
Chinese livestreamers set their sights on TikTok sales to shoppers in U.S. and Europe


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“The format is going to work, because it’s been proven,” said Jacob Cooke, CEO of e-commerce consultancy WPIC.

He could be right, but the reasoning if flawed. Just because something has been proved to work in one population that is no guarantee it will also work in another with vast differences in habits, culture, interests, etc. This would not be the first time something that is hugely successful in one country gets only a lukewarm reception in another.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Please, just go away

4 ( +7 / -3 )

If US/European customers want to buy items that may have forced labor in their supply chains (and, at the least, terrible working conditions even if not forced), made with zero concern for the environment, from a platform controlled by a totalitarian government, they should be ashamed of themselves.

The same for Shein and all the other crap China pushes on the world. Everyone should boycott these awful companies - they're all the same.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

 This would not be the first time something that is hugely successful in one country gets only a lukewarm reception in another.

Home Depot's experience in China comes immediately to mind.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I mean, if people are willing to spend the money on that kind of stuff... People spend money on the likes Pinky Doll. This TikTok person makes up to $7,000 a day and people keep throwing money at her.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

products made from cheap and untested contexts. Who knows what's in their products. I recently wanted to see the quality of Instagram fake Rolexes and purchased one. They are of the cheapest quality, not even close when compared to the real thing. If women want to wear cheap stuff on their body that they can at least get a refund, go to the 100 yen shops. If you want to take a risk using who knows what, go ahead. I would recommend a brand with a good reputation and that's tested and approved.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

US also fine 750k for non disclosure of getting compensation for endorsement

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Not everything from China is produced by slave labour. It's a really big place. Many Western consumer goods have come from China over the years. Look around your house. These are just people who want to make a few quid and happen to be Chinese. They are not responsible for the behaviour of their government and have no control over what it does, any more than we do over ours.

I'm sure the USG will do the dictatorship thing themselves and block this at some point, but until then, enjoy yourselves. Government intervention never improves anything, particularly the internet. The UK is less of a market now, due to its inflationary spiral and damaged currency. One of the home shopping channels on TV here has just shuttered.

I was hoping the Reds-Under-The-Bed moral panic was winding down, as we need green tech from them before our planet cooks.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

 I recently wanted to see the quality of Instagram fake Rolexes and purchased one. They are of the cheapest quality, not even close when compared to the real thing.

Same old game just a different venue. On liberty in Hong Kong circa October 1988 there were rows of street vendors selling fake Rolex watches for $25 USD. You could easily tell they were fakes because the sweep second hand moved in discrete motions every second instead of the smooth continuous movement of a Rolex sweep second hand. They sold boatloads of them. One of our pilots bought a dozen of them. He would go to parties, get a snoot full and then very loudly announce that his "POS Rolex was dead again", and feigning disgust take it off and throw it into the fireplace as the other party goers gasped.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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