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Japan's FY2022 forex account surplus of ¥3.5 trillion beats estimate


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The government is yet to decide what to do with the surplus, around ¥641 billion more than the government's initial estimate

J govt will have some way to spend that money, creatively. In a way that won't help any existing Japan's current issues.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

Buy more tanks and planes! That's what the govt is going to do with its latest fiscal surplus.

Much of the money will go for corporate welfare. That's because Japan chooses to build or co-build much of its hardware under licence instead of buying it off the shelf, a much cheaper option.

No wonder that Japan's surpluses always end up as deficits. LOL.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

As the BOJ buys all the JGBs then there are sure to be many ‘surpluses’ in the future as the yen continues its death throes

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

How about spending it on stabilizing the value of the YEN so it can stop depreciate and people wouldn't have to pay more for products?

Anyway what I think the government will choose is to raise taxes and spend surplus lavishly.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

moeny will go LDP friendly and connected businesses.

and you dear taxpayer just feel "happy" how Japan is good when will go to supermarket this pay more for literally everything

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

and you dear taxpayer just feel "happy" how Japan is good when will go to supermarket this pay more for literally everything

Well according to this expert who studies and conducts research in consumer psychology and has a PhD in economics, everyone has apparently come to accept price increases:

All jokes aside, I 100% agree with Larr Flint and we need to use this surplus wisely and stabilizing the yen should be a priority.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"The government is yet to decide what to do with the surplus, around ¥641 billion more than the government's initial estimate."

How about distributing it to the citizens in need in some form?

Nah..lets use it for more weapons or pork barrel projects, we ask for your understanding.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )


Well according to this expert who studies and conducts research in consumer psychology and has a PhD in economics, everyone has apparently come to accept price increases:

This is about depato where maybe only the top 10 % (probably less) shop regularly These people benefited from the stock bull market so do not care too much about prices. The 90% shopping at their local supermarket may have a different opinion!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Put it in the pension funds?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

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