
Can movie theaters save Netflix? 'Door is open,' says trade group boss


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Netflix made more money than Exxon over the past few years. I doubt the need any kind of saving.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I had already left the movie going experience prior to COVID due to noise and unruly patrons, I can't see myself ever going back

7 ( +8 / -1 )

but I think most people have gotten used to and invested in home entertainment. The 11 dollar popcorn option was not appealing either.

Agree 100%

I had already left the movie going experience prior to COVID due to noise and unruly patrons, I can't see myself ever going back


Invest in a big screen and surround sound system and who needs theaters?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Different people have different expectations about how to enjoy a movie, for some the experience of going to a theater is irreplaceable, for others just an unnecessary trouble that they have to undergo just to be able to see something they like as soon as possible.

It would be best if both options were open, I think some people would be very happy paying to see a good film on a theater even if avalable soon by streaming services, and other people would be willing to pay more than a ticket to enjoy a film on the privacy of their houses at the same time as it is open in theaters.

The problem of course is to make economic sense of this so all participants profit (economically or otherwise).

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I had already left the movie going experience prior to COVID due to noise and unruly patrons, I can't see myself ever going back

I’ve noticed a completely different experience in Japan to back home. Back home, people have always tried to ruin it. Cellphones are the worst, but even before cellphones there were kids with laser pointers or somebody giving a running commentary of the on screen action. In Japan there is none of that, at least in my experience. It’s almost TOO quiet.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Netflix is toast.......I never thought I would say this but network tv in the states is much better now.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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