
Infant’s body found in vacant lot in Tochigi Prefecture


Police in Oyama, Tochigi Prefecture, said Thursday the body of baby boy was found in a vacant lot in a residential area on Wednesday afternoon.

According to police, a passerby spotted the boy in a translucent bag at around 5:20 p.m. and called 110. Police said the body of the infant had begun to decay and that an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death.

The vacant lot is about 600 meters east of JR Oyama Station. Police said they are examining street surveillance camera footage to try and identify who left the baby’s body in the lot.

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Poor angel, fly to Heaven

you are already awaited there to reside in a beautiful place where all innocent ones enjoy life of eternity

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This is so sad. The report doesn't indicate the gender or ethnicity of the baby, so it is afe to assume that he/she is Japanese and therefore the perp is probably a down on his/her luck Japanese who couldn't afford to raise a child. Many Japanese live with their mommies until their 40s. It is a long term commitment having a child. Perhaps schools could teach more about birth control, abortion, and costs of raising children. Killing babies is unacceptable. I think orphanages have drop boxes for unwanted children, kind of like library's do for books, except it's for people. So sad. R.I.P. little guy and enjoy the beautiful harp music in the sky.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This seems to be happening far too often!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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