Photo: SoraNews24

Aichi woman arrested for stealing ice cream from delivery truck because it was too hot

By SoraNews24

Needless to say, this summer is quickly turning out to be the worst one ever. With temperatures and humidity skyrocketing all over the place, it’s getting harder and harder to find relief. It’s enough to make people do rash things, especially when tempted by the great taste of ice cream.

On the morning of July 16, a truck was delivering a shipment of frozen snacks to the Genky Food & Drug in Ama City, Aichi Prefecture. As the orders were being loaded into the store, a clerk spotted a woman in the process of stealing five ice-cold items from the truck.

When the 21-year-old clerk approached her, she became violent and bit his hand in the struggle. The clerk suffered lacerations on the fingers of his left hand but was otherwise unharmed and restrained the woman on the spot. She was handed over to police who arrested her for the attempted theft and assault.

While in custody, the 56-year-old woman admitted to the crimes, telling police that she wanted to eat ice cream because it was hot that day. While everyone could sympathize with her motive on some level, readers of the news agreed in online comments that it’s still no excuse to resort to criminal deeds.

“It’s hot enough that I’ve certainly thought about it. But it’s a big leap from thinking about it to doing it.”

“I wonder if they serve ice cream in prison.”

“If it’s so hot, what is she doing outside?”

“We’re turning into a Fist of the North Star society.”

“Did she want to eat the clerk too?”

“At least she’s honest about her motive.”

“With a bite like that, she’ll have no problem with Azuki Bars.”

“She’s an ice cream zombie.”

Source: Tokai TV, Itai News

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I bet she had a ‘whale’ of a time! But don’t get too ‘egg’cited about this one.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

What a tigress.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Didn't she have a few hundred yen? Woulda saved her a whole lotta trouble. No Parm, no foul.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Didn't she have a few hundred yen? Woulda saved her a whole lotta trouble. No Parm, no foul.

At my local grocery store, I could get an ice cream for just barely above 100 yen. Now, she has an assault and theft charge, along with possible medical bills. That's more than 100 yen.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Didn't she have a few hundred yen?

before Ukraine and sanctions, I could get ice cream for ¥100. Now ¥156. Because of Ukraine, everything is too expensive, including my partners tax. If I didn’t have solar panels, we would be homeless.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

“We’re turning into a Fist of the North Star society.”

That made me chuckle.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

She could have left some cash in the truck as payment if she was that desperate. How silly to be booked for theft and assault because of ice cream.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Something is not explained. The thief did not come and bite fingers just because the clerk approched. The clerk must have tried to apprehend her with physical restrain.

Good job she was caught. But how many did not as I notice it is sometimes so easy to take and go when delivery is going on.

Why ice creams which need to stay under freezing conditions were not by the way, if it was directly visible ?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Again and again..

A woman stealing ice cream in national headlines..

Another real evidence, between many more, that Japan is one of the safest countries to live in the world..

I love you Japan, please never change..

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

She can cool off in the slammer.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

That's certainly as good an excuse as: " I was Drunk".

I say let it was probably all melted anyway.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

When I was working in the hospitality industry in Japan I found an underlying social problem developing with ageing women. I notice 99% were homeless ( did not own home ) or live at their parents home when not working or have no safety net only homeless street live or car/ van living. I used bump into this women in her 50:s at Itami hanging out in the Max value car park looking miserable. I ask her if she was good for a feed. I would buy a feed for you. She reply a small sake will do. So for three months every time I went to Maxie,s I would buy a glass of sake for her and sort her out give her her sake and have a joke a laugh with her. I did not even know her name name but just a person out of sort in this growing social problem Japan have with age single women.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Got a laugh from the headline. The way it reads is she stole the ice cream because it was hot. Who steals hot ice cream? Doesn't it melt when it's hot?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Thinking she was arrested more for biting the person rather than taking the ice cream. Biting or eating others is frowned upon in polite society.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Thinking she was arrested more for biting the person rather than taking the ice cream. Biting or eating others is frowned upon in polite society.

They get more viewership from a sensationalistic headline that gets people angry at the 'injustice' than from one that says 'woman arrested for assault'.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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