
Flag carried by Japanese soldier killed during World War II returning to his family


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Good to hear a positive outcome for one of these flags.

The majority of these well-meaning returns do not go as hoped or planned. Even if a family can be located, many simply wish to leave the past alone.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Better to fix the error in the title if the flag has been handed over?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I thought the aircraft carrier USS Lexington went down in the battle of Coral Sea in 1942.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

An Essex-class carrier, LEXINGTON (CV-16) was originally named the USS CABOT. During World War II, final construction was being completed at Massachusetts’ Fore River Shipyard when word was received that the original carrier named USS LEXINGTON, CV-2, had been sunk in the Coral Sea. The new carrier’s name was changed to LEXINGTON.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

This is a painful reminder that wars happen for the glory of the victors, and eternal agony for the losers.

-24 ( +1 / -25 )

This is a painful reminder that wars happen for the glory of the victors, and eternal agony for the losers.

What’s that supposed to mean?

19 ( +20 / -1 )

SeigiToday  09:31 am JST

This is a painful reminder that wars happen for the glory of the victors, and eternal agony for the losers.

A good reason not to start a war in the first place. Does eternal agony also include the millions who were killed by the Japanese military.

-12 ( +15 / -27 )

Respect for the Japanese soldier and his family..

7 ( +13 / -6 )

It would be food to remember that the common soldier, sailor, Marine and airman who dies in battle are almost always only concerned about their mates on their left and their right. The political reason for them being there is almost never their concern. Only survival and protecting your mates.

The philosophical arguments against war have no meaning to those that actually fight and die.

Rest in peace, sir. Your spirit will soon be home with family.

12 ( +12 / -0 )


In other words, the United States could have avoided a war with Japan in the first place, but it didn't. I didn't even think in the slightest that Japan could win.

In other words, if it's your way of saying it, is it okay to say that America is bad?

Japan started the war, but the White House wanted it.

Can anyone answer where the justice lies?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


So you’re saying the US could’ve avoided war if they didn’t react to Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbour. LOL!

Yet you’re completely avoiding the fact that Japan had already started a war in Asia by invading and attacking Asian nations before Pearl Harbour. Was that the US’ fault too.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This is a painfull reminder rhat wars happen for the glory of the victors and eternal agony for the losers.

In war every body lose.

Its just some one lose more than other.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

If the number of flags returned alone is "500," I'm wondering how many flags were actually stolen from the dead bodies..

Though it's unimaginable mental conditions in the battle field, It's a disgusting habit that taking off clothes, groping dead body and returning something home and they actually exhibit it...gross

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I thought the aircraft carrier USS Lexington went down in the battle of Coral Sea in 1942.

The Lexington that sank at Coral Sea was CV-2, built on the hull of an incomplete battlecruiser of the same name and commissioned in 1927. Her sister was USS Saratoga CV-3. The USS Lexington that the article refers to is CV-16, an Essex class carrier launched in September 1942 and commissioned in February 1943. The hull was originally to be named USS Cabot but was renamed before her launch to memorialize the recently sunk Lexington CV-2.

USS Yorktown CV-5 was likewise memorialized soon after her sinking at the Battle of Midway in June 1942 by re-naming the incomplete second ship of the Essex Class, CV-10 from USS Bonhomme Richard to USS Yorktown with the sunken Yorktown's skipper taking command of the new Yorktown based on his exemplary performance at both Coral Sea and at Midway.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Btw, just as the old USS Lexington CV-16 serves as a museum ship in Corpus Christie, her sisters in the Essex Class USS Yorktown, USS Hornet and USS Intrepid all serve as museum ships around the US.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The focus should be on the solider and his family for in war the soldier is simply one of the tools used by it's military, following orders and sometimes dying while doing so, this does not necessarily make the solider evil or less deserving of respect for his/her service no matter the side. There are may stories of good soldiers on both sides that acted with chivalry while they were still at war with each other and many more stories after the war of forgiveness.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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