
Climate nears point of no return as land, sea temperatures break records: experts

By David Stanway

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My personal take on this is if one believes this climate change thing or not is you can use less energy by walking to a nearby store for small purchases rather that driving the car or you can wear warm clothing in the winter rather than cranking the heat and vice versa in the summer.

But that's me and I wouldn't dare tell anyone how to conduct themselves.

But Dr. Judith Curry makes some good points in the vid link below.


0 ( +7 / -7 )

The first scientific warning about human-caused climate change came in 1896, when the Swedish physicist Svante Arrhenius presented to the scientific community a paper about accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. All humans inmersed in a sea of greed did not paid attention until the late 1950 and 1960. Anyway my anger and frustration with humanity can only damage me so I laugh with contempt and derision.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Heard the same old story for the last couple of decades countless times. I don’t drive, I lastly walk, cycle or I use public transport. Try to buy locally produced foods and that’s it. I’m nit changing my behaviour for anyone, sorry

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

I’m nit changing my behaviour for anyone, sorry

Got any kids?

3 ( +12 / -9 )

I can understand frustration people might have. Changes to reduce CO2 made in Europe and N. America won’t matter at all as long as China and India continue to build a new coal-fired plant every week.

The massive amount of carbon pumped into the atmosphere by them dwarfs other countries.

We don’t live in little isolated boxes drawn on a map.

13 ( +15 / -2 )


My dear fellow, I have a partner and I also have a son who has recently moved into my apartment who also lives his life in a responsible manner like his father.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

falseflagsteveToday  08:05 am JST


My dear fellow, I have a partner and I also have a son who has recently moved into my apartment who also lives his life in a responsible manner like his father.

Good to hear and all the best. I trust you understood my point that you might modify your behavior for others.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

“The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels” by Alex Epstein

Paid for by the trillion dollar a year profit fossil fuel industry, quite coincidentally of course. Follow the money.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

The world isn’t ending and the human race will survive.

Sorry, but the planet and our star will end. Humans will end. It's just a matter of how we want to live while we're here.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

you can wear warm clothing in the winter rather than cranking the heat and vice versa in the summer

Well, one can always put on more clothing, but in the summer there is a limit to how much you can take off - so air conditioning is needed. We cannot, as William Burroughs suggested, take off our skin and dance around in our bones.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

When will people stop blaming climate change on humans here is the best reason for a warming climate:

“The main cause of climate change is climatic astronomical cycles. The Earth revolves around the sun in three movements – once every 26,000 years, every 40,000 years, and once every 100,000 years,” Earth has experienced cold periods (ice ages) and warm periods in roughly 100,000-year cycles, which were caused by the three movements in the past. “We are in the period that is the hottest for the entire world,adding temperatures will start to drop in September.

You may want to look up the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. This tells you how the water temperature changes and how it effects our weather here in the USA. The weather here in the USA is caused by a number of volcano's under water and not from our use of gasoline and oil. By the way when do you expect the morons to start telling you we have to stop the volcano's from erupting!!

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

A few hypocritical billionaires make only a small entry in the ledger. The money behind maintaining the status quo is orders of magnitude more. The fossil fuel industry is just the most insidious for getting into the minds and political structures of the world's citizens. Follow the money.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

I’m using my AC today even though the Japanese government says I should conserve electricity? Please not going to happen. How many elderly will end up dead this summer because of these ridiculous restrictions.

For those living in Kanto/Tokyo, not Okinawa.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

But Dr. Judith Curry makes some good points in the vid link below.


Randy, thanks for the link. Nice to see an expert expressing her views in a balanced rational way.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Grilledham&cheeseToday  09:23 am JST

“Sorry, but the planet and our star will end. Humans will end. It's just a matter of how we want to live while we're here.”

You and I will long gone by the time this happens. You seem to live in fear where people like me live for each day and enjoy every second.

No, I don’t live in fear, but thanks for the baseless assumption.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

"... nears the point of no return..."

Hysterical fear-mongering.

You want to help nature? Great! Give up EVERY convenience of post-Renaissance living, go plant a tree and next year's crop, and hide in a cave.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Sorry but unfortunately your wrong and the world is perfectly fine!

Endless assertions of this fail to make it right. Project fear is the assertion that everyone will be dead or living in the stone age if we heavily reduce fossil fuel use. It's certainly convinced the minds of a few posters, or rather helped them feel fine about doing nothing they didn't wanna do anyway. Who is behind such a project? Who doesn't want to give up their huge profits. Follow the money. It's one of the easier things to understand in this world. What is more is that this huge amount of cash is actually winning. As we can see every single day.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Regarding Judith Curry, she has a web site (link below) that puts out a lot of interesting views on climate issues. I'd say it's well worth visiting, whatever your views.


1 ( +4 / -3 )

Changes to reduce CO2 made in Europe and N. America won’t matter at all as long as China and India continue to build a new coal-fired plant every week.

The massive amount of carbon pumped into the atmosphere by them dwarfs other countries.

But if those new coal-fired plants are replacing older and "dirtier" plants, might it not be an improvement? Japan was criticized some years ago for planning to build new coal-fired power stations in African countries, yet they were to replace less efficient power stations, and in countries that make a tiny contribution to worldwide CO2 emissions.

Also, China and India's per capita CO2 emissions are far lower than those of most developed countries.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

 @commanter: in the summer there is a limit to how much you can take off - so air conditioning is needed. 

Well, more houses could be designed better so they don't need air conditioning.

We designed and built our house to power itself and to rely on passive cooling - no Air Conditioning. And I'm not an expert or a qualified architect.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The atmosphere doesn’t care about per capita.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Hysterical fear-mongering.

Unless you can prove anything said is wrong with scientific arguments and change the consensus this accusation falls flat. Some people do fear knowledge and understanding of our reality, but for most this is something that can lead to better decisions being made to avoid unnecessary ruin and deaths.

You want to help nature? Great! Give up EVERY convenience of post-Renaissance living, go plant a tree and next year's crop, and hide in a cave.

False dichotomy, people can be responsible and careful without having to do any extreme things, technology actually can help being more environmentally conscious and still live a comfortable life.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

We designed and built our house to power itself and to rely on passive cooling - no Air Conditioning.

That's great, but not practical for the vast majority of people who live in heat island cities and can't build their own homes. The government could do its part by encouraging the construction of cool buildings/homes and by planting trees rather than concrete. But I don't see that happening soon.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Climate nears point of no return...

Sorry, no one is buying this junk science any more.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Sorry, no one is buying this junk science any more.

Can you provide a source where a scientific institution supports this claim of yours? if the whole scientific community of the world supports this conclusion then a personal preference to ignore the evidence does nothing against it.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Can you provide a source where a scientific institution supports this claim of yours?

There certainly is such source. But what if it is provided to you? There is no need to have sources confirmed by anyone here as they are not qualified to make the determination as to the quality of the source or information.

if the whole scientific community of the world supports this conclusion then a personal preference to ignore the evidence does nothing against it.

And if the whole scientific community of the world {Sic] does not support that conclusion then a personal preference to ignore the contradictory evidence does nothing against it.

So, let's see a source to the whole scientific community of the world .

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Saying there is a source without providing it usually means there is no such thing, this supports the argument that the scientific community agrees with what the current article is explaining.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

There are plenty of sources, but every time I provide them, I get ignored or palmed off with some lame appeal to other experts. The climate warming alarmists simply cannot accept that there could be any possible dissenting opinion.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

There are plenty of sources, but every time I provide them, I get ignored or palmed off with some lame appeal to other experts. 

"Experts" that misrepresent the evidence and get debunked with easy with those that can make a valid analysis is not a source, the comment specifically called for an institution precisely to avoid that false appeal to authority. If you can't find even one example of an institutution that contradicts the consensus then that should clearly prove you personally not believing something do not make it less true.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

There are plenty of sources, but every time I provide them, I get ignored or palmed off with some lame appeal to other experts.

Perhaps because you use terms such as "buying this junk science".

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The atmosphere doesn’t care about per capita.

I'm sure it doesn't care about nations either. Fewer countries or fewer people, I wonder what the atmosphere would vote for.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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