

How the Soviets stole nuclear secrets and targeted Oppenheimer

By Calder Walton

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I knew a bit about these stories from the brilliant autobiography of Feynman, and I look forward to watching the movie.

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Considering that the US launched Operation Paperclip to bring Nazi scientists to America after the end of the war, can one say that the US space program success was because it stole German technology?

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Considering that the US launched Operation Paperclip to bring Nazi scientists to America after the end of the war, can one say that the US space program success was because it stole German technology?

Not quite the same. The government of those Germans just lost a war and they had to choose where they would go. They chose the US for a variety of reasons and applied their skills to the US space program. If you ever have a chance visit the Marshall Space Center in Huntsville Alabama. You can learn the history of those scientists. They were not all German. in any event the US had its own thriving rocket development program going on at its secret city in the Mojave Desert, Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS) China Lake (now Naval Air Warfare Center - NAWS China Lake) where a large number of the civilian staff were scientists from CalTech.

That is vastly different than stealing technology through spying as the Soviets did and China does today.

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EvilBuddhaJuly 28 02:40 pm JST

Considering that the US launched Operation Paperclip to bring Nazi scientists to America after the end of the war, can one say that the US space program success was because it stole German technology?

No more than that the Soviet science programs were a success because they stole German and US technology.

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