Gene Hennigh comments

Posted in: If AI is able to create movies using images of deceased actors, would you watch such films? See in context

What a freak show Hollywood would make out of actor's. Hollywood hasn't made good movies in years, so it is likely they would trash an actor's body of work. Clark Gable as Spiderman? It would probably be something like that. Let it be. Even is Hollywood lost its mind and made a movie with a good story, it would still be a ghoulish movie.

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Posted in: Sauerkraut or sardines? Hiroshima's 'okonomiyaki' goes global for G7 summit See in context

First of all, when I lived in Japan I found the cuisine to be flexible. Second, okonomiyaki is okonomiyaki, "cooked as you like." I doubt if the visitors will view the dish as one of anything but a Japanese dish. The fact that it contains ingredients from the home countries the visitors are from doesn't mean that they will find it to be a dish from their countries. The addition of ingredients other than that commonly used in Japan is a creative idea with merit. And who is to say that Japanese people won't like it and adopt some of these ingredients as their own? Give the chefs respect. It's a great idea.

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