

Do you think there is a role for monarchies in any country in this day and age?

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Japan's is especially important as they are the only ones who can keep the rightwing nuts in check.

-28 ( +13 / -41 )

Answer: No

They can live like all other families and continue with whatever rituals they care to make. But privileges from birth are outdated.

Aly Rustom

Japan's is especially important as they are the only ones who can keep the rightwing nuts in check.

How does that work?

13 ( +20 / -7 )

An anachronism that should go away sooner than later.

14 ( +22 / -8 )

t is an obsolete system that should be DELTED.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Yes, of course, without question the few remaining monarchies are the last obstacles on this planet , before everything will sink into chaos , violence and destruction. They keep high the flags of moral, ethics and good behavior and manners, in many cases they also provide quite a share of wealth for the normal people, compared to other systems like communist or capitalistic ones. Not in all, but in many monarchies you’ll find many things tax free or free social security measures, big free basic incomes without obligations and all such. Admitted, wealth is also distributed very much or extremely unequal, but at least they don’t let any of their citizens fall down too low there, because they also feel a responsibility for their people they depend on and who made or keep them monarchs. That’s the small format but also decisive difference.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

If purely ceremonial, yes. If they are trampling on democracy by holding power or through lese majeste laws, no.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

I wonder what kind of world we live in for people to say, "Yes."

12 ( +20 / -8 )

Japan's is especially important as they are the only ones who can keep the rightwing nuts in check.

How does that work?

The rightwingers believe their nationalism is for the sake of the emperor but since the the former and current emperor have both rebuffed their claims it shatters their credibility

0 ( +12 / -12 )

They keep high the flags of moral, ethics and good behavior and manners...

Absolutely correct. Plus, royal families are a living link to a nation's history and traditions. But of course these days things like morality, ethics, manners, history, and tradition are out of favour with many people. (Though, for sure, all will be missed when they've gone).

-17 ( +5 / -22 )

No, Middle Ages are over!

6 ( +16 / -10 )

The rightwingers believe their nationalism is for the sake of the emperor but since the the former and current emperor have both rebuffed their claims it shatters their credibility

Some extremists will always adapt. Ideology isn’t important. Violence is. Many toughs among Germany’s communists simply became toughs for the Nazis. Ideology was irrelevant compared to the thrill of beating people up.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Some extremists will always adapt. Ideology isn’t important. Violence is. Many toughs among Germany’s communists simply became toughs for the Nazis. Ideology was irrelevant compared to the thrill of beating people up.

Probably, but at least the symbol of the nation doesn't support them so at least that's something.

I do agree with you though.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Yes, but they should not depend as much financially on government funds to exist and operate.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )


They keep high the flags of moral, ethics and good behavior and manners, in many cases they also provide quite a share of wealth for the normal people,

Thank you. Comedy gold! You made my morning.

Which Royal family are you referring to? The UK? Charles? Andrew? Spain? or maybe Thailand?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

@Mr Kipling I thought the same thing !

He must be being sarcastic surely ?! Haha

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Aly RustomMay 8  02:11 pm JST

Japan's is especially important as they are the only ones who can keep the rightwing nuts in check.

The right wingers in China (theCCP) are far more of a threat to the world despitehavbing no monarchy.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Yes I believe there is, with the continued support and consent of the people.

A modern Monarchy can build on the strength provided by their brand.

The associations with charities and patronages can never be equaled.

Charities and patronages


How much money does the monarchy bring to the UK? Some £1.7bn a year


Politically change needs to be seen, the royal residences, the scandals, the opulence, privilege.

I still support UK Monarchy as head of state.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I am happy we have in Japan a Monarchy that is humane and liberal-minded, unlike the most of the LDP.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I'm not a republican, not a socialist... and I don't have any issues with the Monarchies in any country. They've never harmed me, never left me feeling out of pocket... We pay more per person for road tax, the NHS, our state pensions...

I believe in Monarchy, the history of the Crown... I wouldn't want to see it replaced by some prat of a president voted for every few years. Who would want their country to be a drab, grey republic, devoid of pageantry.

Sorry, I'm a Monarchist

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

no is right answer.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

People, communities need senses of tradition true and false, circuses and thereby distraction - as long as they don’t know they are paying for it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


I'm going to declare myself a royal with an appropriate title - Duke of JT.

You will address me as this in the future, bow as you read my comments and always agree. I will provide you a mail drop to send the taxes I'm going to impose.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Absolutely - I love the fact that Japan where I live and the UK where I'm from are both monarchies.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

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