
Gene therapy eyedrops restore boy's sight


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That’s amazing! I can’t imagine the joy and relief of being able to see again after spending so long in the dark.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Simply amazing.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The eye is one of the organs with "immune privilege", making inflammation and other immune reactions less severe and viral vectors easier to use for gene therapy. This means that several forms of gene therapy are being tested now on pre- and clinical trials. Not all end up with results as positive as with this patient, but advances in the technology are coming faster and faster, so it may not be long until other forms of gene therapy can also solve other causes of vision loss.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


Miracles do..!!

Miracles do happen ...!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )



Dangerous experiment. You don’t understand the risk. This is done to break the ethic Council ban on human testing. This kid is too ill to see if the treatment have ill effect. They are doing testing on rare decease because nobody is watching and nobody can’t say the pain level is abnormal, or the psychology is abnormal afterward.

We have the problem on syndrom d'ehler danlos. Money genetic search is killing the SED children by blocking them access to the illness recognition. They want a commercial genetic Wide success and picked the SED. But they need for this to purge the illness from all the ill people that would break the commercial success or have not good answer to the treatment because they have a variation of the syndrom and not the worse form.

I am very careful with genetic experiment coming from USA. They are capitalist butchers. They do the experiment on children in Africa. They die alone in treamoundous pain. Then, they redo the experiment in USA expertly without data mistakes or problem. They obtain the agreement. We don’t see the dead made in other countries with USA money.

Cuba was very advance in covid vaccine because such forbidden labs exist in Cuba. This is why children from Cuba are especially sent in USA for treatment. This is a no law zone with easy access to USA lab rat experiment territory.

This kid is Lucky. Would he have been a failure, he would have been sent to Cuba without any money for the trament of his aggravated illness. I was told this is how USA genetic labs work. Be careful with such Magic solution. They are not human firm, they are money tree firm in the medecine sector. This is very different and they are very powerful. Japan children used to be the Cuba children of USA. You should know better.



-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Dangerous experiment. You don’t understand the risk

An you do? your comment betrays complete ignorance about the whole thing, so that is not believable, what evidence do you have the ethical considerations that were done before the treatment were not adequate? obviously ethicists know more than you about it.

This is done to break the ethic Council ban on human testing.

Also completely false, there is no such "ethic council" nor a ban, that is pure imagination. Human trials are common for new therapies including this, and the article even mentions the FDA approval for the use of the therapy in this way.

They are doing testing on rare decease because nobody is watching and nobody can’t say the pain level is abnormal, or the psychology is abnormal afterward.

Yet this is widely publicized in the media? that completely contradicts your false claim. The patient and their family, doctors etc. obviously is watching and would complain if anything you said was true, but obviously it is not.

The rest of your comment makes even less sense, is completely imaginary and have exactly zero evidence to indicate it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Interesting to see US medicine at the forefront, backed by the FDA, making these gains.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Interesting to see US medicine at the forefront, backed by the FDA, making these gains.

As every time you make this claim, the FDA is not backing the drug, is just approving it (and in this case only after an appeal of compassionate use was necessary). The drug was developed and tested without any support by the FDA.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"FDA backs" drugs and other medications

In which way?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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