
Decapitated cat carcass found near park in Himeji


The decapitated carcass of a cat has been found near a park in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, police said Monday. 

Police said a man reported the grisly discovery at around 9 a.m. Sunday, Kyodo News reported. Police said the feline appeared to be a kitten. Its severed head and body were found about 16 meters from the park in Aboshi Ward. 

Police believe the carcass was placed there early Sunday morning and are examining street surveillance camera footage to try and identify the perpetrator.

It is the third incident involving mutilated cats in Hyogo Prefecture since June. A headless cat was found on a vacant plot of land on June 24 in Fukusaki town. On July 3, a decapitated cat was found on a road, also in Fukusaki town, about a kilometer from the road where the first cat’s carcass was found.

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Serial killers often start with cats - it's important to find the perpetrator before he moves on to people.

14 ( +19 / -5 )

Thirty-five years of straight-jacketed isolation in a barren room for the psychopath responsible.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

But Why ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Some people really hate cats ..

1 ( +3 / -2 )


correct my friend, it’s a common start for them before they move on to killing people. This fiend must be located

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Japan has millions of stray cats, but no stray dogs.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Some animal activists came up with the false narrative that serial killers start with cats -there is little to no evidence of this, the majority of serial killers start with people

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Some animal activists came up with the false narrative that serial killers start with cats -there is little to no evidence of this, the majority of serial killers start with people.

It's not entirely a false narrative. Jeffrey Dahmer started with animals, and there may be others. People who feel no empathy towards people are not likely to feel empathy towards animals, either. (Although many serial killers might not target animals simply because they have no motive to.)

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Damn cat killer must be punished!!!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

In Japan..

Decapitated cat carcass found near park in Himeji

In the west....

More than 25,000 people killed in gun violence so far in 2023

thank God, I live in Japan.


Like it or not..

Thank God I live in Japan too..

-3 ( +4 / -7 )


Japan has millions of stray cats, but no stray dogs.

That's because the dogs get rounded up and gassed.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Of course it can't be generalized, but a big part of the intrinsic cases surely show kind of a 'career' or stepwise escalating 'evolution', starting with torture and killing of insects, then smaller and bigger mammals and finally other people, own family members or relatives and acquaintances, later by random and for 'fun' or even more escalated when it has become already boring. Well, take care everyone, I am sure we all have already started our careers too one way or another, at least with killing intentionally quite some small or bigger insects, haven't we?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Some animal activists came up with the false narrative that serial killers start with cats

False narrative?

Ian Brady, Jeffrey Dahmer, the Kobe Child Murderer... and they're just the first three that spring to my mind. I'd call that a pretty damning and terrifying precedent.

7 ( +9 / -2 )


Some people really hate cats ..

Yet, they don't cut of their heads. Psychopaths do.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Mr Kipling


Japan has millions of stray cats, but no stray dogs."

That's because the dogs get rounded up and gassed.

Partially correct. Yes, in most prefectures, the dogs are gassed at the prefectural/municipal shelters. However, there just aren't as many feral dogs as there are cats to begin with, as people here don't view dogs and cats the same way.

Many people feed stray cats, and view them as their own. They just think of them as "outdoor" cats that roam freely. Dogs, even the ones callously kept outside because the owners are cold-hearted idiots, are fenced in or chained to keep from wandering away.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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