

Future of American democracy loomed large in voters' minds


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This week’s ballot had an unspoken candidate — American democracy. Two years of relentless attacks on democratic traditions by former President Donald Trump and his allies left the country's future in doubt, and voters responded.

I'm not sure it was "unspoken" - there were quite a few people that were saying that this election was all about saving our democracy - and it turned out to be absolutely true.

Many of the candidates who supported the lie that Trump won the 2020 election lost races that could have put them in position to influence future elections. But the conditions that threatened democracy's demise remain, and Americans view them from very different perspectives, depending on their politics.

Indeed - this election was a disaster for MAGA-world - the two winners were the groups they most hate; Dems and RINOs...

In New Hampshire, voters reelected Republican Gov. Chris Sununu to a fourth term but rejected three congressional candidates who were either endorsed by Trump or aligned themselves with the former president. Instead, voters sent Democratic incumbents back to Washington.

Americans recognized the danger of giving power to "election deniers", "QAnon kooks", "Oath Keeper criminals", and white nationalists and anti-Semitics...who permeate MAGA-world...

The question now is whether democracy is safe, or just safe today, he said.

It's clear that the violent, radical, extremist wing of the Repub party, while defeated, is still alive - and the threat to our democracy will remain as long as the cult of MAGA continues to incite hate, division, anger, and violence....

6 ( +8 / -2 )

lincolnmanToday  09:57 am JST

I'm not sure it was "unspoken" - there were quite a few people that were saying that this election was all about saving our democracy - and it turned out to be absolutely true.

Fake news.

The only thing on the ballots were people's names.

And a few questions on local law proposals. The word "democracy" was only being ranted on CNN all night.

Indeed - this election was a disaster for MAGA-world - the two winners were the groups they most hate; Dems and RINOs...

If snatching the House from the Dems is a disaster, then we'll gladly take that.

Americans recognized the danger of giving power to "election deniers", "QAnon kooks", "Oath Keeper criminals", and white nationalists and anti-Semitics...who permeate MAGA-world...

Election deniers like Stacey Abrams, who lost again? I wonder if she accepts this defeat.

It's clear that the violent, radical, extremist wing of the Repub party, while defeated, is still alive - and the threat to our democracy will remain as long as the cult of MAGA continues to incite hate, division, anger, and violence....

Haven't seen it. Must be overshadowed by the violent leftist wing of the Democratic public that looted, burned and murdered across the country in 2020.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Once again, Republicans will make a strong showing in their number of Congressional seats, despite not being very popular with the voters. In states like Florida and Wisconsin, Republicans were guaranteed a huge majority of House seats, because of blatant, overwhelming gerrymandering. Florida alone gained 4 seats due to intentional gerrymandering. Meanwhile, in New York, when that state's Democratic state government tried to gain 4 seats through gerrymandering, the courts said they weren't allowed to. So, yes to Florida, and no to New York, according to the courts. That right there is enough to explain the GOP majority in the House of Representatives. If we in California gerrymandered the way a number of Republican controlled states do, the GOP would be locked out control of the House.

As for the Senate, even if it ends up being 50/50 again, about 60% of Americans will have voted for a Democratic senator. In a majority-rule democracy, the Democrats would coast to control of the federal government almost every time.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I'm not sure it was "unspoken" - there were quite a few people that were saying that this election was all about saving our democracy - and it turned out to be absolutely true.

Fake news.

Fake post....

The only thing on the ballots were people's names.

With candidates who either support democracy (Dems) or those that want autocracy (Repub)...

The word "democracy" was only being ranted on CNN all night.

Keep watching CNN and stay away from Fox - it helps with the deprogramming...

Indeed - this election was a disaster for MAGA-world - the two winners were the groups they most hate; Dems and RINOs...

If snatching the House from the Dems is a disaster, then we'll gladly take that.

OK, it's your disaster....LOL....

Americans recognized the danger of giving power to "election deniers", "QAnon kooks", "Oath Keeper criminals", and white nationalists and anti-Semitics...who permeate MAGA-world...

Election deniers like Stacey Abrams, who lost again? I wonder if she accepts this defeat.


It's clear that the violent, radical, extremist wing of the Repub party, while defeated, is still alive - and the threat to our democracy will remain as long as the cult of MAGA continues to incite hate, division, anger, and violence....

Haven't seen it.

Ask Paul Pelosi - a 82 year old senior citizen attacked by a MAGA terrorist...or the 140 Capitol Police officers sent to the hospital by the MAGA-mob in Jan 6th...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Once again, Republicans will make a strong showing in their number of Congressional seats, despite not being very popular with the voters.

That’s absolutely not true.

In states like Florida and Wisconsin, Republicans were guaranteed a huge majority of House seats, because of blatant, overwhelming gerrymandering.

Democrats gerrymander as well.

So, yes to Florida, and no to New York, according to the courts. That right there is enough to explain the GOP majority in the House of Representatives. If we in California gerrymandered the way a number of Republican controlled states do, the GOP would be locked out control of the House.

Hmm, being from California, I noticed something….

As for the Senate, even if it ends up being 50/50 again, about 60% of Americans will have voted for a Democratic senator.

The numbers don’t show that.

In a majority-rule democracy, the Democrats would coast to control of the federal government almost every time.

Once voter ID becomes law we shall see if that holds true.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

For what it's worth, many Republicans have been riding a tiger these past few years.Think back to 2010. Alas they may not be able to get off any time soon. Tigers get hungry. (To paraphrase 54/40's Casual Viewing.)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Clearly untrue. The young were simply bribed with free education, which Biden will never give them.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

No Voter Left Behind.

The Senate Election is now neck-and-neck at 49.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The House is on 199-211. No red wave. 25 remaining.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

As Long as we got the house, I’m good, that by far, is the most important thing.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


if you win the house it will be a very slim majority. You are the one who posted about the big red wave, taking the House and the Senate.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

if you win the house it will be a very slim majority.

It doesn’t matter, the Dems are now the minority so they can’t dictate anything, if Kevin wants to launch inquiries about Joe and Hunter, the Dems can’t do anything to stop it.

You are the one who posted about the big red wave, taking the House and the Senate.

Yes, but half of something is better than nothing at all, so I’m good.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


you are assuming not a single republican or independent will ever vote for the democrats.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

you are assuming not a single republican or independent will ever vote for the democrats.

Some will

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Cortez made up 9000 vote overnight in Nevada, trailing by 800, Kelly declared winner Arizona,the Democrat still can win the house

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wallace,do you think all these criminal Republicans, should be rounded up and prosecuted

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Democracy: 1 - Trumpism: 0

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Cortez picked up 26,049 votes to Trump Denier 17041 she will probably take the lead in Nevada today,with next dump of ballots

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yes, but half of something is better than nothing at all, so I’m good.

If it wasn't for Trump they would have all of it instead of half. It's Trump's fault. If I were a conservative I would be angry at Trump. The Merdocks have turned on Trump.

Election deniers like Stacey Abrams, who lost again?

But Abrams is just talking. She did nothing illegal like Trump. Proof. Abrams is NOT under investigation and Trump is. Trump actually sent Stewart Rhodes and TrumpKeepers to grab power. Abrams can sing all she likes, it's the first amendment. But you cannot send the Trump militia to invade DC like Trump did. Big difference. That's a crime. Trump wants to be president so he can avoid prosecution.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The courts have all but assured that the GOP will control the House, despite the public's rejection of Republican politicians.

In Florida, the court gave the green light to gerrymandering in the redistricting that assured that the GOP would gain four extra House seats. In New York, when that state's Democrats tried to redistrict to take back four seats, the courts would not allow it to happen. Ergo, Republicans will probably get the majority in the House.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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