
High school student arrested for extorting money from woman by threatening to release video of her naked


Police in Kasuga, Fukuoka Prefecture, have arrested a male high school student on suspicion of extortion after he obtained 50,000 yen from a woman he met on a social networking site by threatening to post a video of her naked online.

Police said the 18-year-old, who lives in Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture, became acquainted with the teenage woman about three years ago on social media, Kyodo News reported.

Around November last year, the woman severed contact with the teen, which reportedly drove him into a frenzy. In December, he demanded the woman apologize naked while on her hands and knees on a video-sharing app.

After she complied with his request, he threatened to publicly release the video unless she paid him 50,000 yen. The woman transferred 50,000 yen to the suspect and then consulted with police in Kasuga in January.

Police said the suspect, who was arrested on Monday, has remained silent.

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This kind of thing is seemingly rampant online. There needs to be more education to stop it happening more often. I hope they release the guy’s name.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

Both parties involved in this situation need better role models in their lives. The “teenage” woman appears to have obliged the boy’s request to say sorry naked, when she could have just as easily said “umm… no.”

the lesson is to not agree to be nude in front of a camera because someone tells you to.

27 ( +29 / -2 )


i agree, I wouldn’t t be surprised if they were both in single families. However at this time that is speculation, yet sadly, highly likely

The boy though has serious issues, and thus behaviour needs to be punished as it’s bullying and shaming. The young especially would be most at fear over rude pictures being shown to others.

-3 ( +12 / -15 )


And why wouldn’t you be surprised if they were both in single families? What a stupid thing to say.

6 ( +15 / -9 )


Why not? Children in single parent families are more likely to commit crime, it’s backed up with evidence.

-7 ( +12 / -19 )

Falseflagsteve. It seems like you are suggesting that - out of all the possible factors - the cause of all this is being in a single parent family. I wonder which logical fallacy that one is, confusing cause and effect for one.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

There is a small number of bad guys everywhere and they tend to target the easiest people.

I have made sure that my daughters know, yes they have a right to get blind drunk and walk home on a dark path at 3:00 AM or leave there purse on the dash of their car with the doors unlocked but they need to use common sense to avoid becoming a victim of crime; there is always a bad guy looking for an easy target.

This bad guy took advantage of a woman he met on-line during the pandemic when "everyone" was under emotional stress and were vulnerable.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

 In December, he demanded the woman apologize naked while on her hands and knees on a video-sharing app.

After she complied with his request, he threatened to publicly release the video unless she paid him 50,000 yen. 

That boy is messed up

10 ( +11 / -1 )


That boy is messed up

After she complied with his request,

I'd say she is pretty messed up too. Why else would she do that?

13 ( +16 / -3 )

the woman severed contact with the teen, which reportedly drove him into a frenzy. In December, he demanded the woman apologize naked while on her hands and knees on a video-sharing app.

I thought she severed contact with him? Apparently not ALL contact!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Why on earth would anyone comply to that request?

I wonder what the punishment will be for this guy, since he's still a minor under Japanese laws.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

We live in a world where everyone has some intimate content on their phones and where people share said content with others. If it is known to both people involved I don't see an issue, but we need to really educate and make conversations about this kind of action commonplace and in the open. There's nothing wrong with a little fun, but what this guy did is completely the wrong and illegal thing to do.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I'd say she is pretty messed up too. Why else would she do that?

Fair enough Kipling.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

wow...I wonder how he convinced her for apologizing and all that after she decided to sever ties with him. In my experience here whenever any women decided to cut ties with me/block me there was no divine power that would make them change their minds ever after. This kid must have a pretty threatening vibe on him or who knows what...

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It’s a common scam, to get people naked on cam, then it gets recorded. Then they threaten people to post video on social media. It’s especially high risk for people who have social media accounts.

i hope he gets a harsh punishment to make an example for all the scammers.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Cyberbullying, bribery, extortion. Criminal offenses and they can stand in court.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

JoshToday 07:09 am JST

Both parties involved in this situation need better role models in their lives. The “teenage” woman appears to have obliged the boy’s request to say sorry naked, when she could have just as easily said “umm… no.”

Victim blaming.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Mr KiplingToday 08:49 am JST


I'd say she is pretty messed up too. Why else would she do that?

Victim blaming.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

reminder to self, never comply with anything that could be used as blackmail. Just ghost them instead and report to authorities if they persist

9 ( +9 / -0 )

which reportedly drove him into a frenzy.

I wonder who reported the frenzy and what his frenzy looked like.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Oh wait- you were talking to 2 other posters..

Sorry girl_in_tokyo.

I didn't mean to butt in between you guys.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Women can only be victims to some people on this site. The reality is much different though. How about exercising some common sense to keep yourself from getting into that situation in the first place? Apologize on your hands and knees while naked? Hang up. Block him. Delete contact.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

MocheakeToday 01:49 pm JST

How about exercising some common sense to keep yourself from getting into that situation in the first place?

How about men don't take advantage of women to sexually abuse them?

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

How about the tiny minority of men who have serious problems like this guy don’t take advantage of women to sexually abuse them, more like. As a woman, even I wouldn’t tar all men with the same brush. Let’s remember that the vast majority of men are… decent, and not use this as an excuse to generalize. This man however, is seriously messed up.

6 ( +8 / -2 )


I'd say she is pretty messed up too. Why else would she do that?

Victim blaming.

Ah, the victim blaming thing again. If someone left their 2000 dollar bike unlocked in the middle of the city and it was stolen, most people would call that person an absolute idiot for leaving the bike unlocked. Many would go so far as to say they deserved to get their bike stolen. Is that victim blaming? Why shouldn't a person be able to leave their bike unlocked somewhere? Have you seen the price of good quality bike locks? Why should an innocent person have to spend money on those things and go to the inconvenience of adding an extra kg of weight to their bike in the form of a lock when they had spent an extra 1000 dollars to save 400 g on the bike itself? But no, everyone would blame the person for not taking the sensible step of locking up the bike. The victim blaming thing only seems to apply when it's a crime that happens to women (or one of the progressive left's other groups with "protected characteristics") specifically.

We don't know from the information given why the girl agreed to that crazy request from someone she'd supposedly already broken ties with, but unless he had some sort of control or leverage over her that we don't know about, it does seem like an incredibly stupid thing to agree to.

How about instead of painting women as victims all the time, wouldn't it be more empowering to just teach some basic common sense to avoid getting themselves in these situations in the first place? Lock your bike up - there are thieves out there. Don't go distributing naked pictures or videos of yourself - there are bad guys out there. It's a simple, pragmatic argument.

How about men don't take advantage of women to sexually abuse them?

How about bike thieves stop stealing other people's bikes? It's a request that is idealistic to the point of being ridiculous - it is never going to happen - there are always going to be some bad people out there, unfortunately.

Having said all of that, I do hope that the guy involved in this case is punished to the fullest extent that the law allows. What an absolute moron.

14 ( +15 / -1 )


Yes, the majority of people, men and women are decent and live heir lives in a civilised manner respecting those around them. We should not tar everyone with the same brush just because of the rare bad egg like this horrible young man.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Lock your bike up - there are thieves out there. Don't go distributing naked pictures or videos of yourself - there are bad guys out there. It's a simple, pragmatic argument.

some people can avoid mistakes by learning on others' example, some people are to learn while making their own mistakes. that's the truth of this intricate thing called life.

he demanded the woman apologize naked while on her hands and knees on a video-sharing app.

Police said the suspect, who was arrested on Monday, has remained silent.

that's a really tricky moment to make some conclusions. there are two options - whether she was really meak and driven into fear by his aggressive demeanour and verbal threat\abuse, or there's really sth more. but that, we won't probably ever know for sure. now, the life od the woman is on the stake - whether he'll be released now or a few years later with a temper of his its already a lifetime grudge which possibly can lead to much serious trouble in the future, unless the girl moves places or goes abroad I wonder if she'll feel safe in the future. hopefully, if the police is harsh in this case she'll have some couple of years of peaceful life.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

In December, he demanded the woman apologize naked while on her hands and knees on a video-sharing app.

After she complied with his request,....

This was the big blunder.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

NewgirlintownToday 03:23 pm JST

How about the tiny minority of men who have serious problems like this guy don’t take advantage of women to sexually abuse them, more like.

I didn't think I would have to say #notallmen. It's granted, obviously.

Funny that I've yet to see a woman jump into a conversation about the terrible things women do to yell NOT ALL WOMEN. Perhaps this is because women realize that when someone says "when women ..." or "women who".. they don't automatically get the kneejerk reaction to defend all women.

I wonder why that is.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

SpeedToday 05:56 pm JST

This was the big blunder.

leo TToday 06:32 pm JST

Shouldn't of posed naked in the 1st place, both at fault.

Victim blaming.

This is what, the fifth man to blame the woman for the abuse she suffered?

I might just take back what I just said about #notallmen, because it sure is a heck of a lot of them.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

We don't know from the information given why the girl agreed to that crazy request from someone she'd supposedly already broken ties with, but unless he had some sort of control or leverage over her that we don't know about, it does seem like an incredibly stupid thing to agree to.

And we don't know if he did have some leverage, but that doesn't stop people jumping to conclusions and making silly victim-blaming arguments about leaving wallets on dashboards - the same argument I have heard from some conservative muslim commentators about why women should be covered.

Whether or not she really needed to it or not, she obviously felt she had to at the time - she is a victim of this and should be treated as one.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@falseflagsteve your logic also suggest that people raised in two parent families are more likely to say some of the most off the wall things!

Why not? Children in single parent families are more likely to commit crime, it’s backed up with evidence.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The next time someone asks U to pose naked U say U first.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The best thing is not to take nude pics and share them, this is a silly trend these days as part of the moral decay that’s tearing at the heart of society . So many lack a decent moral compass these days.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

leo TMay 24 10:16 pm JST

> I would of blamed the male also if it was turned around

I wonder if it was switched around if you would jump in and yell "Victim Blaming"

If what was turned around?

If the commenters blamed the man when the woman abused him?

Yes, I would stand up for the man. Because it's not the gender that matters.

Although very clearly, with everyone downvoting me but leaving the exact same comments made by men alone, gender matters to you.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

The next time someone asks U to pose naked U say U first.

Im sure it wasnt that simple in this case. Probably some psychological terror when sense of humour/being witty kinda gets blocked, you know.

surely the guy deserves some harsh words to get into his senses but

1 ( +2 / -1 )


May 24 10:27 am JST

Why on earth would anyone comply to that request?

> I wonder what the punishment will be for this guy, since he's still a minor under Japanese laws

Nothing substantial. The ease of getting off with a slap on the wrist just because of age would likely promote parental vigilante justice.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


May 24 11:31 pm JST

The best thing is not to take nude pics and share them, this is a silly trend these days as part of the moral decay that’s tearing at the heart of society . So many lack a decent moral compass these days

Not even moral compass, just the knowledge that wireless companies (90% of people take pictures with their phones) actually save the data/pictures too. They might pop up as a reminder (google memory from a month ago) without warning or filter. If you must, go old school.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

“This is what, the fifth man to blame the woman for the abuse she suffered?”

You should check your privilege girl_in_tokyo. How dare you assume someone’s gender

4 ( +5 / -1 )

falseflagsteveMay 24 11:31 pm JST

The best thing is not to take nude pics and share them, this is a silly trend these days as part of the moral decay that’s tearing at the heart of society . So many lack a decent moral compass these days.

I have an even better idea: men shouldn't intimidate women into taking nude photos, and then share them around to blackmail her.

It would be perfectly safe for people to take nude photos for their own personal enjoyment if there weren't men who use them to blackmail women.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

JoshToday 07:33 am JST

You should check your privilege girl_in_tokyo. How dare you assume someone’s gender

Nah, this is just common sense. It's men who do this sort of thing.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

It would be perfectly safe for people to take nude photos for their own personal enjoyment if there weren't men who use them to blackmail women.

Paedophiles are pretty much the most vilified people in all of society - pretty much everybody hates them with an absolute passion - it is regarded as one of the most disgusting, despicable, heinous crimes that a person can commit, yet there are still paedophiles out there are children are still abused. Yet you want to stop some men from sharing naked photos of people without their permission by just saying "hey, that's not cool - you should stop that!"

I'm afraid that you will only ever be able to reach a certain percentage of people with that message. Already most of society agrees with you that sharing naked photos of people is wrong, already decent people would have no respect for anyone that did that. But it happens anyway - even if 99.99% of people agree with you, it is still going to happen.

The simple fact is, beyond those working in the porn industry or those that would have no problem with their naked photos being distributed to the public, nobody should be making photos or videos of themselves naked, not for their own enjoyment nor for anyone else's. Just don't do it - use your brain - you could get hacked, you might send them to someone by accident or when you are drunk, your phone could get stolen... I really don't understand why this seems to be difficult for people of a certain age. Its a simple message about taking personal responsibility, about looking after your own interests. There is a very good reason why it is younger people that tend to be the victims of crime or misadventure, whether it be sexual assault, physical violence, muggings, drug/alcohol overdose etc. - it is because older people have learned how to avoid getting themselves into those situations in the first place.

I agree with you that we can't assume in this case she shared that video without somehow being intimidated or bribed into doing it. But just generally - no naked photos or videos - it really isn't that difficult!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Around November last year, the woman severed contact with the teen.

In December, he demanded the woman apologize naked while on her hands and knees on a video-sharing app.

After she complied with his request, he threatened to publicly release the video unless she paid him 50,000 yen. The woman transferred 50,000 yen to the suspect and then consulted with police...........

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, is she?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

leo TToday 02:34 pm JST

Girl in tokyo

"I have an even better idea: men shouldn't intimidate women into taking nude photos, and then share them around to blackmail her."

Seems like gender matters to you, how about

"People shouldn't intimidate people into taking nude photos"

Because it's overwhelmingly men doing it, so I use the term that matches.

Kind of like we don't say "People shouldn't scratch their balls in public." - men.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

shogun36Today 02:02 pm JST

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, is she?

HAHAH yeah, she totally deserved to be sexually abused, amirite?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

But just generally - no naked photos or videos - it really isn't that difficult!

I have no personal stake in this, since I'm uninterested in taking photos of myself. But a lot of people ARE into this, and by chance technology has given these people a mobile porn making studio that fits in their pocket. So in this case, I think it's fighting a loosing battle. People gonna do personal porn, and that's that.

So we can handle it one of two ways: we can blame and shame the person who took their own pics and punish them for being normal sexual human beings; or we can make laws that punish people who sexually abuse others. Personally I think choice #2 is far better.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

girl in Tokyo

People need to take responsibility for their actions. Don’t take pics you wouldn’t want your mum or workmates would be a good start. Are people so immoral and thick these days not to understand their actions?

Of course those taking pics shouldn’t be punished , but have no common sense but don’t take the pics and this wouldn’t happen. It’s not rocket science is it?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

HAHAH yeah, she totally deserved to be sexually abused, amirite?


The HS teen is in Fukuoka and the woman (not a girl) is in Hyogo.

I doubt they ever met in person, this was all online.

Cuz he definitely doesn't have the money to go there.

Unless she was ignorant enough to go on her own yen.

met on a social networking site

All the woman (not a girl) had to do was block him or delete the account all together, the end.

 he demanded the woman apologize naked while on her hands and knees on a video-sharing app.

After she complied with his request

No one held a gun to her head. They were never in the same prefecture, physically.

Again, block or delete the account, the end.

The woman transferred 50,000 yen to the suspect

> and then

> consulted with police 

and then..............consulted with the police.

Why not contact the police, FIRST, set up a sting and THEN catch the loser in the act?

So, yeah, she definitely is not the most intelligent person around. Male or Female.

As for your comment about "deserved?" I don't ever recall saying that.

I only said she wasn't bright. And clearly she isn't.

The loser guy is scum. He should be thrown in jail and be trialed as an adult, since he's 18. Give him the harshest punishment possible.

As for the woman, did she deserve it? Well, she is a WOMAN, grown enough to make her own decisions. She is capable of dealing with the consequences of her own actions. She definitely made the wrong choices here.

But I'll leave that up to you to judge. Since you know, you are such a genius and know everything.

@girl in tokyo

If the roles were reversed and a man sent the nude video and money and the woman was harassing him, I would have had the exact same answer. I would have said the guy wasn't smart, and the woman should have been thrown in jail. People just need to use common sense, and not be ignorant.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

falseflagsteveMay 25 08:07 pm JST

girl in Tokyo

People need to take responsibility for their actions.

Yes, that man who blackmailed that poor woman really should take responsibility for the sexual and emotional abuse he inflicted upon her. Hopefully he'll be in jail a long time so he can't abuse any other women.

. Are people so immoral and thick these days not to understand their actions?

I Yes, this man really is immoral. But i doubt this man has learned, since he seems to be the stalker/violent type.

It’s not rocket science is it?

No, I'd say it's not rocket science to know better than to coerce someone, sexually abuse them, and then black mail them. I gotta agree with you there.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

shogun36May 25 08:53 pm JST

All the woman (not a girl) had to do was block him or delete the account all together, the end.

Actually, all the man had to do was accept that the woman didn't want to date him.

Problem solved.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It never helps to point out what a victim should have done to prevent themselves from becoming a victim. The perpetrator is the one at fault as they made an active choice to harm another person.

What would help, however, is to point out the social and psychological forces that influenced the perpetrator to commit the crime. That could actually help the perpetrator get help, and could prevent other similar crimes from happening. If we can understand why people commit crimes, we have a better chance to prevent those crimes from happening.

There also needs to be strong laws in place that would discourage people from committing crimes in the first place, and after the fact, hopefully the experience would stop them from committing more crimes.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


it would be so nice to always make right decisions but unfortunately even grownup adults with education, life experience etc not always make right decisions, sometimes they even make silly or huge mistakes. Dont be hard on someone who made a mistake because one day you may make one too.

But definitely being a victim of someones violence is not her mistake. Being not careful enough/probably little naive is a lesson she will learn.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Lol all the dudes in the comments defending the criminal pervert in favor of blaming the victim! The clear hatred of women in these comment sections never ceases to disappoint me.

By the way, to the victim-blamers claiming the victim is “a grown woman” and thus it’s her fault what happened to her, pretty sure the article states she is a “teenage woman”, which means she is either 18 or 19 years old, and effectively the same age as her attacker. The only difference I suppose is that unlike him she is no longer still in high school.

Hope he gets charged to the fullest extent of the law - and that he gets to find out how it feels to be on the other side of this story when he ends up in jail.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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