
Japan conservatives may impede ties with S Korea despite Kishida's visit

By Tomoyuki Tachikawa

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Conservative clowns, as always and in every country..

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Japan conservatives may impede ties with S Korea despite Kishida's visit

Maybe the Moonies can twist their arms and get them to get behind Kishida?

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

May. May?

Writer must be new to this whole thing. Try will my guy. The PMs will say nice but backhanded things, and it will improve ties. Then some ojisan will say something like “pft if sex work was so bad they should have fought back haha” and set us back 20 more years. We’ve seen this record on repeat for 80 years

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Another LDP lawmaker said Japanese young people appear to become more right-leaning recently as they have been disappointed by left-wing opposition parties that have failed to hammer out effective economic policies to benefit them.

Someone is going to have to explain to me this logic. Isn't the hammering that has to happen first the removal of the LDP ojiisans?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Japanese rightist "conservatives" have been causing mischief in Japan ever since the American occupiers "let them off the hook" (and leash) after their militarist brethren had brought the greatest catastrophe in the nation's history down onto the heads of the people in 1945. It's time the Japanese wised up to letting these foxes look after the chickens.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Japan conservatives may impede ties with S Korea despite Kishida's visit

Good. Japan has been following the conservatives' playbook and now Japan has a victory over South Korea. Japan conceded nothing to South Korea and South Korea begged for Mercy. Well done!

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

They won't. Not crazy about Japan's politics, but the lion's share of the blame in this relationship in the 21st century has nothing to do with Japan. It has to do with S. Korea. They were the ones who withdrew from the intelligence sharing pact and started the economic boycott, creating friction. Now that Abe is gone they don't have any more excuses they can pull. S. Korea is either going to work with Japan, or they're not.

All that being said, if we replaced every usage of the word "S. Korea" with "China" in this article, then it might be making a relatively accurate statement. Japan's conservatives certainly have done everything possible to impede ties in that relationship, rightfully so many may argue.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

LDP always wins elections due to the Moonies, not the Japanese conservatives.

We have overhyped the threats from Japanese conservatives! Korean cultists are the true masters of Japan.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

A survey conducted by Kyodo News in March showed that the younger generation does not expect for improvement in Japan-South Korea relations, with about 75 percent of respondents in their 30s and below answering that bilateral ties will "not change."

And what level of competent , sophisticated and nuanced understanding of regional and geopolitics does your average under 30, J national have? Were they given the gift of being able to hold two opposing ideas in their heads at the same time, and to then let them battle out in the furnace of intellect, reason and critical thinking? If not then these polls are being used for something else. Deliberately steering the narrative for one, an agenda even. You can do anything with these snap polls.

Now young South Korean people will get to hear that 75% of Japans youth don’t think things will improve, despite Yoons brave efforts….

If the pig headed hawks on both side get their way, and they revert back to screaming at each other, they will both get what they deserve. This could be a one off window, a one off chance to get it right. Try not to mess it up guys! Just try to understand each other.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Russia has Putin, China has Xi, North Korea has Kim, US Republicans have their right wingers and Japan has its right wing anarchists. Things will never change

7 ( +7 / -0 )

The term “right wing anarchists” is a contradiction.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

PacificpilotToday  01:20 pm JST

Russia has Putin, China has Xi, North Korea has Kim, US Republicans have their right wingers and Japan has its right wing anarchists. Things will never change

Just a matter of time before the cowardly right wing start stirring things up again. They can't stand that Kishida and Yoon are using diplomatic rapprochement to better ties. They'll continue spewing their revisionist lies and racist stance. One of the reasons for recent bad relations was Shinzo Abe, a confirmed revisionist who supported racism (Osaka school), and other right wing policies. His grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, was a sick, depraved war criminal in Manchuria let off the hook by the US.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )


Hear! Hear! I couldn't agree with you more mate.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

This article is nonsense. The domestic resistance that PM Kishida is getting is that "South Korea can not be trusted". And this is the direct result of the unprecedented anti-JPN actions implemented by the previous Pres Moon. No one can blame anyone in Japan for questioning wheher SK can be trusted this time around, or will it last 5 years down the road. But both PM Kishida and Pres Yoon are prepared to fight any domestic opposition to do what is best for the securityof their countries..

LDP conservatives are firmly in the US camp. The United States created the LDP. And Nobusuke Kishi was held for questioning by GHQ but never charged, tried or convicted as a War Criminal. He played a significant role in ensuring that Japan did not end up a basket case like North Korea.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Nobosuke Kishi only benefited from the game of politics played at the time by the US. There are many credible sources that corroborate his sick, perverted behavior, support of disgusting medical experiments on prisoners by Unit 731, and forced labour camps. Just look him up. As if anything the US did or does is benevolent. Who believes that. But the right wingers will make Kishi out to be an angel. Indeed an angel of death.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

These politicians should think twice with South Korea about true state, cost & risks of US NATO led Ukraine Proxy War. Far greater than weapons proliferation to NK.

Specifically, growing widespread Opposition Across Democratic World against US NATO led Ukraine Proxy War now Putting us at All at Grave Risk, especially many millions of additional people starving as result.

Support for Ukraine military support in Europe from 2022 peak to last month, dropped 35 to +50 points, depending on EU country, Ditto for US and others, support for war dropping like rock.

Polling below, Democracy shouting out to elected leaders, Stop War insanity, do not Destabilize World.


-5 ( +0 / -5 )


Another LDP lawmaker said Japanese young people appear to become more right-leaning recently as they have been disappointed by left-wing opposition parties that have failed to hammer out effective economic policies to benefit them.

Someone is going to have to explain to me this logic. Isn't the hammering that has to happen first the removal of the LDP ojiisans?

Tell me about it.

He talks like a pretzel.

Probly wants to say dont blame me and my buddies, its all gravy and sugar and pancakes up here. Just send tax c/o Looters love funerals and games and dont remember to vote unless -vote for me!

Meanwhile all those Japanese young people become poorer and poor becus uhh, other guys just dont Loot like us.

Only Logic I can count on whenever the Nameless faceless starts talking is, if his lips move, whatevers comin next, 50% lies, more lies and some "funny" statistics. just wrapped up in some rubber gum tall like… "pledges, hold hands, considers… discuss, new panels, head-aches…"

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Mr. Yoon cares about South Koreas survival. That's why South Korea is backing down.

What happened with quitting GSOMIA before Yoon was elected?? Koreans waited until the last 50 minutes before deciding not to leave! South Korean Squid Games waiting until the last 50 minutes to see if Japan would back down to Korean demands.

S.Korea noticed that in 2015 they got New money and New apology! When it was supposed to be closed/over/done with.

It only took S.Korea, 2 years to back away from the 2015 deal, wanting more! More money! New apology! Dokdo to be recognized as Korean. They always add new demands. Korean Squid Games at play.

Comfort Women was Step 1. In 2015.

Once S.Korea got Comfort Woman deal,

Time to move to Step 2. Go back on Labor work, go back on the 1965 agreement in Full.

South Korea: "The then-ruling Democratic Party think tank released a report saying the anti-Japan policies would aid them at the polls. As a result the anti-Japan sentiment, egged on by the Moon administration, was at an all-time high". Korea playing Squid Games on repeat.

You can trust South Korea to keep a promise made, agreement signed, as much as you can trust North Korea to keep a promise made, agreement signed. Both Korea's are Untrustworthy!

One day making promises to America and Japan, next day Koreans making the 3 famous promises to Beijing China, of no more THADD, No alliance with Japan and USA. The same Korea playing all sides!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

With the development of the Internet, young people have begun to realize that the things reported by the mass media include things that cannot be said to be true.

The number of young people who have become skeptical of such old media reports on TV, newspapers, and radios has increased, but the thinking of young people is not biased in either direction.

Discussions have been held between South Korean presidents and Japan on numerous occasions, and past presidents have said that they will no longer discuss the past.

However, every time a new president took over, those promises were not kept, and the Japanese no longer trusted the statements of Korean politicians.

In other words, even if something new is decided this time, it is certain that it will be overturned by the next president, so Japanese people have no expectations at all.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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