
Experts see harsh realities ahead for Musk at Twitter


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"Paradoxically, open-sourcing the platform may actually make it easier for trolls to dominate the platform," Bail said.

Wikipedia and Open AI have shown open sourcing can work. The better actors invested in the platform outweigh the trolls. And they donate time and money to making the platform a reliable source of data and information.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

The harsh realities will be confronted by those whose opinions will be criticized harshly by those who disagree with them.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

liberals are super scared about having to listen to people with a differing opinion and actually defend their positions.

spam is free speech too! Says an unserious person.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

I heard Twitter was already a bastion of free speech since the very instant Musk bought it and now you’re telling me he hasn’t actually done anything yet?! What’s up with that?

Are you saying I could have tweeted about trans kids faking voter ballots at any time?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

These same experts don't have Musk's brains and skills though so I'm interested in seeing what he does

Repeating like a parrot what smart people working at Tesla say != being smart

As for the skills, being born in a rich family and becoming even richer is not proof of intelligence. Ask Kim Kardashian for confirmation.

He's truly the ultimate buffoon, and it's extremely alarming that so many people are fascinated by such a mediocre thinker. Halo effect much?

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Wikipedia and Open AI have shown open sourcing can work. The better actors invested in the platform outweigh the trolls. And they donate time and money to making the platform a reliable source of data and information.

No, not anymore. Wikipedia has now been hijacked by the far left and is NOT a good source for reliable information as it once was. It has become a political branch now of the Democrat party.

So why should you not use Wikipedia:

-Wikipedia is not considered scholarly

-Wikipedia acknowledges that its information is not properly vetted

-The site has included hoaxes 

-People have created and edited pages to drive traffic to other websites

-Anyone can edit or vandalize the site

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

I heard Twitter was already a bastion of free speech

For liberals that is very true.

since the very instant Musk bought it and now you’re telling me he hasn’t actually done anything yet?!

Give it time man, the guy just bought the company about a week ago. He's working on it.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

At the end of the day, he is still held hostage by the powers that be, the ones lurking behind the curtains. Free speech needs to be restored to these platforms, like Twitter and Youtube. I'm not hopeful.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Experts see harsh realities ahead for Musk at Twitter

Stop with this word “experts”, that’s enough. It has become a meaningless word used to just designate some people with big mouths but no expertise on anything really. In this case it seems to be a bunch of woke and far left people who are upset that Musk took over Twitter which has become a platform for censorship from those fatheads.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

I think this so called expert is forgetting the immense size of Musk’s fortune. He could technically buy Twitter in cash, put aside another $20 billion to cover a $1 billion losses for 20+ years and still be the richest person in the world.

Obviously he is not going to do that as he can borrow, but it helps put some perspective on the “harsh realities” he apparently faces.

Musk CAN afford to do whatever he wants with Twitter and based on his proposals so far, I wish him all the best.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Yeah Musk doesn’t need to make money at all with this purchase.

1 or 2 days of a decent market and he makes the entire purchase price back through Tesla stock.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

HA! I wonder who the experts are?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Hopefully Musk doesn’t make the Twitter dashboard as ugly as his cars.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

being born in a rich family and becoming even richer is not proof of intelligence. Ask Kim Kardashian for confirmation.

Sounds like sour grapes. And you think Kim K is stupid? I don't care for the woman, but she built a billion dollar empire off essentially nothing but her butt. Say what you will about her, but she's not stupid.

The "experts" here are a couple of mid-level academics and consultants. Jack Dorsey, the face of Twitter himself, has endorsed Musk taking over.

Critics are a dime a dozen.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

What an incredible waste of 44 billion dollars!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Most of the concerns in the article can be dealt with. Distributed systems can remove the ability to censor (implementing the first amendment online). Individual users or groups of users can build their own filters to block content they don't wish to see (self-censorship for those who want it). The advertising model can be replaced by users creating their own lifestyle-based parameters, rather than accepting generic advertising. It doesn't really matter what content appears on the same screen as an advert, if the user is happy with the content. It's not the advertiser seeing it.

The subscription model is unlikely to work on any global system (a 'cheap' sub in the US is an expensive one for three-quarters of the planet) and users online rarely pay for stuff they can get free elsewhere. But there are plenty of ways to monetise any service with so many users.

The primary concern, one that SoftBank encountered a few times, is that you make money in tech by buying in early - as early as you can. Once a service is mature, buying it loads you up with lots of debt and limited expansion.

I still think he could have built his own alternative, that ticked all his boxes, with VC. If it failed, not a problem - VC folk expect a high percentage of failure. If it succeeded, he'd bank even more cash at the IPO.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

How will the new Twitter and TrumpBook compare?

So why should you not use Wikipedia:


They say climate change is real and is killing a lot of people

Net neutrality is good even though Trump hated it and it works well in Japan

No mention of Hillary's child porn

They say that Russia interfered with the election even though Trump said it was Ukraine

They say Biden is president and not Trump since Trump said Biden and Hunter collaborated with Ukraine to cheat the election

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Musk is exact right in following the requirements of the law on free speech. If the people really want more monitoring/censoring/shadowbanning then the congress can get off their butts and change the law. I’m betting they do nothing of the sort. One, because they’re lazy, and two, because the people don’t want it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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