
Li Qiang, Xi confidant, takes reins as China's premier

By Yew Lun Tian, Laurie Chen and Joe Cash

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He is the safe choice, the other two are too strong and maybe a threat to Xi Jingping.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Rodney @ 1.01pm

Agreed- he is surrounding himself with "yes men"

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Like they really have a choice.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

He'd better watch himself during what will be a very long transition - Xi is likely to do a Mao and hold onto power to death. Any untoward eagerness to seize real power could cause his "disappearance."

4 ( +4 / -0 )

EASY FOR CHINA to lead when their ONLY adversary is pursuing HIGHLY risky proxy war against a nuclear power putting entire planet at grave risk/WWIII.

Much of the world, including almost entire southern hemisphere, Africa, Middle East, etc. looking for a viable alternative to the US led NATO war machine. They know war all too well and it's not a China problem.

Also looking for a viable alternative to an ESG war on traditional energy, more balanced measured approach

China's immediate neighbors, maybe not so much so excitement about multi polar/China leadership!

Seems China's getting a Covid-19 'get out of jail' free card due to this "WWIII policy agenda" being pursued by the Exiled Oligarchs running 1600 and NATO!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

EASY FOR CHINA to lead when their ONLY adversary is pursuing HIGHLY risky proxy war against a nuclear power putting entire planet at grave risk/WWIII.

Russia is their only adversary? Here is a pro-tip for you: the war with China will be fought in the sea and air. Not much need for the stuff the US is giving to Ukraine.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

China's getting a real second shot to lead globally, expect the Taiwan issue to largely go away.

Clear leadership by China, as demonstrated just today with the Saudia Arabia Iran reconciliation is the BEST way for China to destroy the credibility of the US led NATO proxy war machine intent on setting off WWIII, not to mention high energy and food inflation globally.

People globally in MOST countries want solutions so they can afford to eat with the lights on and not have to worry about perpetual war at their doorstep.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

China's getting a real second shot to lead globally, expect the Taiwan issue to largely go away.

Umm NO! China is not a global leader now, and will not be in the future while the CCP remains embedded as the government of China. They are not trusted by most of the world, nor should they be.

Clear leadership by China, as demonstrated just today with the Saudia Arabia Iran reconciliation is the BEST way for China to destroy the credibility of the US led NATO proxy war machine intent on setting off WWIII,

This is not the first time Iran and Saudi Arabia have had diplomatic relations. Their philosophies are opposed and that wont be fixed by "Chinese diplomacy".

As for who wants WWIII, China is working hard towards that, with unending military buildup that outpaces everyone else on the planet. NATO is a defensive organization and the invasion begun by Russia for the purpose of expanding its borders at the expense of a sovereign nation can be ended tomorrow by Russia, while the US has no power to stop the war because "it is not a participant"!

People globally in MOST countries want solutions so they can afford to eat with the lights on and not have to worry about perpetual war at their doorstep.

Agreed. But MOST people are not prepared to give up their freedoms to dictators to achieve a false peace, and appeasement is not the way to achieve peace.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Moral of the story:

Don't pizz off the guy you're slated to take over (Premier to vice president, vice president to president). You may lose all the hard work and promotion to the big job and be forced to retire. Be a yes man until you get the big gig (president).

Seriously, though, with this system, it encourages yes men.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

But MOST people are not prepared to give up their freedoms to dictators to achieve a false peace, and appeasement is not the way to achieve peace.

Communism is the opposite of dictatorship, and the community is supposed to be above everything. The problem here are dictators posing as communists, or dictators posing as democrats. The session was even held in the "Great Hall of the People". If the government places itself above the people, it is breaking the rules of the communist system in China.

Current political systems are outdated. With modern technology it is possible for each person in for example a democracy to participate in decision making. The need for politicians does no longer exist. Now, if the "people" of China were able to request outside help from let's say US, the US could step in. But there is no way for the people of China or the people of Russia to express their voices.

That is what we need. The people in any nation should be able to transmit their voices, and not be censored by corrupt politicians that do not serve their people. This is what the world should focus on, not trivialities like Chinese balloons or what have you.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Good start for Li with the successful Saudi-Iran peace initiative at the background.

Good omen.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The people in any nation should be able to transmit their voices, and not be censored by corrupt politicians that do not serve their people. This is what the world should focus on, not trivialities like Chinese balloons or what have you.

This indeed would be ideal, but question remains, should we trust people's 'consensus' view/idea/etc. or their designated leadership that presumably has a fiduciary agenda to pursue their long-term 'interests'. After all, outcomes/results matter.

Taking a step back, seems clear looking at performance of corporations, 'consensus'/democracy models come up WELL short with slower less optimal decisions while Corps with few great/ethical/committed 'managers' leveraging data and tech, even old legacy orgs like Berkshire Hathaway, outperform.

Conclusion? Political leadership will continue to dominate policy matters, question's only true character of such leadership, ethical and fiduciary or something far more nefarious?

Almost nobody question's Mr. Buffets character, hardly same can be said for most running other such Corps. Political leadership's no different, time in service matters, leaders standing test of time on average must be doing something right for their constituents, no matter what outsiders/adversaries/etc. might say.

This would apply equally to President Xi. Clearly, he's earned confidence of his party and citizens, who FAR prefer his proven values and decision-making to some watered down 'consensus'.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I think China will back on track very soon in recovery from the COVID havoc and will be a very energetic business machine. China is not Japan that will be in stagnation for 30 years. I admit China has bearucrazy but not as severe as Japan and India. We talk less but work around the clock.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

China's getting a real second shot to lead globally, expect the Taiwan issue to largely go away.

The PRC could have made the Taiwan issue go away 30 years ago just by not militarizing. Unless you think it is going to "go away" by invasion, in which case you need to think about how damaging WW3 will be for China.

People globally in MOST countries want solutions so they can afford to eat with the lights on and not have to worry about perpetual war at their doorstep.

Imagine how much that energy and food would cost with it all being controlled by Terrorist Russia.

This would apply equally to President Xi. Clearly, he's earned confidence of his party and citizens, who FAR prefer his proven values and decision-making to some watered down 'consensus'.

Xi never won an election in his life. He is operating based on something far worse than consensus: he is operating based on the model of dictatorship.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

China made big changing in the last 34 years, from a third world country who received aid from the west to be world no.2 economy. Achievements were well recognised by every country no matter they like or hate China.

Japan being stagnation in the last 34 years, fallen to no.3. Shinzo Abe has vowed to help the nation back on track, ten years has gone and he has gone already, Japan is still stuck in idle and there seems no way out of the tunnel.

Because the ruling party of China put the nation: "China" first. The Japanese ruling party put their own faction first and of course their master (US) first. What does the most urgent duty for every Japanese PM ? Is touring around the country and speaking loudly through microphone backing the LDP local candidates in the coming elections. Other duties? Yes, forming coalitions to gather enough people to beat rivalry in the internal contest of the LDP. They seems busy working for their own party rather than spending time to solve the crisis or problems the nation is having.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Because the ruling party of China put the nation: "China" first. 

The CCP has never put "China" first. They have and always have put the CCP power and control before the country and the people of China. I dream of a day when China would be free and prosperous under the true control and decisions made by the people, instead of the select CCP elitist regime.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It’s time for the press to stop using the word communist and start referring to Xi as what he is, a dictator. No better than all the other leaders called dictators.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He strikes as a guy who understands complexity and doesn't care what others think of him, he simply makes the right call for the situation, even if it's completely different from what was the right call for what seems to have been the same situation shortly before.

I'm betting calling China the 'second largest economy' because the metrics have been designed to be a good match for America's economics won't be possible for much longer, because he'll make sure it grows to the point such gaming of the system doesn't matter.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Peter14,if you do not have any choice,and is not willing to put your life on the line,100 of thousands of Chinese citizens,live in the US ,lots of them are not voicing their opposition to China undemocratic rule , American see this as them , satisfied with the status quo in China

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Xi: I nominate Li Qiang. Are there any objections? Of course not! That’s the wonderful thing about a dictatorship!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I'm betting calling China the 'second largest economy' because the metrics have been designed to be a good match for America's economics won't be possible for much longer, because he'll make sure it grows to the point such gaming of the system doesn't matter.

It's pretty meaningless being no. 1 when you also have a population 4-5 times that of the US. The real fact that can't be disguised is that the 1 child policy and zero immigration means there will be a huge drain on China in the future that the US won't have.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

100 of thousands of Chinese citizens,live in the US ,lots of them are not voicing their opposition to China undemocratic rule , American see this as them , satisfied with the status quo in China

Wrong, again! Chinese who move to live in the US and elsewhere do not speak up out of fear, not out of "satisfaction". China operates clandestine police stations in all nations with large Chinese diaspora and threatens family at home in China to get cooperation or silence.

Only those who disregard their family in China, or those whose close family is already out of China, speak out against the CCP regime.

If America sees them as satisfied with the status Quo then America has been bluffed again. I think most Americans may be smarter than that. Although at least one is not.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Surrounding himself with "yes" men will not make Xi a better leader. On the contrary, he is descending into a downward spiral, making worse and worse decisions.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

BIG problem in world's this constant interference by outside actors in internal affairs of other countries. Xi's probably not 'our cup of tea' in Japan/most places.

So rather than meddle, countries can coordinate and create effective mechanisms to push back on bad behavior. Consumers and companies can also vote with their purchasing power and underlying activities.

Great example would be much of world's newly found aversion to Chinese technology given what we know took place regarding Covid-19. Make bad behavior EXPENSIVE.

It also helps to have a big stick handy just in case but in general efforts to promote and ensure transparency will be most fruitful. Trust but verify goes without saying.

It's also easy to see why so many out there are not impressed with the US led NATO war machine and military industrial complex that massively outspends China, especially given the operational costs of all these wars. Just look at Afghanistan, what a case in point of unmitigated TRAGIC failure.

Xi's smart, many out there want to 'diversify' and never more so than NOW given this US led exiled Oligarch inspired proxy war that their conducting against Russia., fueling inflation, asset deflation, energy and food security problems and this small matter of WWIII officially getting underway!


0 ( +1 / -1 )

BIG problem in world's this constant interference by outside actors in internal affairs of other countries.

So China will be abandon enforcing its nine-dash line and will never send weapons to Ukraine, right? Uh huh.

It's also easy to see why so many out there are not impressed with the US led NATO war machine and military industrial complex that massively outspends China, especially given the operational costs of all these wars. Just look at Afghanistan, what a case in point of unmitigated TRAGIC failure.

I guarantee you it isn't as humiliating or costly as Russia's war on Ukraine, but thanks for your concern.


Yeah, it is called the Chinese people welded shut in their own homes.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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