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Have you ever been to a hostess bar in Japan? If so, what was the experience like?


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Unnecessary overpriced and expensive liquor with companion, in Japan now it's older people that have money go there, Japanese young people ain't drinker anymore.


-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Wouldn't go even if you paid me. What a sad, kind of insidious concept, hostess bars are.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Paying someone to force them to pretend I’m funny or interesting? Sounds like a miserable way to spend an evening. And I get to pay for it? Not a chance.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Uncomfortable with the weird communication, limited food variety and karaoke pressure.

But when I go there, I don’t know why but I am having fun.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

I used to go a lot when they were a thing. It was part of my job, so I rarely paid. Most of the time, people took clients there because that was expected. Also, Japanese people have a difficult time opening up with each other, so the hostesses provide the social lubrication to help everyone relax. Otherwise, it would be just 2 or 3 stiff businessmen trying to have an entertaining conversation together. I knew a woman CEO who brought her clients there as well.

I was uncomfortable at first, but you just learn to go with the flow. Being uncomfortable just makes the hostesses' job that much harder. Have a few laughs and a few drinks and go home. It's manufactured fun, but so is bingo.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

We are all different. If it works for you, go for it. If not, don't. Some folk would rather go to church. I'd rather go to a love hotel. Be tolerant of other people's choices and respect those who are paying their bills providing the services that folk want. It's not an easy job.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Yes, but another way you might think. We went as a group there for an after-drinking hopping fade-out. The accompanying ladies were from Ukraine and very beautiful, kind and extraordinarily educated. In fact, we had already years ago discussed there over a few very tasty cocktails some of the issues which are determining now the global news. In contrary to their public image, I think many of such clubs are worth a visit for the combination of entertainment, beauty and quality conversations.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

it have happened to be brought a few times in some places like that.

every human is a different and have a different priorities or feelings.

as married european i felt strange to be short and still stay polite.

i have asked to person who have invited us-what for you have paid that much?to have beer or some whisky could do in any restaurant where we could have a dinner..for chips?

or that weird ladies trying do some weird conversation?

foreigners who came here for business trip have asked me same thing...they have asked if this place is equal for some prostitution bar or something :)

this kind of "business" may survive in Japan as many are socially isolated/even if married/ as they are not talking at home with each other/or simply love is over with babies born/so salaryman need to hear how is doing great and how he is cool-from some ladies who will ask some hefty charges for bag of chips and bottle of cheapest table wine they bought in donkihote some 2 hrs ago...as me I dont get that "happiness feeling" there at all .maybe because i am strange foreigner who likes to talk to his wife,kids everyday and enjoy time with family...?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I used to frequent one when I first came to Japan in the 1980s. A quaint little place in Chichibu replete with red velvet seats curtains etc. I didn't speak a word of Japanese but one of the girls spoke English. I would drink until 1 or 2 am...and around 3 or 4 am she would show up at the door of my apartment to sweeten my night. Even without the sweetener I would have enjoyed time spent there. "all the world's a stage and we are merely players" comes to mind when reading comments from those who couldn't fathom why someone would pay for someone to talk to and hang out with. It might be worth considering some of your dates simply used you for a free dinner of English lesson...or even your wife married you not out of genuine affection, but out of a desperate need for security. I see little difference in having had to pay for some companionship. I enjoyed myself...money well spent

8 ( +11 / -3 )

purple_depressed_baconToday  07:18 am JST “ Wouldn't go even if you paid me. What a sad, kind of insidious concept, hostess bars are. “

OliveToday  07:19 am JST “ Paying someone to force them to pretend I’m funny or interesting? Sounds like a miserable way to spend an evening. And I get to pay for it? Not a chance. “



"all the world's a stage and we are merely players" comes to mind when reading comments from those who couldn't fathom why someone would pay for someone to talk to and hang out with.

I mean, you can literally do that for free, so…


( … )


Some of you are free to try to justify or explain this but if a man chooses to pay for that artificiality, something’s missing in his life… (I wouldn’t qualify that as normal but! ) I know that some men are shy and

that these clubs are great for discussing and closing business deals and for coworkers and others to get to know each other…; … excluding those two, the whole thing is just ridiculous.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Been to a lot of hostess and snack bars especially before the 2000s. Had a lot of good times, as long as you could ignore the same twenty things all hostesses say and ask in order to engage in conversation with you.

Quite a few "sweetners" enjoyed afterwards or later on, on private dates, like Geeter Mckluskie mentioned above.

After a few years, I had a stack of business cards with personal phone #s and messages and even a few letters written in English.

I paid some of the time but more often than not, it was paid for by whichever group was having a celebration. Some of the girls were dynamite looking while others weren't but it didn't matter since it was all for fun.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Yes years ago, many time bored out of my skull as part of my job when clients would take us to these places, it was work otherwise I wouldn't have wasted my time.

That said there is a place in society for these businesses.

Not just hostess but host, these days I know far more older ladies that frequent male host clubs than men that go to hostess clubs.

They are lonely, they had enough of the city senior activities centre that is boring and just reinforces the fact they are old.

So they go out to the host club a young man talks to them not as to "grandmother" they often got 2 or 3 together.

They know it is fake, they know it is all a fantasy so what they are happy for a few hours.

What is the difference between them paying to be treated young and wanted by a young man or woman and the people that dress up in costumes to do cosplay, Comicon etc...they to are just living a short fantasy because none are actually anime superheroes.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Apr. 15 06:57 am JST

Unnecessary overpriced and expensive liquor with companion, in Japan now it's older people that have money go there, Japanese young people ain't drinker anymore.

It is less about the drinking in this case and more about what is more trending or popular in today's Japan.

I live near an area once full of hostess bar/clubs (2 stops by Metro 20 minutes walk).

Today more host clubs (men entertain women) and more "girls" bars Sligh difference from hostess clubs but similar concept.

But just a bit down the road is the real boom what has really replaced the host and hostess clubs.

The various "Maid cafe" I use this as a general term to include Nyanya cafe (girls in car ears) butler cafe (maid cafe for women), Ninja cafe (Naruto but they cannot publicly admit due to licensing), as I walk around every time there is a new theme cafe popping up things I didn't even know was a thing. This is where the 20s to 35s are hanging out some serve alcohol but most serve bad over pricee food and a service fee (according to people that I know and my daughter) it is all about the fantasy.

This is today's generation, anime and fantasy.

Those in hostess bars were raised at a time when movies had beautiful women dress like Audrey Hepburn in breakfast at Tiffany's, etc...

On a more somber note there are also far too many School girl and yes schoolboy uniform cafe these two I cannot wrap my head around why grown adults have this obsession I would avoid anyone frequenting then something is wrong with them.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

For me, a bit meh, I never went to a good hostess bar when I was wealthy enough to happily pay myself or unattached. So it was either, "we've stumbled into this non-bar by mistake" with equally cheapskate mates, or trips with folks from work when I already had a girlfriend. I'm not the unfaithful type so I couldn't relax and get into it. If you can, it's probably fun.

I agree that there is a quid pro quo to relationships and if you don't like that idea, it's best not to think about it because it will do your head in.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

No thanks. It's a short hop and a jump from that scene to full blown mizu shobai for many women.

I count it among my greatest achievments that I personally turned 2 Japanese women away from the darkness of that seedy world towards the light of the Lord. They are both now happily married with children who attend my church.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )



0 ( +1 / -1 )

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