
Corals starting to bleach as global ocean temperatures hit record highs

By Ian Enochs

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Some waters warm. Some cool.

Historically and naturally.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Some waters warm. Some cool.

Historically and naturally.

What the article is talking about is not a natural phenomenon but something that explicitly is explained by human intervention. It makes it painfully clear

Unfortunately, these critical coral reef habitats are in decline around the world because of extreme bleaching events, disease and numerous other human-caused stressors.

Saying that an ecological disaster is natural is not a claim supported by evidence nor the opinion of experts, do you have any evidence that disprove what the Coral Program at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab in Miami, Florida have discovered? if not then they are simply much more likely to be correct in this matter.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

@gcFD1 did you even read the article?

The time frame of the changes we are seeing including the ones covered in this article - in geological terms - is staggering, and as most scientists are trying to reiterate, extreemely alarming.

I simply don't understand why there are still people who cannot accept facts, and seem intent on keeping Climate Crisis related issues political.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

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