Photo: Fujitsu

Fujitsu launches new cloud-based platform for healthcare sector


Fujitsu has announced the launch of a new cloud-based platform that allows users to securely collect and leverage health-related data to promote digital transformation in the medical field.

Fujitsu said the new offering represents part of its ongoing efforts to contribute to the creation of a healthy society as part of its vision for “Healthy Living” under Fujitsu Uvance to create a sustainable world.

The new platform enables the automatic conversion of medical data from medical institutions' electronic medical records to conform with the next generation standards framework HL7 FHIR and secure aggregation of health-related data. Based on their consent, patients can securely store personal health information such as vital data, step counts, and calorie consumption – converted into non-personally identifiable information on the platform – this in turn supports medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies in performing data analysis and R&D activities to accelerate the development of individualized healthcare and the discovery of new drugs.

Fujitsu will use the platform as a launching point for further planning to develop a data portability service that enables patients to view their medical data on their smartphones, as well as a service for medical institutions to conduct highly accurate analysis of shared medical data on the platform.

Fujitsu said it aims to leverage this platform to realize an AI and IoT based preventive healthcare system, and cooperate with various medical institutions and companies to realize a digital health ecosystem that creates new value for society.

Source: Fujitsu

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At this point is probably better to way for independent validation of how reliable is the conversion to "non-personally identifiable information", the obvious benefits of having aggregated data for research and support of the patients could easily be less important than the risks coming from their personal health information leaking out or even being sold improperly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

With all the security one would expect from Fujitsu?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

With all the security one would expect from Fujitsu?

And Microsoft and google are any better?

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