Debbie D'Oyley comments

Posted in: Will sumo's newest champion follow in his uncle's rough-and-tumble missteps? See in context

I'm new to Sumo these last 2 or so years. But...

I'm a little surprised that you completely overlooked Hoshoryu's actual behaviour during the July Basho,. It's worth mentiioning because, I have to say, that it was noriceably different from previous Basho. He seemed calmer, more focused, more mature, possibly? Particularly knowing how much he coveted a Yuushō (I saw his interview with Hiro Morita in which he confessed that he felt like the odd man out in the Sanyaku before Wakamotoharu's promotion) even more than the Ozeki promotion, and in comparison to Daieisho's ever more frantic grasping for Ozeki pushing him further and further away.

I would even go so far as to say he might even have shown us a glimpse of the intangibe "hinkaku" essential to requirements for promotion to Yokozuna! I don't see it in Daiesho or even Takakeisho. Kirishima and my utter favourite Wakamotoharu might have it though.

Most telling for me in July was that this was the first Basho for a long while that Hoshoryu did NOT use a henka manoeuvre at all, not once, but instead, seemed to be able to anticipate it, almost like a superpower, in others. For example, when the usually impeccably honourable (and super-lovely) Wakamotoharu attempted it with disastrous results! Poor Raja Pradhan (for NHK) could hardly get his bearings, he was so shocked at the topsy turvy bout. He didn't outright say, "Hey, that's what Hosh would normally do!" But, he did keep stressing how RARE it was that Wakamotoharu resorted to the Tachiai dodge (i.e. NEVER!).

So, it was this evolution in Hoshoryu's attitude (and the better health of that ankle, of course) and behaviour that convinced me that he had the mental fortitude to take the Yuusho.

My heart did break a little for Hokutofuji, because I like him and his Sumo. His win-loss records really didn't do his performances justice, injuries notwithstanding, so I always felt he could do well. He should take heart from "Iron Man" Tamawashi. Stay healthy and injury-free and he will get another chance.

When I appreciate how wrestlers often fight injured because of the impact of make kochi, as a doctor, I really feel that some concession should be made for injured wrestlers in terms of pay and demotion protection. If not, then more jurisdictional protection should be added, like banning the henka, and cautioning wild street brawler wrestlers like Tobizru. These two interventions would afford these extra-large sportsmen a little extra protection to avoid preventable injuries. It made me almost angry to see Tobizaru's reckless style which put paid to 8 months of the Yokozuna's rehab (after Nishikigi's legit beltless throw) in comparison to many rishiki's style, Hoshoryu and Golden Rookie Hakuoho included, who pulll their power at the Dohyo edge once they know their kimarite has won them the bout, safeguarding their opponent. Not so Tobizaru.

Aaaaanyway, Hoshoryu will not become like his uncle, Asashoryu.

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