
Expert warns nuclear proliferation could 'spiral' out of control

By Honoka Ito

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When you countries like the US and most of Europe who are pro-war in places like Ukraine, this is not surprising.

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Iraq shown to the world what will happen if a country not had it, compare that to North Korea for example. So far no troops goes beyond 38th parallel north, up to today.

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ZorotoToday 04:44 pm JST

When you countries like the US and most of Europe who are pro-war in places like Ukraine, this is not surprising.

Everyone knows shaky Russia could collapse again at any moment, resulting in the result risk of nuclear proliferation.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

sakurasukiToday 04:55 pm JST

Iraq shown to the world what will happen if a country not had it, compare that to North Korea for example. So far no troops goes beyond 38th parallel north, up to today.

So every country should have nukes, huh? Any other stunning insights you would like to share with us?

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TaiwanIsNotChinaToday  05:17 pm JST

So every country should have nukes, huh? Any other stunning insights you would like to share with us?

Every country except Ukraine.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

So every country should have nukes, huh? Any other stunning insights you would like to share with us?

Just curious, why are you so pro-war?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

sakuraNosukiToday  04:55 pm JST

Iraq shown to the world what will happen if a country not had it, compare that to North Korea for example. So far no troops goes beyond 38th parallel north, up to today.

North Korea has been protected by China(PRC) a nuclear power since 1961. There is no need for NK to have nukes. No troops have crossed north of the 38th parallel because South Korea has no interest in invading North Korea. In contrast, the preamble to the North Korean constitution calls for the "unification" of the Korean Penninsula under the Kim Regime.

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ZorotoToday 04:44 pm JST

When you countries like the US and most of Europe who are pro-war in places like Ukraine, this is not surprising.

The US and most of Europe are anti war/invasion in places like Ukraine and simply support the self defense of that nation.

Those supporting Russia in its illegal invasion to steal a neighbors territory are clearly the problem. They seem to expect everyone to support Russia quickly snuffing out the sovereignty of Ukraine and agree to the expansion of Russian borders to minimize the number of deaths Russia causes. They do not accept that Ukrainians fight to defend their freedom from Russian corruption and control. Sacrificing themselves for their families right to live free and in a democratic nation controlled by the people of Ukraine.

This is where pro Russians bleet about Ukraine being controlled by the US and the West with absolutely no proof of that other than the long stated desire from Ukrainians to be closer to western Europe and their better standards of living with less corruption and no need to suck up to Moscow or be controlled by a leadership in Moscow's pockets.

No nation should be allowed to possess more than 500 nuclear warheads for deterrence.

When the world gets serious about safety for everyone on the planet, mechanisms will be put into place to ensure a reduction of stockpiles that are costly and never used, because if they are ever used in anger it is the end of this civilization and possibly of humanity.

If this means every nation on the planet that has no nuclear weapons must boycott all trade, services and tourism with those who do until they reach a certain level of stockpiled weapons of mass destruction, then perhaps that would be the fastest and least hostile way to ensure compliance.

These weapons have increased in their destructive output since first used on Japan, so they should need less of them. Nobody has the ability to defend 100% against missiles over their entire nation. Some would get through and only one is needed to destroy a city completely.

The growing anger, and inability to find common ground is disturbing. More disturbing is those who seek to actively force their will on other people not in their control, and to expand their nations borders permanently at the expense of others freedom to choose. The world is no longer a mystery with shrouded lands that nobody knows about. All that is now on other planets and asteroids in our system and beyond. Too hard to get to for now making conflict on our world the only way to expand an empire, other than to join together as the EU has, which may be the best and only way to build and work together towards common goals.

Nuclear weapons are not the way forward, unless the way forward you want is your own destruction along with everyone else.

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Many countries are most likely looking into getting nuclear weapons now because of the Russian aggression. It seems that the only way for a country to be safe from invasion from a bigger country is to have nuclear weapons.

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That statement is absurd on many levels.

The main one is you can’t name one country acquiring nuclear weapons because there isn’t one.

Baseless speculation.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@sakurasuki Your logic suggest every country should have guns instead of knives for defense. NK supposedly corrected producing a nuclear arsenal, if other countries wanted to invade they could have easily done that before they acquired them. Also they will never get that bomb off the ground it would render dead at its launching point. Loose lips sink ship!

Iraq shown to the world what will happen if a country not had it, compare that to North Korea for example. So far no troops goes beyond 38th parallel north, up to today.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


Its a speculation based on facts. BBC news, 22 april 2023: “Why South Koreans want the bomb”. Belarus (true name Belarussia) ask for and got nukes from russia. Saudi Arabia has wanted nuclear weapons for a long time. Iran is developing their own. Are you from a country that has nuclear weapons? If you are, would you support the idea to get rid of them? If not, then why?

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I think it is really important to demystify nuclear weapons -- first of all to understand how awful they are, and secondly to understand that from a military point of view, they're almost useless," Smith said

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The director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Dan Smith appears to be on the wrong side of history

The so called "uncontrolled nuclear arms race spiral" began when Edward Teller was characterized as the “father of the hydrogen bomb.

On November 1, 1952.

That was the starting pistol.

Regarding the perception among Western countries that nations in the "Global South" are "supporting" Russia as opposed to Ukraine, Smith stressed that this is a misunderstanding within Western diplomacy, which can come across as "self-righteous" in its posture.

n order to achieve a ceasefire in Ukraine and prevent nuclear proliferation, Smith thus states that a better understanding of the Global South perspective is imperative and that the United States and Europe should try to achieve greater cooperation with these nations on the international stage

Dan Smith could be accused to being well almost stumbling into the realms of sixth form debate topics.

With all the logic that ensues.

Does it not occur in the 21st century, geopolitical, economic political strategies go hand in hand with the to quote

Trade conflict with the US and the sanctions imposed in 2021 by the EU, the UK, and the US for human-rights abuses in Xinjiang and the imposition of sanctions on Russia were three pivotal moments in the shaping of China’s approach to sanctions.

This fact totally escapes Dan Smith completely.

The pacifist, turn the other cheek appeaser.

If you are going to eat me, save me to last.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

PolarStarToday  09:10 pm JST

South Korea may have a thought bubble but actively acquiring is a completely different matter (nor would the US allow it as it would provoke Japan). And that is because of North Korea and not Russia!

Belarus received Russian tactical nuclear weapons stationed on their territory under total Russian control (in response to the US maintaining nuclear stockpiles in six or more EU countries and Turkey).

Iran has been working that way FOR LONG before the SMO to liberate the Donbass. They are responding (have been for quite some time) to nuclear armed Israel.

Your last question therefore is null and void as you massage and distort facts to criticise Russia.

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Smith also stressed that U.S.-China relations are, in fact, "at the table" and are currently being negotiated, despite tensions over trade issues and Taiwan.

Given the two countries' shared common interests, such as climate change, infectious disease control and nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, he expressed hope that their respective hardline standards will be reviewed so constructive dialogue can progress.

Only on planet Smith

They simply don't not politically culturally ideology, in any possible recognizable context

This is just preposterous, farcical, and outright dangerous, the old adage that pacifism fails to resist aggression and tyranny stands firm

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