
Japan had weak basis for ordering 882 mil COVID vaccine doses: audit


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I could've told them that a long time ago.

But what's important is that Pfizer and Morderna were paid, so justice has been done.

11 ( +18 / -7 )

The report released Wednesday by the Board of Audit of Japan also found that at least 30 percent of the doses were either canceled or disposed of after expiring.

Millions of vaccines were being disposed, Japan can print money so it's no problem.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Someone made a lot of money for vaccines whose efficacy was questionable at best!

9 ( +19 / -10 )

They could have gone to other countries needing them.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

I feel sorry for anti vaccine people seeing that 98% of the population are vaccinated. So anti vaccination mob have no choice when come to blood transfusions there is 98% that the blood as came from Vaccinated population so they will be exposed to vaccine with no choice because they are not go screen the donors. So no fault of their own they end up with vaccine in there bodies

-14 ( +7 / -21 )


I was most certainly pro-vaccine. Until directly after his 2nd shot my son developed Parkinson's like symptoms. It has gotten progressively worse. He's 19 and has a life of disability ahead of him now. I'm livid with myself for not exercising more skepticism

10 ( +22 / -12 )

Imagine the blowback had the government under-ordered in October 2020, when countries around the globe were racing to secure vaccines as millions died of COVID.

Japan was a little slow to obtain the vaccines, but the country eventually got them and then quickly administered them to all who desired to be vaccinated. Japan did what is expected of governments during such times: mobilize to keep your citizens/residents safe.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Millions of vaccines were being disposed, Japan can print money so it's no problem.

Where do you think this inflation is coming from?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

A huge loss paid by my taxes and going directly to companies such as pfizer which was condamned many times.

Side effects are a reality and written on every drug box but its so easy to say nowadays you are anti vax.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

That's a lot of $money for something that never worked.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Never mentioned, they are “experimental” vaccines with no long term studies, repression of studies on side effects, and even the multi vaccinated CEO of Pfizer has caught Covid twice.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Phew, that headlline will certainly bring out the crowds in the comment sections.

The article could have done with a little bit less clutter about the numbers to make them more manageable. If one really wants to have a full picture of the issue, one needs to open a spreadsheet and fill in the data.

ordering 882 mil COVID vaccine doses

... does not mean paying for 882 mil vaccine doses. The Pfizer figures are obviously incomplete, but if one assumes the "worst case", that the full order has been accepted, Japan altogether received and paid for 677 mil doses, roughly 76% of the ordered amount. Of which then 65% were used, 6.5% were donated, and 27% have been discarded.

And then you have to consider that 27% -- only slightly more than a quarter -- is decidedly not massive overstocking for an in-demand vaccine that cannot be transported willy-nilly around the country. Would it have been better if it were closer to something like 20% or even 15%? Yes, sure. But as it is, Japan was only very slightly inefficient.

The numbers of the vaccines ordered, delivered, used, and discarded is not the issue. Those numbers add up, and they are not horrible at all.

The real issue is that, if you factor in the price of discarded or donated doses and all the logistical overhead, one dose of vaccine in an arm ended up costing around 9.400 yen. Which strikes me as slightly too high.

Japan slightly over-ordered, and slightly overpaid.

But then again, Japan gave 100.000 yen to every resident in 2020, cash in hand. Noone was complaining about government overspending then.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

I wonder how all other industrialized countries fare in comparison, a lot of vaccines have been wasted just to have them readily available even if that meant poor countries were left with none.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I wonder how all other industrialized countries fare in comparison

Very similar, occasionally even slightly worse. For example, Germany (with two thirds of Japan's population, and not particularly known for hysterical overspending) ordered 680 mil doses, with 37 mil already discarded and 130 mil to be discarded in the next few months.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I wonder how all other industrialized countries fare in comparison, a lot of vaccines have been wasted just to have them readily available even if that meant poor countries were left with none.

Well said.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Victory for the pharma industry! Bad news for the gullible taxpayers.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Just another scheme to swindle money from taxpayers to large corporations...

One day it is the pharmaceutical for the Covid vaccine, another day the military industry for the "defense"...

It would be laughable if people actually were not struck by debilitating side effects...

And I wonder 2 years on this madness what are we going to discover or what type of long term diseases...

6 ( +12 / -6 )

AZ vaccines were mainly donated and distributed for free outside of Japan, as locals here did not want them.

Also lots of reports over the last few years of hospitals and clinics accidentally destroying them with refrigeration problems, poor stock control, etc., so not just a government problem.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

> I was most certainly pro-vaccine. Until directly after his 2nd shot my son developed Parkinson's like symptoms. It has gotten progressively worse. He's 19 and has a life of disability ahead of him now. I'm livid with myself for not exercising more skepticism

My heart goes out to you and your son, Geeter. Lots of people trusted what they were told through official sources, and were then promptly ignored or vilified when something went wrong. Governments and health authorities are doing everything they can to deny and dodge responsibility, and the manufacturers couldn't care less - a problem made worse by their questionable behaviour when it comes to clinical trial results. Governments have given them carte blanche to make money and absolved them of any indemnity, while the victims of the jabs suffer in silence and the taxpayers are on the hook for all those doses that have to be discarded.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Guess countries are like individuals..

A rich guy would hoard excessive food and not mind wasting a portion of it.. For him it's luxury while a poor person will utilise whatever he gets... For him, it's sustenance.

The rich countries got their hands on vaccines, and hoarded them..while the poor countries were scrambling for the vaccines..

Can't really blame people for hoarding masks and toilet paper... Even governments do it- only at a different level.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

All that tax wasted.

It seems to be part of the LDP to waste our money from Abe no mask to wasting tax on over ordering experimental vaccines.

The fat cats at the top just don't care at all!

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Absolutely was a weak basis for ordering vaccines.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Tough Call,

Damned if you Do Damned if you Don't. Regardless of what the ministry did if vaccine was NOT available and people were dying bcz. of lack of it then this Audit would NOT exist, or would it?!?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@ Geeter Mckluskie

Words fail me to express how terribly sorry and enraged I feel regarding the immense anguish you and your family are going through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

a big business for a few,a big costs and health risk for many millions...

as simple as is

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I feel sorry for anti vaccine people seeing that 98% of the population are vaccinated.

Fact check before engaging in such transparent virtue signaling. The true rate is otherwise; for 1st and 2nd jabs

3 ( +4 / -1 )

………for 1st and 2nd jabs

1 ( +2 / -1 )


1 ( +2 / -1 )

for 1st and 2nd jabs it’s under 80%; for 3rd shots 68%.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I wonder how much it cost? My tax money paid for it, so I think I deserve to know. But, that would hurt the competitive advantage of the pharma companies, and we certainly don't want that to happen.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I wonder how much it cost?

As mentioned in the article:

"The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare spent a total of 4.20 trillion yen in the two years, with the cost of securing vaccines accounting for 2.40 trillion yen of the amount."

that would hurt the competitive advantage of the pharma companies

What do you mean by that?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Disgraceful. Greed of the richest countries. Not only could these have gone to poor countries who couldn't even put in orders, but the cost is from taxpayers money. The ministry response is a shrug, a 'sorry' and a 'we'll take on board this feedback in future'. Contemptible.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Then why did they make it so hard to get the second booster? I gave up after catching covid anyway and my friend, who is a pediatrician in the US, recommend waiting at least 6 month after recovering to get a booster unless absolutely necessary.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I was most certainly pro-vaccine. Until directly after his 2nd shot my son developed Parkinson's like symptoms. It has gotten progressively worse. He's 19 and has a life of disability ahead of him now. I'm livid with myself for not exercising more skepticism

This is still not an argument to stop supporting vaccination. Data from multiple countries all over the world have demonstrated above any rational doubt that vaccinating decreases the risk of serious complications and deaths for all populations for which it is recommended.

For example the complication you mention has only been identified as exceptional after vaccination, not even correlated causally, covid on the other hand has been already identified as a factor of risk for the syndrome thanks to the involvement of CNS as part of the affected systems during the infection.

This means that even if you only consider Parkinson's like symptoms (which of course are not the worst that can happen after covid) vaccinating still means having a lower risk than just risking the infection.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Wonderful thing - Hindsight.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

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