
Farmers face a soaring risk of flash droughts in every major food-growing region

By Jeff Basara and Jordan Christian

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I am shocked by the lack of interest readers have shown for this article. I worry about my great-grandchildren and the world we are leaving them. Global warming is very real.

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Indoor vertical farming solves a lot of these problems. Not every crop can be so grown, but the ones that can be grown in indoor vertical farms should be. Because indoor vertical farms are much like clean rooms, all water including water vapor in the air is recycled and re-used. Very little new water is needed. Air is filtered and staff wear full coverage garments that so there is no need for herbicides or pesticides. Agriculture typically uses 75-90% of the available fresh water in most regions of the world. Widespread use of indoor vertical farms would free up huge quantities of water currently used for irrigation and it would help enormously to deal with dwindling supplies of water. One last benefit is that indoor vertical farms can be located in cities where the food will be consumed, reducing the need to transport crops over great distances, say from a lettuce field in Arizona to a dinner table in Maine. You could grow lettuce in Maine all year using indoor vertical farms. Let the farmers grow crops that are not able to be grown indoors with the water freed up from the switch to indoor farming.

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Farming is not glamorous business, so most people don't know much about it or are not sensitive to farming issues. There is no need to rush in to bash non-believers in climate change for the lack of interest. Most climate change believers are not familiar with farming anyway.

Indoor farming is great for cash crops and in areas where there is ample electricity / natural gas supply, but otherwise is not practical for growing staples. It is hard to imagine growing all that corn in Iowa in greenhouses. Some other methods must be found. It may be easier to do diet change than preventing climate change.

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