
Why Kishida may call a snap election soon

By Elaine Lies

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There are no risks involved in calling an election.

The serfs will pay obeisance to their feudal overlords and sign the contract.

Dentsu will get a nice payday for all the posters and flyers.

Japan will continue its slow march to extinction.

Democracy never happened here.

-4 ( +25 / -29 )

Japan's Nikkei stock average has roared to 33-year highs, powered by strong earnings and economic revival after the pandemic, with the economy expanding a stronger-than-expected 2.7% in the first quarter.

I always that this was a weird metric to measure satisfaction with the economy, especially in Japan.

How many Japanese are invested in the Nikkei? It is at record highs, are Japanese workers enjoying record broad-based prosperity?

By that logic a Kishida /LDP election win is even more guaranteed than usual.

Of course, the facts are the Nikkei, like other financial markets, get ecstatic about mass downsizing of labor, stagnant wages, more corporate welfare from the treasury, and more cuts in corporate taxes shifting the burden onto middle class workers.

None of which are particularly good for the public.

None of which really matters in one party state Nagatacho.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

to measure the economy by the stock market is stupid.

a healthy economy has money exchangin for non essentials constantly but the waay it is now less and les speople can afford anything but essentials.

The LDP and this site wants to use the stock market as a positive and as a way to ignore the actual economy.

if it continues on like this the jpanaese people gonna get a really really rude awakening.

Hope they can see that this is BS and that they need to change some things soon.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

No prizes for guessing the winner! Will the serfs earning 1,000 yen an hour vote for the LDP again? Probably. The one advantage of being a gaijin here is that we have an escape route.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Derek Grebe ...good post.

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Many Japanese believes the myth that L.D.P. is the only way to stay a good relationship with USA, otherwise Japan is finished. I pity the Japanese people still living in the long gone good old days of 1980s. The world has changed alot, please open your eyes...... people!

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Only reason for calling an early election is to simply extend time in power.

Due in 2025 after 2 years, but dissolving parliament and holding an election he is guaranteed to win - because of a politically immature and inept public - means the next election won't be due until 2027.

Abe successfully used this tactic to stretch his time.

If this does happen, the people of Japan should just say "enough is enough, we don't need it now".

But pigs will fly before that happens.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

For the fun to make believe he is making changes ?

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

It seem it is on very soon. Great bit of political work on push through some legislation concerning gay. Just a pinch of salt will work well in keeping the conservative gay on board and the super conservative quiet. It should work out good. Big win now on the board for Prim Minister Kishida.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

The LDP isn't great but it has been japan's hope for decades since it is FAR better than the leftist options.

In saying that, kishida is a (colorful adjective ) joke.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

With the power from the Unification Church, LDP doesn't have any worry from the Opposition.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

The LDP isn't great but it has been japan's hope for decades since it is FAR better than the leftist options.

Declining wages for decades with ballooning corporate profits under the LDP regime. Workers living with and advised to have depression era saving strategies wide cup ramen and living with heat stroke.

But at least we don't have none of that leftism, no siree!

The LDP voters in a nutshell but most probably you cannot vote here "Randy Johnson".

2 ( +7 / -5 )

The LDP isn't great but it has been japan's hope for decades since it is FAR better than the leftist options.

The LDP is pretty left, isn’t it?

Massive subsidies, price controls and otherwise socialist policies all over the place. And have the central bank print money to finance it all, with no concern for the future.

Recently they are talking about spending a ton of money we don’t have on central planner ideas of how to increase the birth rate. Huh?

My idea of a “right” party policy platform is one that eliminates subsidies and price controls, and leaves business over to free market price signals. I don’t see that from any of the Japanese parties, but the JIP is about as close as it gets.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I guess it's that time to once again wish for a surprise landslide victory for Reiwa Shinsengumi.

Will it ever happen? No. I feel bad for that party. I've probably converted close to 50 people to vote for them, and I'm not able to vote, or a volunteer. They have the best, most progressive ideas (unless you're rich!) but they are practically banned from TV for being critical of the current government.

The smile on my face the morning the LDP loses an election will cause my face to hurt for weeks.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

With the power from the Unification Church, LDP doesn't have any worry from the Opposition.

Moon over my HAMMY.

Lamers combing websites lookin for trouble.

Anyone takin a knee for cheep votes is totally UNSERIOUS

Lips moving so… words circles hand holds pledge call it whatever. watch the ACTIONS

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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