
quote of the day

Encouraging employees to do side jobs is beneficial for local governments in demonstrating their attitude in solving local community issues.


Hiroaki Inatsugu, a professor specializing in local government at Waseda University. Local governments are increasingly permitting civil servants to have side jobs in a bid to deal with labor shortages in various industries.

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civil servants to have side jobs in a bid to deal with labor shortages in various industries.

Don't forget that people will get burn out and will have mental issues because they don't have proper rest after doing their full time job.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

As long as they don't start to cut pay if someone has a side hustle, then I have no problem with it! I just hope this isn't another way of keeping wages low!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

As long as they don't start to cut pay if someone has a side hustle, then I have no problem with it! I just hope this isn't another way of keeping wages low!

The thing is, they allowed that because anything but keeping wages low. With current inflation, wages in Japan in fact are falling. Unlike private sector, public sector won't be that easy to adapt to labor market.


-2 ( +4 / -6 )

reason is simple.

income is low and living costs went up so if they wants to keep pay their bills they need have or higher income or extra income.

no science needed.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Side jobs. wink wink

Would prefer them to be able to do their day job better, but I think I get what this guy is saying. Real world exposure right, instead of sleeping within the ranks of the enclosed and insular systems of the bureaucracy.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Sounds like they are not paid enough.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The problem is the shift to outsourcing everything to private companies, especially when collusion is involved. When government workers (just like company employees) don't get enough practice to do the things they're supposed to do, you get ineffective organizations.

Just take for example the MyNumber card fiasco, they outsourced their system to Fujitsu, which in-turn outsourced it to various Chinese/Indian-run dispatch companies, lol.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Encouraging employees to do side jobs is beneficial for local governments in demonstrating their attitude in solving local community issues

no, it’s a cheap way to allow workers to “make more money” in order to survive their current low paying jobs.

since they WON’T give workers the raises they deserve, they’ll make it seem like they’re doing the employee a favor and “allowing” them to do other jobs.

the “rule” about workers not being allowed to moonlight at other jobs, has ALWAYS been utter BS in Japan.

it’s their free time, let them do what they want.

and moreover, since pay is so low at most jobs, most have NO choice but to get another job to make ends meet.

if it was “so important” for employees to not moonlight, it’s real simple.


1 ( +1 / -0 )

if it was “so important” for employees to not moonlight, it’s real simple.


Exactly its real simple.

Looters Dont

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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