
China sends 71 warplanes, 7 ships toward Taiwan in 24 hours


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what do china gain by show off the planes and ships?

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

China once again interfering in Taiwan's business. The warmongering China continues to exhibit does nothing but show China's true colors to the world. It is not to be trusted, it is hostile and it harbors dreams of hegemony for itself.

Remove investments from China, seek other nations to do business with and create alliances to limit Chinese military ambitions to create a China centric empire.

7 ( +19 / -12 )

Did they stand in international airspace?

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Weird timing considering they are currently fighting a huge covid wave. Maybe they did this to shift focus of the public away from the dire covid situation. Whenever a crisis hit, polititian are prone to seek some kind of outside threat/conflict to shift focus and criticism away from the government.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Means nothing if they remained in International airspace. It's the perfect distraction for the coming Covid disaster currently unfolding in the PRC,

2 ( +12 / -10 )

Weird timing considering they are currently fighting a huge covid wave.

Unless the pilots are affected, that point is moot. Covid has been the least of worries for the scum elite who rule China. The leaders there would mock citizens dying - they hate them, after all, and have locked thousands of infected victims up until starvation.

This is just the warlike PRC doing what they do very often - bullying peaceful, smaller neighbors like free Taiwan.

Free Taiwan will never, ever fall under the rule of Communist China.

6 ( +15 / -9 )

Could be a move to distract from the CCP's incredibly incompetnet handling of the Covid crisis at home.

"Sure we have 250 MILLION new cases in a month. Sure we have not competent vaccination strategy. But Hey! Look at those dastardly Taiwanese! WE will show them, eh?"

7 ( +15 / -8 )

Between 6 a.m. Sunday and 6 a.m. Monday, 47 of the Chinese planes crossed the median of the Taiwan Strait, an unofficial boundary once tacitly accepted by both sides, according to Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense.

Hopefully China does not choose this time with their COVID surge for a Wag the Dog moment.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Interesting that apparently no J-20s were used.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

The US now not only is selling arms to Taiwan as set out in the Taiwan Relations Act, Congress has now allocated $10 billion of arms for free to Taiwan. That's mission creep so of course the PRC is going to respond. Of course this new development is not reported in this article. I'll add that I thought Taiwan, as an advanced economy, could easily pay for its own defensive needs.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Shoot them down.

They are violating Taiwan's restricted airspace despite repeated complaints. What is Taiwan waiting for?

...for them to fly over Taiwanese land?

...for them to drop bombs?

...for them those bombs to land on ppl?

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

One thing is certain, China is wearing out equipment faster in proportion to their maximum engine and airframe lives than the Taiwanese are. Time Between Overhaul (TBO) on the Russian engines used in the whole SU-27/30/35 series of aircraft is less than 1000 hours and frequently much less as their titanium exhaust nozzles tend to fail at 500 hours or less. Western jet engines have 1500-2000 hour TBOs and rarely fail before being removed for overhaul. Total airframe life on the Flanker family is 4000-6000 hours depending on the model, with the most recent builds actually having a lower airframe life than some older model airframes. Flankers are expensive to own and don't have the longevity of western front line combat jets.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Chinese Paper Tiger at best.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

China won't do any monkey business with Taiwan as long as US advisors are there.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Don't underestimate China's resolve!

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

what do china gain by show off the planes and ships?

They are conditioning Taiwan’s defenses. Germany violated Soviet airspace many, many times prior to the actual invasion. The same strategy may apply here.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

China is a failing rogue state. The US and JP should ban exports of all high-tech goods and micro-chips to China. Once their planes use up all the spare chips for their parts, they will be grounded. Some J-20 may have been grounded already. Meanwhile, JP should start cooperating militarily with Taiwan secretly, while the US and other Western states more openly.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Despite the increased tensions and the PLA armed forces caught in the stupid ratchet trap of their own bravado, the government of China actually sounds quite level-headed and reasonable, against the background of what Russia is doing in Ukraine.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I don't understand the USA's politicians. They allow Chinese to export what I'm sure are over a trillions dollars of goods to the USA, helping China build their army, allow Chinese firms to raise capital in the stock and bond markets while Chinese companies don't have to comply with disclosure and accounting principles American Companies have to comply with, the Chinese pollute the earth with zero regard even for their own people and yet now we will draw the line on Taiwan? The poor people of Hong Kong are no longer allowed to express themselves freely with out being taken to some desert jail in western China.

The west is foolish to do business with communists. They should be isolated, oh, wait, the USA is pushing a totalitarian state now so who knows who bought them off this election cycle. Clinton only cost 100 million.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Our daily dose of anti China propaganda.... "Japan must buy US weapons".

China’s military has often used large military exercises as a demonstration of force in response to U.S. government actions in support of Taiwan.

Fixed it...

China’s military has often used large military exercises as a demonstration of force in response to U.S. provocation.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Don't underestimate China's resolve!

Don’t underestimate Taiwan’s resolve to remain self-governed, not America’s resolve to support them.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Taiwan is nervously watching the US' inaction in Russia and Ukraine.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

We really do need to isolate China, and get rid of this Supply chain link that we have (aka noose) around out necks controlled at the whim of the CCP's Leadership.

Every Nation is pussyfooting around in order to avoid getting on the bad side of the CCP and facing their wrath. This has to end, and end far more quickly than we're currently doing now.

China is a Bully Nation - and here, is simply acting like a Biker Gang riding up and down the Street in front of a local neighbor whom they don't particularly like for whatever reason... in an attempt to harass / intimidate them.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Taiwan is nervously watching the US' inaction in Russia and Ukraine.

Real anxious for armageddon to begin, huh? We've found that our equipment alone is enough to stop fascists.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

China is a failing rogue state. The US and JP should ban exports of all high-tech goods and micro-chips to China. Once their planes use up all the spare chips for their parts, they will be grounded. Some J-20 may have been grounded already.

So the US at least is doing so gradually. If the US simply announced one day a blanket ban on all tech exports to China and a ban on Chinese media companies, China's would lose face and be forced to respond. Instead the US does the same thing piecemeal, in little bits without grand announcements while still giving lip service to mutual trade. First it bans some Chinese cell phone providers and gets its allies to do the same. That was a kick in the nuts to China. Then comes bans on doing business with firms in Xinjiang. Next it is prohibitions on semiconductor tech. That is beyond a kick in the nuts, it's like castration. Coming up Congress is looking at requiring Chinese first to not collect user data on US Citizens or face expulsion from the US market and serious policy discussion on restricting US investment in China, reversing three decades of US policy The Chinese understand what the US is doing and recently complained about it, calling it a US policy of "salami slicing" and warning the US not to cross a "red line". These increasing tech sanctions are doing serious economic harm to some very big Chinese firms. There is a hint of panic in the Chinese FMs remarks.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

International airspace, practicing freedom of navigation in the air was legitimated!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

As the Aggressor CCP continues to flex its muscles in an effort to jeopardize the peace in the area and the world, its threats against the democratic nation of Taiwan have increased.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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