
How is extreme weather testing China's climate resilience?


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Poetic justice? Since China is one of the worst offenders causing the climatic change, it is also just that they suffer the consequences from doing it.

Unfortunately many other countries with less resources to deal with the consequences are also affected severely,

5 ( +8 / -3 )

VirusRex I completely agree with your statement that China is one of the worst offenders, however and unfortunately the climate activists don’t agree with you or I.

Just saw one of the main leaders of Stop The Oil activists group on Pierce Morgan’s show telling Pierce that he was wrong about China and that China wasn’t the problem, but that they where leading the way in green energy.

I hope you and others can understand why so many people are skeptical of the climate change/global warming agenda.

The push to green energy is dangerous especially considering that we simply are not ready to have our entire energy infrastructure built around this. There is a great deal of hypocrisy when it come to this issue.

I went to a concert a year ago in Singapore that claimed it was being ran on 100% green energy, come to find out that it wasn’t. They literally had generators in the back and they also used the local power grid which isn’t renewable in Singapore, well at least not 100% renewable energy.

Until the technology is right for us to store this type of energy longer term then we still need fossil fuel or we need Nuclear power. I still don’t get how anyone claiming to be about green energy could be against the cleanest form of energy.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Nobody cares

2 ( +4 / -2 )

China is leading the way in green energy in many respects. It accounted for over 50% of the world's combined new wind and solar installation last year and are expected to be responsible for increasing the world's global capacity by 85% by 2025.

And although it is still the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, its per capita emissions are still far lower than most western nations - 28th from the top spot (2020).

2 ( +4 / -2 )

“China is leading the way in green energy in many respects. It accounted for over 50% of the world's combined new wind and solar installation last year and are expected to be responsible for increasing the world's global capacity by 85% by 2025.”

Just like clockwork! Now Virusrex you know why climate change can’t be taken seriously. China has more coal plants running than any country in the world. The fact you actually believe China is doing this, that’s the funny part.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

In June, temperatures averaged 21.1 Celsius (70 Fahrenheit), or 0.7C higher than normal and the second-highest since 1961, 

Nice to see the temperature has not been rising higher than the previous year every year for the past 62.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The next sentence of the text you quote is "...with 70 monitoring stations across China smashing records" which completely contradicts your comment.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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