
70-year-old man injured by home intruder in Tokyo


A 70-year-old man suffered cuts to his head by a knife-wielding intruder at his home in Tokyo on Friday night.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 11:30 p.m. in Takadanobaba, Shinjuku Ward, TV Asahi reported. The man’s wife called police and said a man with a knife had broken into their home.

Police said the intruder entered the house through an unlocked window on the second floor balcony. The 70-year-old man heard the noise and confronted the burglar who threatened him with a knife, demanding money.

The man said he didn’t have any money and got into a scuffle with the burglar, sustaining cuts to his head. The burglar fled from the house via the balcony, empty-handed.

The intruder is described as being in his 30s, about 170-180 cms tall and well-built.

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Another cowardly thug targeting an elderly person, hope they find the swine and prevent his from repeating this vile act.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Maybe another "yami-baito"? at least this time the victim survived and the criminal did not get any profit, hopefully will be caught soon and become a lesson for others tempted to try doing something similar.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The 70-year old man is tremendously brave. Good on him for scaring away the cowardly, would-be thief, and may he recover swiftly! Hope they catch the thief soon, as well.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Let this be a lesson to intruders and homeowners alike. Homeowners need to be diligent and vigilant. Lock your windows and doors. Install security cameras or decoy cameras if you don't have a good job like me. Intruders should be more careful who they mess with. This scumbag got more than he could handle from a geriatric. Hopefully, his life of crime ended that night and he won't be terrorizing any other innocent victims.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

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