

Do you think Japan is more politically stable than the United States?

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Yes, in other words, Japan could be more proactive to changes.

-7 ( +12 / -19 )

Why do you always compare Japan with the United States???

7 ( +23 / -16 )

Exactly, buua. It's so tedious.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

Why do you always compare Japan with the United States???

Maybe because they are the two largest democratic economies on the planet

9 ( +20 / -11 )

Democracies? Yeah, if you overlook that one is a one-party, managed democracy and the other is a plutocracy. In both you get to vote periodically in rigged elections; that's true and that's about it. In neither do people really understand what democracy is because they are not supposed to. Both are complete travesties but basically it is about which is the more stable system out of those two.

-10 ( +15 / -25 )

Of course Japan is more politically stable. With almost exclusive control by the LDP, how could it not be considered stable? But stable doesn't necessarily mean good.

3 ( +16 / -13 )

It’s not stable, it’s fossilized.

-3 ( +15 / -18 )

Stable? I'd go as far as saying stagnant.

0 ( +19 / -19 )

Is Japan more politically stable the United States?

Good question. On the one hand, Japan can make a snap decision and get the people to go along with solving a problem.

On the other hand, it cuts both ways in that Japan could make a really bad decision with the people's support and hurt itself terribly.

Some Japanese lawyers I was talking to back in 2008 when the economy nose dived told me that they were very impressed with the sudden, quick action the U.S. government took with the banks. They went on to tell me that the Japanese government could never respond in kind to such an emergency. Perhaps it depends on the situation, so in some ways Japan might do better, but in other ways the U.S. may do better. Fifty - fifty?

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Probably too boring stable.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

The US has a much more polarised political system, whereas Asian countries are more likely to be headed by a big tent right-leaning party, and European countries are likely to be headed by a grand collation that leans centrist.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Political stagnation created on purpose by the right-wing politicians for their own financial gain, and the benefit of their friends in big businesses. At least in the US people can have a voice. In Japan you can only have a voice if you're rich, or a man. It depends on your definition of stability

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

LDP in power basically since the war…a little bit TOO stable!

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

Prior to Abe how many Prime Ministers did Japan go through and people say Japan is more stabilized. Yeah in a sumo dojo!

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Japan may be more politically stable than China, not just the US.

Stable is good. Most things politicians do end badly. Brexit, abortion bans, the invasion of Ukraine. You should all be grateful for Japan's lack of political intervention into people's lives. Boring politicians who embrace the status quo generally do less damage.

The US is deeply divided and there are more guns than people there. Biden has sensibly resisted moving to progressive extremes. I'm not sure DeSantis will, particularly with abortion. The guy has criminalised pantomime dames and makes Trump look moderate, which is worrying. The greatest threat to the US is not China or Russia, but domestic instability. Unfortunately, governments in such positions generate internal stability by going to war (cold war or the real thing) against an external foe, dragging their allies into it with them.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

You say stable, I say stagnant.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

No, although it is less openly threatening and violent. They are still engaged in the same gerrymandering (LDP limited representational voting in local districts to ensure their candidate wins), two-party failed system (although one dominates here instead of a closer 50-50 split), and they are still corrupt to the core and ensuring their party gets more power all the time. It's also as much of a clown show here as there, complete with nepotism and cronyism, and people rotating from one position to another as they vie for the big chair. It's just the issues that are different.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Japan is perhaps more politically stable because politics are less relevant. Most people in Japan don't care about the government.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Japan is more stable because the people prefer harmony whereas in the US, saturated by the sports market, you win or lose. China goes for the win win scenario. And as seen in the recent Tik Tok interrogation things are forced to be seen as either / or. There can only be two choices.

Some congresswoman asks a complicated technology question that requires an explanation. The woman doesn’t even listen to the Tok Tok CEO’s answer but just says: “that’s a yes no question” as if she’s a savvy lawyer on TV trying to close a case.

Why do you always compare Japan with the United States???

Maybe because they are the two largest democratic economies on the planet

Democratic economies? Do you think you are actually voting and deciding elections? The U.S. and Japan are only democratic by name and their economies are controlled by entities that put their own people in the government and on both sides of the government in the case of the U.S.

Japan is a de facto one party state like China. The party makes the rules. Japan and the U.S., hold elections, but there are elections in China too. In fact Xi was elected. Would you say China is democratic? Just because you have elections doesn’t make your state a democracy. Representative government? This means nothing. The Chinese government is a representative government too, represented all by CCP members.

The U.S. system is manipulated so that it doesn’t matter who wins the elections, they are the not the ones in control. It’s the ones who put them there who are dictating the country.

The world is becoming multipolar and democratic. Spain and France are sending their prime ministers to Beijing. Countries no longer have to go along with just one small group of “democratic” countries. EU is starting to realize this. Mean and while US composes anither report about human rights abuses on Vietnam.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

If by "politically stable" you mean that since Japan is virtually a one-party state, the government can do whatever they want and there isn't much stopping them other than infighting inside the party, then yes.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I don't think Japan is either more or less politically stable. They are both pretty status quo.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

US-style stability resulted from unity through differences, 2-parties pulling left, pulling right, like roller coaster, lots of changes, lots of adaptation, but overall it's pretty "balanced", until recently.

Japanese-style stability resulted from unity through homogeneity, rock solid, but rocks don't change either, slowly at best.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

At least in Japan, politicians is much less corrupt than in the US, the Japanese are not ingenous passionate about political parties, and politics in Japan have not divided and ruined the country like in the US..

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Japan's existence as an idependant country is much less secure than that of the US. The 2 Koreas, China, Russia, plus the US on their soil. Even quakes threaten stability.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

A one party state, and I'm sorry but Japan is basically a one party state is not exactly giving people the responsible government they deserve. I could be wrong in the comparison, though, as there is definitely the possibility in the US of a turn to Trumpist dictatorship. We haven't seen it happen yet. The debt ceiling will be a key indicator of whether the US can still function.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

 In both you get to vote periodically in rigged elections;

I believe some sources are in order that US elections are rigged. Unless you mean rigged 247 years ago by First Past the Post and the winner take all Electoral College. Unlimited campaign contributions are not good but that is hardly rigging. The dual party system follows directly from the things I mentioned.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Both are unstable, but Japan is a little bit more stable.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

One party in power 65 out of 70 years, NO.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Yes, because Japanese political parties are not wielding the country's law-enforcement and intelligence agencies as political weapons against their opposition.

But we do see that with one political party in the U.S. And not just against Trump -- that's just the tip of the berg.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

But we do see that with one political party in the U.S. And not just against Trump -- that's just the tip of the berg.

Don't plan insurrections and don't live your life as a tax cheat. These aren't hard rules to follow.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Mentally NO Physically NO!!!

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Maybe because they are the two largest democratic economies on the planet.

There is nothing truly democratic about 7 decades of almost unbroken one party rule. Tatemae for a rigged system.

Gin Well said bro!

Agree with all those that say Japan is a 1 party dicatorship. It is. And people just don't seem to care or have given up hope. So like many others here, I also wouldn't call Japan stable as much as stagnant- although a better term would be fossilized.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I don't think Japan is about to have a civil war.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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