
Ibaraki police re-arrest 3 men over home break-in, robbery, assault


Ibaraki Prefectural Police said Monday they have re-arrested three unemployed men between the ages of 19 and 20 on suspicion of home burglary and robbery resulting in injury.

According to the warrant, the suspects broke into the house of a 72-year-old man and his 68-year-old wife at around 4 a.m. on Jan 14, Kyodo News reported. They woke up the couple, hit the man with a hammer and demanded cash and valuables.

The trio stole about one million yen in cash and a necklace.

Police said the three men are already under arrest on suspicion of stealing 25,000 yen after breaking into a home in Ryugasaki City in July. Moreover, policee believe the trio is believed to be involved in a series of robberies in the Kanto region since November 2022.

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Is nowhere safe in Japan anymore? Can't take public transport or walk the streets without the threat of being knifed. And now people are not safe in their homes. I'm glad top live in a nation where such crimes are extremely rare (i.e. once every 5-10 years, maybe).

Japan is safer than pretty much anywhere else in the world. So if you think it's not safe, then nowhere on earth is safe. Which seems a bit of an extremist view.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Sad that the criminals were able to get away with many robberies before they were caught, but at least in this case there appears to be no fatal victims, these kind of crimes are something that the police could be prioritizing more.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I would love to have a cage fight with these dicks that assault old people.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

StrangerlandToday 08:44 am JST

Is nowhere safe in Japan anymore? Can't take public transport or walk the streets without the threat of being knifed. And now people are not safe in their homes. I'm glad top live in a nation where such crimes are extremely rare (i.e. once every 5-10 years, maybe).

Japan is safer than pretty much anywhere else in the world. So if you think it's not safe, then nowhere on earth is safe. Which seems a bit of an extremist view.

Japan is safe but not as safe as you may think. It's not ranked in the top 5 in most rankings.

Top 20 Safest Countries in the World (2022 Global Peace Index — lower is better):

Iceland — 1.107

New Zealand — 1.269

Ireland — 1.288

Denmark — 1.296

Austria — 1.300

Portugal — 1.301

Slovenia — 1.316

Czech Republic — 1.318

Singapore — 1.326

Japan — 1.336

Switzerland — 1.357

Canada — 1.389

Hungary — 1.411

Finland — 1.439

Croatia — 1.440

Germany — 1.462

Norway — 1.465

Malaysia — 1.471

Bhutan — 1.481

Slovakia — 1.499

Here in NZ and the other safest nations listed above, we do not have random knife attacks on public transport or on the street or drive-by bag snatchers or sexual assaults on public transport (chikan), or stalking, or upskirt photography (there was a rare case this year). Many experts also consider the statistics in Japan to be incomplete for rape and murder (you can Google research for this).

It's obviously a safe country since it's just in the top ten, but I would say 'safer than anywhere else in the world", and certainly not as safe as is commonly believed, especially for women and children.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Is nowhere safe in Japan anymore? Can't take public transport or walk the streets without the threat of being knifed. And now people are not safe in their homes. I'm glad top live in a nation where such crimes are extremely rare (i.e. once every 5-10 years, maybe).

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

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