

Fascism lurks behind dangerous conflation of the terms 'partisan' and 'political'

By Lawrence Torcello

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If we are being honest, in political philosophy terms, the United States should be described as an illiberal oligarchy

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@Hello Kitty 321Today 03:37 pm JST

If we are being honest, in political philosophy terms, the United States should be described as an illiberal oligarchy

45th in the World Press Freedom Ranking. And would be even higher without the perennial issue of Assange. The US is a rightful member of the liberal block of the world.

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For example, in the U.S. it is inappropriate for legislation to be crafted based on a religious belief, even if some particular belief or sect is privately endorsed by a majority of citizens.

The majority of the US founding fathers were not theists. Freedom of religion was also freedom from religion. The word God isn’t in the the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.

But, religion is foisted on everyone. The words “In God we Trust” were added to coins and “Under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance by President Eisenhower.

In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States. That declaration certainly seems to be crafted based on a religious belief.

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The threat of the US being engulfed by fascism is VERY real. The lunatic fringe that took over the Republican Party around 2016 continues to thrive, and grow stronger. Sane, intelligent discourse is nearly extinct. Electoral boundaries and processes are being steadily rigged in favor of the American Taliban (New Republican Party, call them what you will). This will not end well.

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@Dr MaybeJune 24 11:11 pm JST

The threat of the US being engulfed by fascism is VERY real. The lunatic fringe that took over the Republican Party around 2016 continues to thrive, and grow stronger. Sane, intelligent discourse is nearly extinct. Electoral boundaries and processes are being steadily rigged in favor of the American Taliban (New Republican Party, call them what you will). This will not end well.

You're right, but we're not there yet. Even in the event of a Trump victory, the 2 term limit is enshrined in the constitution. It could still yet remove Trump after another four years.

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A liberal democracy specifically guards against using government power to further the agendas of distinctive groups.

Liberals are allies but they can be sadly deluded at times.

The American so-called democracy serves to further the agendas of corporate capital and its propertied rentiers and investor class through the duopoly.

You have to be blinded, or blinkered, not to see it.

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Trump supporters say that the decision to charge Trump was “political.”

It wasn't?

If the department hadn’t charged Trump, that decision would likely have been seen by others as “political.”

The author can write of "Trump supporters" but substitutes the sanitized "others" for the extreme left.

I don’t know what the full solution to this problem is, but I believe one step in the right direction is for people to identify themselves more as supporters of liberal democracy itself than as members of, or backers of, any particular partisan political party.

Let's hope we find a solution, because as history shows many extreme left fascist governments started off by putting their political rivals in jail.

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The American so-called democracy serves to further the agendas of corporate capital and its propertied rentiers and investor class through the duopoly. 

So democracy is a farce when you work for any corporation? So what’s the solution?

You have to be blinded, or blinkered, not to see it

Like how?

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CPTOMOJune 25 07:19 am JST

Trump supporters say that the decision to charge Trump was “political.”

It wasn't?

Sometimes when you are indicted five times at least one of those indictments might be legitimate.

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