
Japan's counterstrike capability proposal to ban preemptive attacks


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The government intends to keep details of the capability, which it is seeking as a deterrent against attacks on Japan, ambiguous to avoid divulging its intentions to other countries, according to the sources.

Because when you are trying to change the way a country will react to perceived hostilities of other countries the best thing to do is to make it as ambiguous as possible, right?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

What LDP government wants capability "attack enemy countries before be attacked" is clearly preemptive attack.

But, they named it "counterstrike capability" to deceive Japanese general public.

Besides, Japan has no even capability that can identify purpose of missile launch is military drill or military attack, preemptive attack against neighbouring countries on the pretext of self-defense is like present Putin regime.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Weak weak discussion. Japan should just say: ... we have the capability and authority as a sovereign Nation to conduct counterstrikes AND to conduct Preemptive strikes as a defensive measure whenever required by the situation... and let the world read that as it stands.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Total BS and the government knows it. Be like Israel! Take the fight to enemy!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

A counter strike capability can be fitted within the constitutional constraints as it is reactive to aggression and thus defensive. Preemptive however is more overtly aggressive and while it may act to defend the country by preventing or reducing any attack it is not so clearly defensive.

Itis the constitution which forces on Japan these convoluted considerations whereas any other country merely arms its self according to its defence needs and the perceived threat if any

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Red,maybe they stop occupation of people land,they will not be under attack,the US has not a first strike policy,now that the Republicans are in charge, Biden got to get their permission

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That's a roundabout way of saying Taiwan. Japan is not sending missiles to North Korea to support the ROC.

There is also discussion on whether the use of such capability should be limited not just to when Japan is under armed attack, but allowed to be exercised if a friendly nation is under attack and Japan's survival is threatened.

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Red,maybe they stop occupation of people land,they will not be under attack,the US has not a first strike policy,now that the Republicans are in charge, Biden got to get their permission.

Congress has been debating a bill that would give the current and future US Presidents the authority to go to war to defend Taiwan without having to wait for Congress to do something in the event Taiwan is attacked. Existing US law already allows a US President to commit US forces to defend South Korea. The US is committed by treaty to come to the defense of Japan. A President who refused to defend any of these three nations in the face of attack would probably be impeached by the House and convicted by the US Senate in days. There is no opposition from either major party to defending Taiwan, South Korea or Japan.

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enemy base strike capability

so who exactly is our enemy? I thought we are a pacifist nation with a constitution that enshrines Article 9.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japan have one main issue.

have o idea if can act as sovereign independent country or as US poodle/as doing in most cases/.

once Japan will be sure how to act than can proceed accordingly.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Yrral Where are you getting your information from?

Red,maybe they stop occupation of people land,they will not be under attack,the US has not a first strike policy,now that the Republicans are in charge, Biden got to get their permission

0 ( +0 / -0 )

so who exactly is our enemy?

Whichever nation attacks Japan or a close ally to which Japan intends to support. While in peacetime a nation speaks of having adversaries or competitors, once ordnance flies you have an enemy to fight and their command and control along with air bases and missile sites, logistics bases, ports, etc. become legitimate targets if you have the means to strike them.

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Be like Israel! Take the fight to enemy!"

Put on the uniform and volunteered for the frontline yet....why not?

exactly. would love to see the net uyoku put their money where their posts are. Show us how much you truly love Japan.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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