
Are you a mosquito magnet? It could be your smell


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There’s a lot of folklore about who gets bitten more but many claims aren’t backed up with strong evidence, said Vosshall.

In some locations of SE Asia people believe that taking some things that can change your body odor (like vitamin B supplements) can help people that get bitten a lot, apparently this may have some actual basis on reality.

The study proved this point: Researchers also did the experiment with mosquitoes whose genes were edited to damage their sense of smell. The bugs still flocked to the same mosquito magnets.

That report was also quite interesting, unlike vertebrates with the well defined pathways to detect and interpret odor it seems that mosquitoes have several redundant systems focused all in the same thing, so destroying one or two as in the experiment is still insufficient to change their predatory behavior, just a hint at how specialized the bugs are at finding their victims.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Add Vit B-1 to your diet and use DEET cream on you exposed skin to keep them winged vampires away!!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I use sprays but when out gardening the Ka still bite.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

My smell? Nonsence! Mosquitos know the danger of light or white clothing because they are clearly spotted and smacked out of existence. So wear white or light clothing.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I hope they find a spray that's more effective at neutralizing them and most importantly killing their eggs so they can't reproduce.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The researchers found that people who are most attractive to mosquitoes produce a lot of certain chemicals on their skin that are tied to smell.

Interesting conclusion.

At the same time, hope people don't get caught up in the myth that vitamin b supplementation keeps mosquitoes away because there is:

no effect of vitamin B supplementation.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

At the same time, hope people don't get caught up in the myth that vitamin b supplementation keeps mosquitoes away because there is:

no effect of vitamin B supplementation.

Again, as written in the comment the beliefs that things that modify the body smell are the ones that may have some basis in reality, the vitaming B example is just one easy to recognize example of things originate the beliefs, not the specific example that would prove it.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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