
Hong Kong police offer bounties for 8 prominent overseas activists

By Xinqi SU

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Why not just mark them for assassination like any thug regime?

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Hong Kong police offered on Monday HK$1 million bounties for information leading to the capture of eight prominent democracy activists based abroad and wanted for national security crimes.

Countries like Australia where these people are in exile should offer bounties on anyone who tries to dob on these activists.

You know what they say about snitches.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

China continues its quest for extraterritoriality. Maybe we can pass round the hat for money for Xi's arrest and disposal.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

"All his acts and deeds have nothing to do with me," Yung wrote on her social media page

History repeats itself with family members denouncing each other

A great step….backwards for Hong Kong

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Steven Li and Carrie Lam are disgusting human filth that have compromised and ruined their own homeland for political favor with that scumbag Xi-male.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

May the arrogant Chinese authorities one day be made to account for their own crimes against the people of Hong Kong and the enslaved peoples in the rest of China.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The rest of the world to China: bite me.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Communist China is such a sensitive country when it comes to freedom of speech. Very Orwellian!

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Someone will undoubtably sell them out. I hope the guilt of such an action will haunt them forever.

I strongly doubt that the 'crimes' these people are accused of would be considered as anything at all in a reasonable country.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Guess what, filthy police state Hong Kong? You thugs have ZERO jurisdiction over the world. You cannot touch these people where they are.

These nine democracy and freedom fighters are hopefully never going to be turned over to HK where they would face a show trial, be tortured and jailed for life - or possibly "disappear" like so many others.

Hong Kong - the sewer of China.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

absolutely disgusting behaviour by the Hong Kong gov't. Have they no shame? how far they have fallen...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Still want to derisk and not full decouple? Still criticising Pompeo's reciprocity? Unless you have money in China Reciprocity and Decouple is a no brainer.

China is saying it will extend its grip into sovereign countries anywhere, and you have Scotus on an appeasing mission to China as we type. Must feel good kneeling on red carpet.

I guess I will just have to start with my own wallet until western money realises they can't have both. No more cocacola, LV and anything made in China.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This is a big step backwards for Hong Kong.

Your regular Hong Konger has no interest in dobbing in these freedom fighters. Only snitches and the mainlanders making a new life overseas.

Just came back yesterday from a week in Hong Kong. Haven't been there since 2018. The place is completely different, the roads aren't crowded as they used to be, conversations in the Yum-cha restaurants are severely held back as no-one talks freely as they used too. There were so many empty retail stores around the Temple Street Market area and most street stalls sold cheap, poorly made mainland goods.

My HK colleagues always told me to be careful when speaking in public, we could only speak naturally when we were in private.

They showed me around the ongoing new construction at Hong Kong airport which the government hopes to compete with Singapore airport. It's too late and a total waste of money, only the HK government stubbornly believes things are going to get better. Everyone is leaving Hong Kong now.

It's a real shame, the "Pearl of the Orient" is no more!!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Other than offering bounties In recent years, the CCP has also constructed overseas police stations around the globe to pursue dissidents who oppose its totalitarian rule.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

When China starts extradition of all the computer hackers and intellectual property thieves, agrees that Taiwan is separate, admits their 9-dash line is pure fiction, and allows the rest of the world to follow their own laws without Chinese pressure, then we can discuss China's desire to punish people doing nothing illegal outside of China. Discuss. Not do anything.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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