will it take people to recognise and accept this?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

How about to compare with a communist country like Vietnam:

Population 100 million,

Cases 372,

Deaths zero!!!

All the world must learn from Vietnam!

Funniest thing i read today !

It's like North Korea :

People unhappy : zero!!!

People starving : zero!!!

Hail to communism and it's transparency :))))

0 ( +3 / -3 )

People should be aware even if you have recovered, brain and lung damages are inevitable.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Yet I am still seeing sports fields packed with kids playing soccer, baseball, rugby and sidelines packed with parents coaches and teachers! WHY JAPANESE PEOPLE? WHY?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

People seem to be disputing the stats - but I won't. The very low number of deaths and a very high rate of recoveries each day leads me to believe we are seeing a much weaker strain of the virus.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

People who think the number of deaths are low apparently do not have a family member who has passed away from COVID19 (the name I am required to use on JT) As for me the number became too high after one.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@Jtsnose asked what is being done differently in Japan (compared to China) because China seems to be more careful... That is an interesting thought. China has absolute control over its citizens. They can block off areas and control movement of people and have their police pick up someone right off the streets to be whisked away to a hospital after finding out that they have fever... whose temperature they took by force. I wouldn't want to see that happen in Japan. I hope this pandemic will get better. It is scary.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I meant that China seems to be more successful.
1 ( +1 / -0 )

Put a couple of zeroes on the end and we may get somewhere near reality. If they don’t test seriously these number ain’t worth diddly squat.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

More Abenomasks - that will show 'em!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Some perspective amidst the panic

0 ( +0 / -0 )

“The virus is here to stay in Japan, how long will it take people to recognise and accept this?”

Agreed, as the link I posted, interviewing two epidemiologists makes clear.

Got an interesting take on masks too

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan is just lucky to have the early strains of covid-19! I mean really really lucky! For those who want more context check out nextstrain org it's data form all the virologists working on covid-19.

Brazil, US and Europe got strains with over a dozen mutations.

FYI: The mutations don't increase deadliness, just virility.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Total shut down is now a must if we want to save all people.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

define "Total Shut Down' @TARA TAN KITAOKA.

6 weeks? 7 weeeks? @ Hamburger.

Your opinions count for little unless you explain or give some reason how the average person will continue to live - Yet you continue to repeat yourselves. Are you wealthy enough to continue supporting yourselves when your 'total shutdown' implodes the economy? More deaths from THAT than the virus itself at BEST.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

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