
G7 diplomats to discuss Ukraine, China, N Korea at Karuizawa meeting


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What a waste of time and tax !

-5 ( +16 / -21 )


What a waste of time and tax !

And what would you like to replace it with? As Churchill once said, it is better to jaw jaw, than war war!

6 ( +17 / -11 )

It's not the "American" perspective. It's the shared perspective of the G7 nations which all happen to be democratic free nations. If you don't like it you can move to an autocratic nation. But then you might not be free to post whatever you want.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

I'll live where I like thank you very much. If we are going to create a more peaceful world it isn't going to happen by dividing countries into blocks. See the history of WW1 & WW2. If you start from a biased, fixed position the outcome is pretty obvious, war.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

The pentagon papers revealed on discord make a mess of most of this article particularly in regards to Ukraine.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Russian threats to nuke Ukraine. China's belligerent military moves around rival Taiwan. North Korea’s unprecedented run of missile testing.

Should read: 3 aggressive COMMUNIST aberrations threatening the whole world.Who could have possibly unleashed then?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Ask your self... Do you and your family and future family want to live under the rule of a Communist Government like Russia, China, or North Korea? Without the freedoms you now enjoy?? If so, then pack your bags and go there. Because "we" (as free Nations - USA, JAPAN, South Korea, European Countries etc..). will rise to the challenge and Defeat these evil Governments.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

@ Carl

Russia is a European country

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Lots of leaders have been made insecure,by Putin invasion of Ukraine,these are the same people that funnel trillion to Putin,an are reaping what the sowed,

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Ask your self... Do you and your family and future family want to live under the rule of a Communist Government like Russia, China, or North Korea? Without the freedoms you now enjoy?? If so, then pack your bags and go there. Because "we" (as free Nations - USA, JAPAN, South Korea, European Countries etc..). will rise to the challenge and Defeat these evil Governments.

What are you running about with your freedom??? Do you youself understand what it is? Millions of people live under "the rule of a Communist Government" and do not rock the boat to go anywhere. Because they are satisfied with such a life!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Time to replace the UN by freedom loving countries which should in particular include Taiwan. The UN headquarters in the US should then be used for this new international organization. It was a mistake from the beginning to let the then Soviet Union and, later, Communist China to be in the UN. Like it or not, the world is now polarized into two camps fighting Cold War 2.0. The UN will merely serve to give a free platform for the totalitarian camp to spit venom and lies.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

The new World Order, The strong survives and the weak gets swallowed by the strong then the strong cries out loud when his Turn Comes and his time is UP.....

2 ( +3 / -1 )

When’s lunch? Starting WW3 is hard work……

0 ( +5 / -5 )

xinToday  07:55 pm JST

Time to replace the UN by freedom loving countries which should in particular include Taiwan. The UN headquarters in the US should then be used for this new international organization. It was a mistake from the beginning to let the then Soviet Union and, later, Communist China to be in the UN. Like it or not, the world is now polarized into two camps fighting Cold War 2.0. The UN will merely serve to give a free platform for the totalitarian camp to spit venom and lies.

have you checked your history about why the League of Nations failed to stop WW2? Did you understand why Roosevelt chose the name “UNITED NATIONS? And why the permanent five member where put in place?

why would Russia or China or the USA want to listen to say Latvia? They all need to be there to prevent wars. Not kicking some country out because you don’t like their politics. I think that’s why Japan and Germany walked out. and Russia were kicked out. The League of Nations failed in what it was supposed to do and the most glaring mistake was the USA not taking part. If anything the UN is the only way, to only place to communicate.

you may not like it, but while some countries aren’t to our liking, kicking them out, would serve what purpose?

if you want to see the future, a good place to start is looking at the League of Nations failures, failure of the USA to take part, preventing the rise of the Nazis, American neutrality And also if you look at its very foundations, the amount of wars has declined since 1945 as each country has a place to work out their differences.

Its better to have one block where everyone can see their lies (I’ll excuse colonel powel’s mistaken presentation on the Iraqi WMD).

The UN is way more than just the security council. Please look at what the UN has done.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

That group does not exactly fill me with confidence.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Hogwash propaganda

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

BRICS has more GDP than those G7 losers..

And increasing..


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I'll live where I like thank you very much.

You've lost all credibility, though, if you live in a free nation and criticize what keeps it free.

If we are going to create a more peaceful world it isn't going to happen by dividing countries into blocks. See the history of WW1 & WW2.

It's easy to not have "blocks" when you have no friends like China and Russia.

If you start from a biased, fixed position the outcome is pretty obvious, war.

The whole ideology of the fascist China and Russia is a biased, fixed position.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

BRICS has more GDP than those G7 losers.. 

And increasing.. 


But not the OECD.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It's great how the American is always in the middle of these photos.

I hope it pisses off people from other countries.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Russia is a European country

It's looking more like an unreformed horde state that happens to border Europe.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

They use billions of tax payers money and do work which is worthless!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

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