AnonAussie comments

Posted in: Police advised to rethink motive and opportunity in unsolved Setagaya family murder case See in context


I just finished listening to your podcast over a period of two days to and from work. As each theory was covered I kept having the following thoughts repeat in my head about the case. Some of these may be repats of points raised but these are the thoughts I had.

1) The killer was young and/or this was there first criminal offence of any kind. They left a mountain of clues & evidence at the scene. If it wasn't due to incompetence, it was due to the fact they WANTED to be caught? Hence the reason for possibly* remaining at the scene for a while.

2) The killer was a foreigner.

3) The motive was indeed cold blooded opportunistic murder and NOT a burglary. A burglar would have immediately fled the scene and also taken as many valuable items as possible.

4) How much can we trust what the police have said about the use of the suspects DNA? Do we even know if they routinely check the profile against the database as other criminals get added to it. Is the system setup in such a way it will automatically generate a hit if a matching profile is added?

5) Why was there 0 CCTV footage anywhere mentioned? Was there simply no cameras?

6) If the suspect did not enter through the bathroom window , how did they enter the home and where any other entry points determined as being possible?

It just seems to me there is so many unanswered questions and/or facts I don't yet understand. Despite the fact there is a massive amount of evidence, it is still unclear to what end this evidence was used.

There was also one final perplexing point, you often mentioned the case as being one of constant contradiction, where one piece of evidence disproves another. A wild thought I had is the killer intently left random items at the home to miss-direct the police (throw them off the sent). This however doesn't explain the lack of gloves (fingerprints being left) . Why would you enter a home without gloves if you didn't want too be caught. The most boring explanation is this is a completely random opportunistic killer who had no idea what they were doing.

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