

Hiroshima A-bombing: Its lessons of unnecessary mass destruction could help guide future nuclear arms talks

By Tara Sonenshine
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Photo: AP file

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Tell that to little Kim in NK.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

...meaning it would then just be a few months before Iran develops a nuclear bomb.

Iran has been months away for 30 years now. Netanyahu made a career out this line.

We certainly don't need Iran to have the capability of it, though.

US, Russia, China, France, UK, Pakistan, India, Israel, and maybe N. Korea. Most of their tests have yielded less than optimum design. The ability to deliver a long-range weapon, considering the complexities of re-entry, plus reliability of design are speculative. That's why they seem to have opted for tactical devices.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Who says unnecessary? It literally preserved a united Japan.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

A city involved in production of weapons and ammunition to be used against allied forces is called a military target.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

YamanekoToday 05:24 pm JST

When a nuclear holocaust is deemed justifiable that's when consciousness is questionable.

In the future if you want to debate my comments please include my entire comment and not just the parts you don't agree with.

Otherwise it takes what i wrote out of context.

I would like to continue to believe there's always alternative options to greedy expansion of territory with war or atomic bombings as a solution.


I wasn't even replying to to you. In the future be less touchy.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


I wish you had been the emperor of Japan instead of Hirohito - but you were not.

As the allies invaded Germany - Hitler declared "total-war" - every man woman and child were called in to service. With the Ally's experience fighting the Japanese - they knew they be fighting a war where the Japanese - every man, woman, and child would fight to the death - by fighting or by suicide.

While unfortunate - but pragmatic - the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (which killed far fewer people than the fire-bombings of Tokyo) was deemed necessary. If pure evil - what was camp 721?

Japan is a modern vibrant democracy - I'm sure if you had been emperor - you would have realized this without the use of atomic weapons.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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