
Divisive China, Taiwan bids to join Pacific trade pact in focus at meet

By Lucy Craymer

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Everyone knows China can't meet any standards. Keep that giant ugly face out!

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Does anyone believe Xi Jinping will follow any of the rules of the agreement?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

CPTPP can’t possibly be serious about China’s application? Why would you invite a fox into the hen house? My apologies to any foxes reading this.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


GDP by country 2023 (Nominal, IMF)

China $19.37 trillion

Japan: 4.40 trillion

Canada $2.08 trillion

Australia $1.7 trillion

Mexico $1.6 trillion

Vietnam $449 billion

This is a wonderful opportunity to build peace in the region. All sides need to compromise and find a creative way to bring both China and Taiwan into the agreement. I'm not sure why South Korea is on the outside looking in either.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

deanzaZZRToday 07:36 am JST


GDP by country 2023 (Nominal, IMF)

China $19.37 trillion

Japan: 4.40 trillion

Canada $2.08 trillion

Australia $1.7 trillion

Mexico $1.6 trillion

Vietnam $449 billion

This is a wonderful opportunity to build peace in the region. All sides need to compromise and find a creative way to bring both China and Taiwan into the agreement. I'm not sure why South Korea is on the outside looking in either.

While it would be awesome for Taiwan to be acknowledged as a country, China doesn't even follow WTO rules, has merchantilist practices all over the place, and would use it's size to bully everyone else. No one needs that. Issue a 1000 point improvement plan for China and let them stew a few decades.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Last I checked China was a member in good standing at the WTO, not that anyone actually uses the WTO anymore. If Taiwan gets in it will have full member rights but will be listed as Taiwan Economic Region or something similar.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

CPTPP, based on now-defunct globalist free trade ideology and established before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

HoudiniToday 08:13 am JST

While it would be awesome for Taiwan to be acknowledged as a country,

The name Taiwan was given by a Chinese Pirate in the 1600's

It would be better for Taiwan to change it's name to become an independent recognized republic nation.

Also acceptable. Now when will the PRC be saying that Taiwan can do this without being annihilated?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Said Taiwan based pirate was a Ming loyalist, so OK.

The name Taiwan was given by a Chinese Pirate in the 1600's

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

HoudiniToday 09:13 am JST

Also acceptable. Now when will the PRC be saying that Taiwan can do this without being annihilated?

China isn't threatening to annihilate Taiwan !

Cool story, bro. I guess the live fire exercises around Taiwan were fireworks?

They are threatening to take by force if necessary for unification but would allow Taiwan to be an self governing autonomous region of the one china two systems.

1) That results in Taiwan's annihilation and 2) a self governing autonomous region means jack squat given what we've seen with Hong Kong.

Taiwan was officially part of China at the beginning of their Civil war which is technically still happening as only a ceasefire was achieved.

So sad that things change. A 75 year long ceasefire is not exactly just a pause in hostilities is it? Also it was the PRC that broke from the ROC.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The world knows what it's better for them and will supports the ONE CHINA policy..

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

In the first place, to participate in this TPP, a law to protect intellectual property rights must be enacted domestically.

Even if such a law were enacted in China, the copy paradise, no one would protect it. The same is true for companies affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party.

In the first place, the participation of the United States and Taiwan is welcomed, but the member countries honestly do not want China to participate. This is because it is clear that if China's participation is allowed, intellectual property rights will not be protected and the TPP organization will be corrupted.

By the way, South Korea cannot participate as long as it supports the NoJapan movement against Japan, compensates for electricity costs with taxes, supports railroad companies with taxes, and opposes the release of treated water from Fukushima for non-scientific reasons. .

Participation in the TPP is in principle unanimous among participating countries.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Taiwan is an independent part of China.

there is a gold rush on Taiwan’s semiconductors. Nuclear war is a possibility and USA officially said that if the reunification is successful they will military destroy all semiconductor manufacturing sites so China can’t get them.

China should be a member but not colonial UK.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

This is a wonderful opportunity to build peace in the region.

It is about trade not building peace.

All sides need to compromise and find a creative way to bring both China and Taiwan into the agreement.

The point is to NOT compromise on the high standards expected of all members. If you cant qualify, then you are not going to be accepted.

I'm not sure why South Korea is on the outside looking in either.

They were at a low point with Japan when this agreement was being born.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This was during the Ming Qing transition. Zheng Chenggong remained loyal to the Ming and fought the Qing (Manchus) therefore he is thought of as a hero by many Chinese.

The Korean Court behaved in the same way supporting Ming until they were forced to submit to Qing.

A loyal pirate ?

Surely you must be being sarcastic ?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Like the high political and trade standards of countries like Vietnam, Mexico and Peru? the anti-China crew needs to put on their thinking caps today.

The point is to NOT compromise on the high standards expected of all members

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

RodneyToday 10:54 am JST

Taiwan is an independent part of China.

there is a gold rush on Taiwan’s semiconductors. Nuclear war is a possibility and USA officially said that if the reunification is successful they will military destroy all semiconductor manufacturing sites so China can’t get them.

China should be a member but not colonial UK.

Any other random thoughts you would like to share?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

China produces over 80% of the world's counterfeit products. Are they actually going to abide by TPP rules?

"TPP is the first trade agreement to make clear that Parties cannot exclude State-owned enterprises from IP enforcement rules, including trade secret enforcement procedures, subject to certain TRIPS Agreement disciplines."


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Like the high political and trade standards of countries like Vietnam, Mexico and Peru? the anti-China crew needs to put on their thinking caps today.

Someone seems unhappy to realise that China is not up to the standards required and already in place with all current members. With that attitude China will never be accepted as it would be unwilling to change where it is required.

For China the hurdle is significant. The CPTPP requires countries to eliminate or reduce tariffs,

China has multiple tariffs on Australian goods, in breach of the FTA between those two nations.

make strong commitments to opening services and investment markets

Current local laws preclude China on these areas.

and then there are rules around competition, intellectual property rights and protections for foreign companies.

China has real and documented problems respecting others IP. Another road block for them joining. They would need to change and prove that change is being respected and followed.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

HoudiniJuly 16 11:19 pm JST

Also acceptable. Now when will the PRC be saying that Taiwan can do this without being annihilated?

China isn't threatening to annihilate Taiwan !

Cool story, bro. I guess the live fire exercises around Taiwan were fireworks?

China has never threatened to annihilate Taiwan .

Whats wrong with you ?

Right, they sell us the story that it will be a quick subjugation and enslavement. The educated reader will see the natural consequence of that attempt as annihilation.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

China has never threatened to annihilate Taiwan .

That's the line the authoritarian CCP propaganda machine is pushing out to the world. Did you intend to push the CCP agenda, or are is your agenda the same as theirs purely by coincidence?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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