
Aide to Kishida says he would hate to see LGBT couple


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Oh, there's no misunderstanding. You are a relic of an earlier age.

"I apologize for having used expressions that may cause misunderstanding."

26 ( +46 / -20 )

Another reminder that Japan is perhaps the most reactionary society in the developed world.

-16 ( +20 / -36 )

an elite bureaucrat who serves as executive secretary to the prime minister, quickly retracted the comments 

You need to reach minister position or prime minister to do gaffe like that, bellow that is not acceptable.

-7 ( +10 / -17 )

Homoiphobic losers everywhere!!..

Another reminder that Japan is perhaps the most reactionary society in the developed world

Although Japan is a moderately conservative society, it is true that they are opening their minds and accepting those who are different little by little.

It's not to make drama..

-6 ( +15 / -21 )

Well this is literal hate speech. Love the non apology too. He actually only apologizes to Kishida which is on brand for the feudal mindset that is plaguing Japan.

-2 ( +34 / -36 )

"there are quite a few people who would abandon this country."

Where exactly does this fool imagine they'd all go?

30 ( +39 / -9 )


Another reminder that Japan is perhaps the most reactionary society in the developed world.

´Not perhaps. It definitely is. Basically stuck in the fifties. It is not 100 % bad though. Conservative has a good side as well. But too much is too much. This country is ossified. That also explains a lot of its current economic dire state.


-5 ( +15 / -20 )

Later Friday, Arai spoke to reporters again, telling them on the record while withdrawing the remarks, "I apologize for having used expressions that may cause misunderstanding."

What misunderstanding Pray Tell? You are a LDP bigot. And you are FAR from being the only one and far from being the only one who doesn't exercise common sense before he speaks. That's it.

Another reminder that Japan is perhaps the most reactionary society in the developed world.

Using the term the developed world a bit loosely I see.

-10 ( +17 / -27 )

Some countries do applauding his words: China, Russia !

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

Another reminder that Japan is perhaps the most reactionary society in the developed world.

Developed world countries don't seem as archaic as Japan when it comes to topics such as this.

Some countries do applauding his words: China, Russia !

Ah yes, that old Japanese chestnut - bring up China or Russia and hope our own ineptitude doesn't get noticed.

-15 ( +9 / -24 )

Before taking back his words, Arai had said that if same-sex marriage is introduced in Japan, it would "change the way society is"

society already has changed and is constantly changing. That is the very nature of society.

and "there are quite a few people who would abandon this country."

There are quite a few people who would abandon it now if they could.

-9 ( +12 / -21 )

It’s not “hate speech,” it’s an opinion.

People are allowed to have opinions. Some may not agree with an opinion, but each are entitled to have one.

-11 ( +15 / -26 )

"It is not desirable for any officials in posts like mine to say such a thing," Arai said.

Translation: politicians can't say what they really think.

Just own your words, dude.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Let's not confuse sexual orientation (LGB) with the dangerous homophobic and misogynist TQ cult here. LGB people should obviously have teh same rights as anybody else.

"Trans" & the rest of the alphabet soup is just ideology. No one can change sex and men in dresses should not compete in women sports or have access to women only spaces. And yes, I would also not like to live next to a weirdo who thinks he can become a woman just because he feels like one.

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

Fire the dinosaur ..and quick !

7 ( +14 / -7 )

“he would "not want to live next door" to an LGBT couple”

If that’s his personal choice and preference, it should be respected in a truly diverse and inclusive society. Every person has the right to live where they want to live. It’s regrettable that some of the reporters breached the trust and disclosed what the heard during the off-the record conversation.

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

"I apologize for having used expressions that may cause misunderstanding."

It's clear and nobody can misunderstand it.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

People are allowed to have opinions. Some may not agree with an opinion, but each are entitled to have one.

What to think freely is very different from what to say publicly for high-profile public figures. Besides, he shortly retracted his remark. What's really his opinion??

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Free speech is only ok for those against freedom of speech…

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

"Change the way society is" say's Arai. That's an incredibly good idea, but not in the context this ageing bureaucrat meant.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

"I apologize for having used expressions that may cause misunderstanding."

You should apologize instead for being an intolerant bigot. Then step down and retire, and sink into nothingness like the rest of the dinosaurs.

8 ( +18 / -10 )

Another reminder that Japan is perhaps the most reactionary society in the developed world.

The government perhaps. However, about 65% of the population support same-sex marriage.

Free speech is only ok for those against freedom of speech…

Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom from consequence. What's more, a public official practicing their "freedom" like this has real-life repercussions on other people's freedom to live happy fulfilling lives. Also, people who say this kind of narrow-minded stuff are often very quick to dismiss any criticism as "anti-Japanese".

9 ( +12 / -3 )

That's twenty years !

In 2003, Ontario and British Columbia became the first two provinces to legalize same-sex marriage. The federal Civil Marriage Act came into force on 20 July 2005, making same-sex marriage legal across Canada. Canada became the fourth country to permit same-sex marriages, after the Netherlands (2000), Belgium (2003) and Spain (2005).

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Good to see the "Free speech" crowd out posting against a man expressing his opinions.

He said he didn't like seeing them. Not that he wants to harm them in any way. I don't agree with him but I support his right to his views.

-11 ( +8 / -19 )

"We need to be extremely careful in considering the matter as it could affect the structure of family life in Japan,"

This is the same fear mongering as years ago in countries that already have same-sex marriage. A few members of society having rights doesn't affect others who want to live the same way.

it would "change the way society is"

I wish!

7 ( +10 / -3 )


Let's not confuse sexual orientation (LGB) with the dangerous homophobic and misogynist TQ cult here

Couldn't have said it better. I hate the alphabet soup "community" or acronym. Paint everyone with the same brush.

Like Same said above, sexual orientation and ideology are not the same.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Unless he lives in a bubble and never sees another human, I am 100% he has already had an LGBT couple as naeighbours.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Another cowardly Japanese politician!

-5 ( +5 / -10 )


Let's not confuse sexual orientation (LGB) with the dangerous homophobic and misogynist TQ cult here

Couldn't have said it better. I hate the alphabet soup "community" or acronym. Paint everyone with the same brush.

Like Same said above, sexual orientation and ideology are not the same.

Here are some more more Christian Right tips to fight transgender rights by marginalising TQ people. Hope this helps:


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

This is the same fear mongering as years ago in countries that already have same-sex marriage. A few members of society having rights doesn't affect others who want to live the same way.

If you are talking about Gay and Lesbians, then correct.

If you are talking about the rest in the "getting longer" acronym group, then it does or will.

I long campaigned way back is thev1980s for Gay and Lesbians rights.

The one thing we campaigned on was they cannot change, but they knew they were men loving men and women loving women, no debate on the men and women part.

Now we are told that people can "decided" later if they are male or female or something else?!?!

You look at other countries like Canada, you can now be charged for misgendering, lose your license to practice or work for "deadnaming", be fined for not using the "prefered pronoun.

John and Lisa: Lisa both use "them" they".

John and Lisa go to Disneyland they get on space mountain but they gets motion sickness so didn't......

They then go for lunch but they decided to skip eating...

Anyone figure out who did what?

A single person uses a heterosexual dating app, under the laws in many countries a woman or man is what you say you are.

The app by law will ban you if you state you want a biological woman or man. So surprised the "woman" you are on a date with didn't tell you " she" was equipped with the same tools below the belt as you are.

And it isn't just heterosexuals having this, I have a lesbian niece that went on a date only to find out the " woman" had the wrong piping not the kind of assets she as a lesbian is interested in.

But under the law asking is verboten.

The L and G community was making great progress until this 70+ gender and transgender pushed the envelope.

Ladies how will you feel seeing male genitalia in the "women's" locker room because the man "identifies" as female, or your little girl is at the "sento' on the women's side and a self identifying female with male genitalia walks in and starts to bathe with you and your daughter?

These are not what if in other countries, these are what is actually happening.

This was not what the original gay and lesbian pride was about, it has been hijacked by extremists.

-6 ( +14 / -20 )

Arai's stupid for making those remarks. Should be sacked.

But I do know how uncomfortable it can be to see two men kissing and tonguing each other in public. When I saw that in a movie theater in the row in front of me, I didn't really dig it. I'm hetero so seeing a man and a woman do that or two women doesn't bother me though. That's the truth.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )


excellent Post mate!!

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Peter NeilToday  07:58 am JST

It’s not “hate speech,” it’s an opinion.

People are allowed to have opinions. Some may not agree with an opinion, but each are entitled to have one.

How would your employer react to you expressing your unguarded opinions to customers, clients or the media while on the job?

5 ( +8 / -3 )


Excellent summation of the divide and conquer strategy!

Christian evangelical right group "Family Research Council" mapped out three non-negotiables in the fight against transgender people:

The first is to “divide and conquer. For all its recent success, the LGBT alliance is actually fragile and the trans activists need the gay rights movement to help legitimize them.” In other words, separate trans activists from the gay rights movement, and their agenda becomes much easier to oppose. As Kilgannon explained, “Trans and gender identity are a tough sell, so focus on gender identity to divide and conquer.” For many, “gender identity on its own is just a bridge too far. If we separate the T from the alphabet soup we’ll have more success.”

Kilgannon identified a wide coalition of potential allies outside the Christian Right who could confront trans friendly measures. Here’s her advice on how to draw them in:

Explain that gender identity rights only come at the expense of others: women, sexual assault survivors, female athletes forced to compete against men and boys, ethnic minorities who culturally value modesty, economically challenged children who face many barriers to educational success and don’t need another level of chaos in their lives, children with anxiety disorders and the list goes on and on and on.


-8 ( +2 / -10 )

How would your employer react to you expressing your unguarded opinions to customers, clients or the media while on the job?

I wouldn't care! I am not that thin skinned like more of today's bubble wrapped society.

If you are not careful you will end up also in trouble.

If you express your opinion.

A friend of my nephew said he wasn't attracted to large women in a private conversation in a restaurant at lunch time.

Someone overheard that, not a coworker or someone from his business, just another customer.

They followed him to his office then made a complaint.

He has to go for "re-education" (sensitivity training) was given a written warning.

Again a private conversation in his own time at lunch.

He appealed to the labour board and they upheld the company's "disciplinary action".

Welcome to 1984 and big brother coming soon to a country you live in.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Masayoshi Arai, executive secretay to the PM says, "I feel sorry for causing any issues for the PM for he does not think like this. It is not a service for posts like mine to be saying things like this."

So, Mr Masayoshi Arai, why are you saying things like this?

You, Mr Arai also said that you would hate to see the LGBT couple.

Mr Masayoshi Arai, you will feel much much relief when you banish hate from your soul.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

of course, not everyone who isn't conventionally-inclined sexuality-wise and/or self-expression-wise is part of, nor ascribes to, the LGBTQ and etc movement..... nor are (for example) all men who favour wearing women's clothes professing to be women, so better not to tar everyone with the same brush. unfortunately, all the stuff spewed out by the Meeja machine tends to bring out the polarization-imperative so prevalent in humans.

I recently had someone ask me, on the street, "what pronouns do you use?" whatttt?

I said "you can address me as you".

he then asked me "what do you identify as?"

"me! no more no less".

not everyone jumps on the rainbow bandwagon!

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Today 10:49 am JST


> Excellent summation of the divide and conquer strategy!

> Christian evangelical right group "Family Research Council" mapped out three non-negotiables in the fight against transgender people:

You do realise this is Japan a non Christian country and the man in question is most likely buddhist/Shinto?

So drop the religion stuff and use common sense.

As a man I am not interested in a woman with a penis, but in today's society I am told this is not acceptable thinking.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )


But I do know how uncomfortable it can be to see two men kissing and tonguing each other in public. When I saw that in a movie theater in the row in front of me, I didn't really dig it. I'm hetero so seeing a man and a woman do that or two women doesn't bother me though. That's the truth.

Reminds me of the immortal line in Jimi Hendrix's proto-metal classic:



-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Again this isn't a Christian country why are you harping in about Christian evangelist!?

Because you are regurgitating right wing Christian evangelist talking points.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

I wouldn't want to live next door to a reactionary bigot like Masayoshi Arai.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Simon FostonToday  10:38 am JST

Peter Neil

How would your employer react to you expressing your unguarded opinions to customers, clients or the media while on the job?

I am an employer, not an employee. People don’t randomly throw out political, religious or cultural opinions on the job.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Tim Sullivan

Today 11:21 am JST

I wouldn't want to live next door to a reactionary bigot like Masayoshi Arai

You probably wouldn't say a thing and probably would like it.

It is highly likely he lives in a well to do neighbourhood most of us cannot afford or even be let into and if you or any of the rest complaining actually did get in and accepted, you would keep quiet to maintain the privilege.

This is just simple human nature.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

There are 13 countries in the world with the death penalty for gays. Many of these countries are western allies....

Yet, not a whisper....

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Oh look, another homophobic, close-minded bigot in a position of power. How...unsurprising. And people wonder why the world is on fire.

Japan remains the only Group of Seven country that does not recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions*

Such remarks about Japan is brought up time and time again when it comes to issues regarding society. For a country with such a "saving face" mentality, does this really not bother them that they continue to fail and drag behind their international peers?

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

*Japan remains the only Group of Seven country that does not recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions**

Such remarks about Japan is brought up time and time again when it comes to issues regarding society. For a country with such a "saving face" mentality, does this really not bother them that they continue to fail and drag behind their international peers?

That's actually a good point.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Peter NeilToday  11:23 am JST

Simon FostonToday  10:38 am JST

Peter Neil

How would your employer react to you expressing your unguarded opinions to customers, clients or the media while on the job?

I am an employer, not an employee.

That's nice for you.

People don’t randomly throw out political, religious or cultural opinions on the job.

This Arai person clearly did, he was at the Prime Minister's residence. How would you react if it was one of your employees, then? You would let it pass?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Bigots united laying their moral codes on all others. Same-sex marriages are only ever a small minority of people. Some countries allow same-sex marriage while others only allow civil unions. Many countries make homosexuality a crime by death.

The movement has come a long since the protest movements from the 1960s & 1970s but the road is still long for many traveling it.

Unless Gay couples are married they do not have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. Not even being at the side of the deathbed of a partner in the hospital. No right to inherit property.

Sames-sex marriages cause no harm to anyone. They improve society not harm it.

Those quoting from the Bible should equally remember the many writings on a wide range of activities it contains. Personally, I drop the Bible quicker than a hot potato.

I don't have a problem if people want to change their gender. Physical problems such as toilets are easy to overcome. Personally, due to health, I need to use disabled toilets which are gender-neutral.

Free speech and opinions but if people are public figures then they also need to be guarded when expressing them in public unless they are not concerned about the throwbacks.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

We forget that while Europe was in the middle of the dark ages burning witches, Asia and the middle east were far more enlightened

Who’s forgetting that?

Your use of past tense indicates that you think they are not as ‘enlightened’ now.

Would you say that Western Europe, North America etc. are generally more ‘enlightened’ on the issue of LGBT rights in the 21st century?

I’d say generally yes.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Would you say that Western Europe, North America etc. are generally more ‘enlightened’ on the issue of LGBT rights in the 21st century?

> I’d say generally yes.

No I would say they are going the wrong direction.

I again point out I have no problem with gay and lesbian including marriage.

The rest of the alphabet group is the problem and not just for me but for Gay and Lesbians and women in general.

Look at JK Rowling, look at the craziness going on because she rightfully will not let biological males in to her privately funded women's shelter for physically and sexually abused WOMEN.

Think about that, a woman is raped she is in a shelter, no men allowed she feels safe suddenly their is a penis equipped person in her room.

But this community doesn't care about the raped or physically abused woman all they care about is that their T person gets to do what they want.

Where is the logic?

Please drop the " they are women they aren't a threat"


The results of the full scale experiment

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Same-sex marriages cause no harm to anyone. 

100% agree, I don't agree with their lifestyle choices but all power to them if that is what they want.

As for that friend of a nephew, something tells me that there was more to that story and not as light as he would like us to believe.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Good news! Today's NHK noon news announced that Kishida is thinking about getting rid of the guy.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I have no problems with the whole A to Z. I have a transgender nephew in the US.

Some people have a problem with the alphabet soup.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I don't suppose anyone is particularly offended. Quite the contrary in fact. Just a feeling of predictable familiarity. The dull drone of the joyless.

How claustrophobically narrow and devoid of colour must your worldview be on this beautiful, fascinating planet that the sight of a couple provokes such a reaction ?

The progress we have made as sentient beings in the last few generations must confuse him so much. Women pilots or sushi chefs, gay prime ministers, paternity leave. He must really fret while his wife irons his socks

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Unification Church what is militaristic and also anti-LGBTQ has deep relation with LDP for decades, they are sending many believers into government and ruling party as politician or aide, and seem to have powerful influence.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

But this community doesn't care about the raped or physically abused woman all they care about is that their T person gets to do what they want.

What does any of this have to do with Arai's comments about not wanting to live next to LGBT people? Have reservations about who to let into a shelter for abused women is one thing, it's an entirely different kettle of fish to say you don't want to live next door to a LGBT person. Frankly, I have no idea what possible harm living next door to such people would do.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

There are 13 countries in the world with the death penalty for gays. Many of these countries are western allies....

Yet, not a whisper....

Not a whisper? Not here because this is an article about Japan.

If you think people don’t complain about gay rights in other countries you need your ears and eyes checked.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Do you expect any less from a governing body that is lined with blue bloods that have been running the country since the end of the 19th century? The majority of people anywhere in their 70s, 80s and 90s would be of the same opinion. And since these "senior citizens" are the people calling the political shots here, to expect anything less is unrealistic. This country needs new young bloods to take the reins and usher this country in to the 21st century. But alas...


2 ( +5 / -3 )

I don't buy that someone is born feeling like another race. If you can bring me someone, and show me they really feel that way, I'll be open to discussion.

I do buy that some people are born feeling like they are the wrong gender.

We all have some of each gender in us, no one is 100% male or 100% female. But unlike gender, which is a scale between two points, race is an arbitrary marker within the differences of humanity.

So the argument against transgenderism of 'but I could be trans-racial' doesn't really fly with me. It's just a whaddaboutism by low-intelligence angry people who don't want to discuss the issue because they lack the intellect to actually debate it without resorting to argument ad absurdum.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Is the word "couple" appropriate if we're talking about people who identify as non-binary and/or two-spirit?

> > oh please, please tell me that was tongue in cheek?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I don't buy that someone is born feeling like another race. If you can bring me someone, and show me they really feel that way, I'll be open to discussion.

> I do buy that some people are born feeling like they are the wrong gender.

You mean like Chloe Cole?

I suggest you go look at her yes HER case.

12 years old the doctors suggested "transition therapy" 15 years old breast removal.

In the end she is a disfigured young woman.

80% of children with "gender dysphoria" will correct themselves by adulthood if left alone and most will realize they are homosexual.

But we can't have that it wouldn't make for good drag queen story time.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

I’d say generally yes

No I would say they are going the wrong direction.

I again point out I have no problem with gay and lesbian including marriage.

The rest of the alphabet group is the problem and not just for me but for Gay and Lesbians and women in general.

Look at JK Rowling, look at the craziness going on because she rightfully will not let biological males in to her privately funded women's shelter for physically and sexually abused WOMEN.

Think about that, a woman is raped she is in a shelter, no men allowed she feels safe suddenly their is a penis equipped person in her room.

But this community doesn't care about the raped or physically abused woman all they care about is that their T person gets to do what they want.

Where is the logic?

Please drop the " they are women they aren't a threat"

I’d still say generally yes.

There are excesses and points of contention, but overall I still prefer societies which don’t discriminate against these people and in some cases imprison or even execute them.

I’d be very suspicious of people who prefer the discriminatory approach and I see people who support imprisonment or execution as very sick.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

So the argument against transgenderism of 'but I could be trans-racial' doesn't really fly with me. It's just a whaddaboutism by low-intelligence angry people who don't want to discuss the issue because they lack the intellect to actually debate it without resorting to argument ad absurdum.

Spot on. It's a way to move the focus away from the actual issue. I've learnt to never play defence on issues made up by the opponent. Them forcing you to do that means they're not arguing in good faith.

Also, Kishida's aida has moved the conversation from "LGBT couples don't deserve official recognition" (as Kishida suggested yesterday) to saying he "hates to see them". Both are displays of bigotry, but at quite different levels. The latter wouldn't fly with most people as just an "opinion" in a private, informal setting, let alone if it's a person with influence on policy makers.

Anyway, I'm actually happy for these gaffes. Wishful thinking, but if they keep making "mistakes" like this, enough people might choose not to re-elect them. Public opinion is already clear on these issues, support for LGBT+ rights can only keep rising, and no matter what "conservative" politicians do, these out-to-touch old, rich dudes can't stop the time.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I ain't homeopathic or anything, but it's his opinion. People may call him a bigot, but many would call them bigots because of their vitriolic attacks on, and intolerance of, conservatives.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I posted at


Today 02:01 pm JST

Amazing how do many are worried about the Transgender or upsetting the LGBTQIA.

But mention a serious problem like that of Chloe Cole a child convinced by so-called experts to stop her puberty cut of her breasts and total silence.

But the LGBTQIA community that complains so much about discrimination and bullying, has no problem going after her, no problem about going after rape and abused women only trying to get their lives together again in a safe environment without men as with JK Rowling centres offer.

Before the slue of down votes try looking up the Chloe Cole story and remember she was 15 at the time of doctor recommended mutilation of her body, and look up the women's shelters and ask if you were raped or beaten by a man would you like you roommate to have male genitals?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

People may call him a bigot

Would you?

attacks on, and intolerance of, conservatives

Many conservatives have no problem with what upsets and disgusts Arai. Many conservatives are LGBT.

You are muddying the waters here.

Let’s keep it to particular beliefs, eh?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Before the slue of down votes try looking up the Chloe Cole story and remember she was 15 at the time of doctor recommended mutilation of her body,

One instance of someone transitioning means nothing. There are millions who have transitioned, and have no interest in detransitioning.

and look up the women's shelters and ask if you were raped or beaten by a man would you like you roommate to have male genitals?

What does this have to do with Arai saying he doesn't want LGBT neighbors, and would hate to even seen LGBT couples? Your comparision here isn't even remotely analogous.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

One instance of someone transitioning means nothing. There are millions who have transitioned, and have no interest in detransitioning.

You avoided as usual.

Those supposed millions ( I would like to see facts on that) have been adults.

Now they are targeting children and using lies.

Not just that they are moving to laws even questioning if the child knows what they are says about it even taking away parental rights.

This is what the non L&G part of this group are pushing and will push here also.

Did you at 12 know what you wanted in life, were you mature enough to make life decisions at 12?

Think hard.

You dismiss her and old rag, they attack her then complain about being victims.

The soon the L and G distance themselves from the rest the better and more accepted the L&G community will be.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

You avoided as usual.

Mate, you wave around one example as if it makes a coherent case. It doesn't. This is a textbook logical fallacy.

Pointing to one example of someone detransitioning as delegitimizing all transgender folks is the functional equivalent of saying all men are rapists, because one man committed rape. This isn't a valid argument.

Now they are targeting children and using lies.

No one is targeting children. This is reactionary nonsense, not unlike the discourse we've seen previously with gay marriage.

Do you think what Arai said about hating to see LGBT couples is troubling? I certainly do.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Do you think what Arai said about hating to see LGBT couples is troubling? I certainly do

You want an honest answer.

Then yes and no!

I think yes if referring to gay and lesbian couples.

I think no for the rest!

Pride parades once showed loving couples with family, children etc...

Not they are strange things that under most circumstances would get many arrested.

Sex toys, inappropriate non clothing, etc...

This undermined the original message that it was about love not sex.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Transphobic is just the same as homophobic. Restricting the lives of others to one that they agree with.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Let's not forget the vice minister's feelings regarding the alphabet people,


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Then yes and no!

Thanks for sharing. I think what Arai said regarding LGBT people was incredibly bigoted, and it's pretty disappointing that someone who is supposedly progressive harbors the same sort of sentiments.

The rest of what you have written is just reactionary talking points. The things you're saying about transpeople now, are the same things that were said about gays and lesbians before. Gay marriage didn't ruin society, and achknowledging LGBT people won't either.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Transphobic is just the same as homophobic. Restricting the lives of others to one that they agree with.

Not even close!

No gay man will show up on a date claiming to be a woman.

If my son goes on a date expecting a woman no gay guy will show up,

But under the present company view a woman with a penis could and under the western media and government view, that "woman" isn't required to declare their little surprise between their legs.

I would say that is quite a difference.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Lord DartmouthToday  03:02 pm JST

I ain't homeopathic or anything, but it's his opinion.

Indeed, and there are situations when it's sensible to keep your opinions to yourself.

...but many would call them bigots because of their vitriolic attacks on, and intolerance of, conservatives.

Would they really. It never seems to happen though.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Why apologized? He is entitled to his opinion.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

But under the present company view a woman with a penis could and under the western media and government view, that "woman" isn't required to declare their little surprise between their legs.

I'm sorry, what? There's no law that says you have to tell your partner you're trans.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

But under the present company view a woman with a penis could and under the western media and government view, that "woman" isn't required to declare their little surprise between their legs.

I'm sorry, what? There's no law that says you have to tell your partner you're transgender, and to the best of my knowledge, no such law has ever existed.

This is of course something you should share with someone you are in a committed relationship, but I don't there should be a law about this.

Likewise, I don't think the minute chance that your son might be in an uncomfortable situation if he finds out his date is transgender, in any way justifies discriminating against transpeople.

And by the way to extent that transpeople don't share this bit of information with others, I'd say it's largely a function of the rampant discrimination against them. Look up trans panic. In some jurisdictions, it's a legally acceptable defense for homicide.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

65% of the people involved in thier survey only.

I thought it was common knowledge that such numbers are based on surveys and not on asking all the population. My bad.

Pointing out that 126 million people haven't been asked this question isn't the gotcha some might believe it is though as it's obvious to anyone who understands anything about how such numbers are obtained.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

hattorikunToday  04:40 pm JST

Why apologized? He is entitled to his opinion.

Why let him off? If someone who worked in a supermarket did the same thing they'd be in serious trouble. Why hold senior politicians and bureaucrats to a lower standard than anyone else?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Director-General, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Masayoshi Arai.


It is quite correct that Masayoshi Arai was summarily fired.

The question still remains that Masayoshi Arai bigotry, prejudice, intolerance towards the LGBT community voiced openly stating "not want to live next door, hate even to see them." brings into question his deep seated prejudice and the toxic nature of influencing such discriminatory views into his current role as Director-General of the Commerce and Information Policy Bureau at Japan’s Ministry of Economy.

By his own actions his role is untenable.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And where is the problem here? All involved have their rights kept, haven’t they? Those couples are still together, the guy could say his opinion freely and the Prime minister can keep or fire him now at will because he is in the elected position to do so. No problem for anyone here,

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

There are many transsexual enjoying loving physical relationships.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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