
Elementary school teacher re-arrested for sexually assaulting girl during science class


Police in Sakai, Fukui Prefecture, have re-arrested a 59-year-old male elementary school teacher on suspicion of indecent assault after he allegedly touched a female student’s lower body.

According to police, Fuminori Mitsuke, a science teacher, is accused of touching the girl’s lower body over her clothes during a class last August.

Mitsuke has already been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault over an incident on May 29 in which he allegedly touched a female student’s breasts at the same elementary school in Sakai City. According to police, another girl in the upper elementary school grades consulted with her homeroom teacher about Mitsuke patting her head and snuggling up against her body.

Furthermore, at least 10 children reported allegations of similar abuse in mid-May.

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The age of the child should be the length of his prison sentence.

-19 ( +2 / -21 )

The age of the child should be the length of his prison sentence.

*His** *age should be the length of his prison sentence.

22 ( +26 / -4 )

And they STILL allowed him to continue teaching!!? WTF?


36 ( +38 / -2 )

Does summer bring the gropers out? Why wasn't suspended after the first incident?

12 ( +15 / -3 )

During? DURING???

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Spidey - And they STILL allowed him to continue teaching!!? WTF?

Thunderbird2 - Does summer bring the gropers out? Why wasn't suspended after the first incident?

It is doubtful he went back to teaching after the initial arrest. When they ay "re-arrest" in Japan, it is basically the equivalent of adding additional charges against the accused, as is done in the West. The new charges were based on additional evidence gathered from interviews with his students.

He was quite possibly still in jail. Even if he wasn't, it's doubtful he was back in the classroom.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

@ garypen

We wish that were true...

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Total physical castration - not chemical - along with 50 years in a dark cell would be appropriate here - if the charges are proven.

I just hope these poor abused kids can somehow mentally recover.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

*His** *age should be the length of his prison sentence.

His age should be the number of minutes the girls fathers are allowed to use a hair dryer on his sensitive parts.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

As another poster stated; he was most likely still in jail while the police did their investigation.

See, how it works here is once arrested, you'll be detained for 2 days by the police; after that, they will refer your case to the prosecutor who will then grant the police an additional 10 day detention period so that's already 12 days. And, guess what? After those 10 days are up, you'll most likely be detained for ANOTHER 10 days because it's "Japanese culture to do so" (several Japanese police sergeants and lawyers told me this, I kid you not); so you can be held in jail for at least 20 or 21 days without even being charged. The worst part isn't even the detention. If the prosecutor decides to drop the case, you've just spent 3 weeks in jail and probably lost your job, your family and everything else...and this is PER CHARGE. This man just racked up another charge so he won't be getting out anytime soon.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Rule number one of being a teacher. Do not touch kids at all! What’s the bet this creep gets a two month salary cut and no other punishment?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

He was quite possibly still in jail. Even if he wasn't, it's doubtful he was back in the classroom.

That is most likely correct.

The article says -

Mitsuke has already been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault over an incident on May 29 ......

however, the reporting here is lazy and amateurish to say the least and does not clarify this as it should.
8 ( +9 / -1 )

He will be sequentially re-arrested every 20 days until he confesses to at least one of the offenses. It takes a pretty tough hombre to withstand weeks or months of day-long interrogations, all the while knowing you've lost your job, your family and your reputation.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

All are innocent until proven guilty…and if this fellow is guilty, he should be placed in a prison in the United States of America where other inmates do not take kindly to child molesters.

(Pardon my emotional response. In any event, he clearly cannot be allowed to be free ever again in his lifetime.)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

He will be sequentially re-arrested every 20 days until he confesses to at least one of the offenses. It takes a pretty tough hombre to withstand weeks or months of day-long interrogations, all the while knowing you've lost your job, your family and your reputation.

Lesson of the day - Dont be a sick kiddy fiddler. 0 sympathy.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Interesting *"Furthermore, at least 10 children reported allegations of similar abuse in mid-May". *Could it be that after the first arrest the word got out that the teacher was arrested and then all of a sudden the rumors started and the kids started thinking of incidents where he might have touch them and then came forward and told their version of what they thought he did. It's a tough position to be in because after one person reports what "ALLEGEDLY happened" other will think of incidents that are border line and say the same thing. My friends in the US who are teachers WILL NOT meet a student one on one they will always have another person in the classroom with the door open. Once a student reports something its up to the teacher to defend it. The crazy part about this story is IF this teacher did such a thing and the first occasion was reported why did it take 10 cases all of a sudden to be reported some of them has to be based on what a student thought based on what was behind the first arrest.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

teacher re-arrested for sexually assaulting


Any one of his superiors, and all of the BOE that allow him to hold his job, as well as any police officers, NOT keeping him locked up should ALSO be thrown into jail for the same amount of time.

Give them all 30-50 years.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

SpideyToday  05:01 pm JST

And they STILL allowed him to continue teaching!!? WTF?

Yeah, WTH. Somebody pulls something like this, they're gonna do it again.

Thunderbird2Today  05:21 pm JST

Does summer bring the gropers out? Why wasn't suspended after the first incident?

He should've been kicked out of his job the first time around. 59 years old, old enough to know better. How many more has he done this to?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Sounds like he’s a sex pest to me.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The news is in the very last sentence of the article. Gotta love Japanese news writing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Sounds like he’s a sex pest to me.

Ya think?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Furthermore, at least 10 children reported allegations of similar abuse in mid-May.

Are you trying to tell me that the school or BOE didn't know of any of those 10 cases before he got arrested? Or were these allegations being swept under the rug by the school? He abused 10 STUDENTS! Thats 11 students too many!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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