
China's exit bans multiply as political control tightens under Xi

By James Pomfret and Angel Woo

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I wish all these CCP supporters here would go visit.

22 ( +23 / -1 )

"We walk backwards, say nothing

"Our visions of China

"We're young and strong in this party

"We're building our visions of China"

Visions of China

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Just freedom with Chinese characteristics.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

That security camera makes Mao look like a pirate.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Cost of doing business THERE going UP UP UP!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The quicker international businesses relocate their operations to a more amenable and safer location the better.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I wish all these CCP supporters here would go visit.

The CCP pays people inside China to post to anywhere that allows posting outside China. There's a CCP Posting training manual that has a translation available on the internet. Also, remember that according to the Chinese Constitution, it is the duty of every Chinese Citizen to do what they can to negate anything that makes CCP members or China look bad, weak, negative, without honor.

Article 54 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China shall have the obligation to safeguard the security, honor and interests of the motherland; they must not behave in any way that endangers the motherland’s security, honor or interests.

Article 55 It is the sacred duty of every citizen of the People’s Republic of China to defend the motherland and resist aggression.

In the minds of the CCP, "honor of the motherland" is the same as honor of the CCP.

There are proven posters on social media sites that are inside Chinese jails just there to up-like posts the CCP approves and down-like anything negative. China is wealthy in people, so getting 1M in jail to click "like" isn't hard, especially if it is outside the country and will reduce their sentence in a Chinese prison.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Xie genie, let yourself go! And I was thinking to myself this could be Heaven or this could be Hell. Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place). Wake you up in the middle of the night, just to hear them say, what a nice surprise, bring your alibis.

"We are all just prisoners here, of our own device". Last thing I remember, I was running for the door, I had to find the passage back to the place I was before. “You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!"

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This is a biased report without the understanding of "Chinese Justice".If those people have money to fled away, why they don't have money to pay back the debts and wages they owed and obligatory to pay or return? Nothing of these ban was political but pure money dispute, some people transferred their wealth to overseas leaving the people who were rightful to get pay in behind and unpaid forever. Those people being banned to leave were criminals, they deserved to be arrested!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Ossan,if I went to China,and they detained me,I would raise so much hell,they would call Biden personally to come and get me

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

@Yrral If you went to China and raised hell they would not call Biden they would say its best and cheapest to use a bullet!

Ossan,if I went to China,and they detained me,I would raise so much hell,they would call Biden personally to come and get me

8 ( +9 / -1 )

This is a biased report without the understanding of "Chinese Justice".If those people have money to fled away, why they don't have money to pay back the debts and wages they owed and obligatory to pay or return? Nothing of these ban was political but pure money dispute, some people transferred their wealth to overseas leaving the people who were rightful to get pay in behind and unpaid forever. Those people being banned to leave were criminals, they deserved to be arrested!

Most of the CCP deserves to be arrested but it never happens because they control the hired goons to make sure nobody investigates them.

9 ( +9 / -0 )


Kaim,the different from you and me,I am a man,I have never ran from fight,like you have not had the gut to fight for anything

So you are saying that things are worth fighting for and that you have disdain for not having the guts to fight for something.

Yet you criticise Ukraine for fight for their survival.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Ossan,if I went to China,and they detained me,I would raise so much hell,they would call Biden personally to come and get me

Solitary confinement, light on continuously, camera watching everything you do, and guards who are quite accustomed to hearing prisoners scream. Make too much noise and they play horrible "music" at ear splitting volumes ........... for hours and hours.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Ossan,if I went to China,and they detained me,I would raise so much hell,they would call Biden personally to come and get me

Or the other tactic is to tell you to leave the airport and get lost. Now you are on your own in a foreign land with no right to work, no money (your credit or debit card won't work in Chinese ATMs, been there done that) and most merchants won't take a foreign credit card either. Now what? Wander the streets of a big Chinese city and beg.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Scores of Chinese and foreigners have been ensnared by exit bans,

And for those Chines already out of China, The CCP are reported to have established detention centers in foreign countries where individuals can be detained and investigated.The anti-west followers still claim China/Russia/Iran/North Korea systems are preferable to western democracies. As flawed as democracies might be, they still seem better to me by far than authoritarian systems.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

What kind of a country forbids people from leaving it? Kind of jilted ex-lover vibes here.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Ossan,if I went to China,and they detained me,I would raise so much hell,they would call Biden personally to come and get me

of course they would. I’m sure they’ve never dealt with a hell raiser like you before…

5 ( +6 / -1 )

if I went to China,and they detained me,I would raise so much hell,they would call Biden

You would just make your self a candidate for live organ harvesting. So sorry he caught fever and died, remains cremated to stop spread of disease.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It is common to take passports for people who are considered a "flight risk" around the world. It happens in the USA too - for criminals out on bail. But most people with "ties to the community" don't have that restriction.

I suspect the super wealthy would always be a flight risk, regardless of the country, so collecting their passport would make sense.

I was a bit surprised when Ex-Trump was allowed to travel overseas while he's under criminal investigation in the USA. For average people, even leaving their home state wouldn't be allowed.

Exit bans in China seem to be a completely different thing than for people seeking asylum elsewhere. If they really are wealthy criminals, I'd agree, but why would a student be blocked from returning to overseas schools if it wasn't 100% political? That makes no sense. Chinese authorities have been recorded hassling families in China of people overseas who they can't reach, threatening jail for their parents back in China. There are lots of videos of Chinese police having parents make social media calls to their kids in college overseas, especially for students in Australia, Canada, Europe and the US. Even when the kid says some social media account isn't theirs, the Chinese police get nasty, insisting that it is.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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