Takuya Yokota, head of a group representing the families of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea in the 1970s and 1980s, speaks at a government-launched summit of junior high school students in Tokyo on Thursday. Photo: Kyodo

Japan holds junior high school 'summit' on abductions by N Korea


The Japanese government on Thursday launched a "summit" of junior high school students across Japan in order to bring greater attention to North Korea's abduction of Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s.

With only five of the 17 officially recognized abductees having been returned almost two decades ago and with Tokyo and Pyongyang at a deadlock over the others, the government wants to create momentum toward a resolution, in the hope that the young people who take part will spread greater awareness through their communities.

"People uniting and showing a strong determination to have all the abductees return home as soon as possible will help resolve this issue," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, who is also the minister in charge of the issue.

Matsuno said he is sorry the government has been unable to secure the return of a single abductee from North Korea since the first five came home in 2002.

"By participating in the summit, I want you to know more about the serious abuse of human rights that has taken place and think deeply about personal dignity," he said at the summit, in which around 60 students took part.

Takuya Yokota, the head of a group representing the families of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea, also spoke at the event. His sister Megumi was abducted in 1977 at age 13.

"The moment you think this problem is somebody else's is when you allow human rights to be violated. I really want you to speak to your friends and families about this," he said.

Student participants had been chosen by their prefectural and local school boards, but some were unable to attend due to a powerful typhoon that has rocked southwest and west Japan.


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Should have class about Pearl Harbor and Nanjing too.

Student participants had been chosen by their prefectural and local school boards, but some were unable to attend due to a powerful typhoon that has rocked southwest and west Japan.

Those students life are more valuable than just attending government propaganda in the middle of typhoon.

-12 ( +23 / -35 )

So "summit" is a new term for "lecture"?

22 ( +27 / -5 )

LDP propaganda.

-2 ( +29 / -31 )

Definitely agree! Have a summit for JHS students as to “Why” Hiroshima & Nagasaki were destroyed, and who was responsible for the terrible war.

-10 ( +20 / -30 )

Nobody is ever a victim of Japanese policies; Japanese are always the victims of others (or nature). This message is a vital part of the propaganda the youth have to be inducted into.

-11 ( +22 / -33 )

Did they lecture the students on how Japan still does the exact same thing NK did, but now in 2023?

The moment you think this problem is somebody else's is when you allow human rights to be violated.

We can all agree on that. So why does Japan keep on violating human rights?

-10 ( +16 / -26 )

These events (abductions) were certainly traumatic for those families but why are events that occurred 40-50 years ago being made into an issue now?

Matsuno said he is sorry the government has been unable to secure the return of a single abductee from North Korea since the first five came home in 2002.

Since when has the Japanese government made North Korean rapprochement an objective?

Which Japanese PM has instigated a dialogue with NK since 2002?

Has it ever been explained why the North Korea might harbor ill will against Japan and its citizens?

So much not done and said but that is Japan…

4 ( +20 / -16 )

Was Ai Fukuhara a guest speaker?

6 ( +17 / -11 )

Was Ai Fukuhara a guest speaker?

@Bob Fosse. You beat me to it! Perhaps it’s time to have a “summit” for foreign men who have their children taken from them by Japanese women.

9 ( +25 / -16 )

So do they go into detail how the Korean people's rights were violated for 35 years during Japan's occupation of the peninsula?- Yeah didn't think so, especially since Abe 'revised' the textbooks.

-4 ( +20 / -24 )

Some great comments here!

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

Did they tell the kids that the Japanese government knew for years and did NOTHING for fear of upsetting North Korea.....

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Nobody is ever a victim of Japanese policies; Japanese are always the victims of others (or nature). This message is a vital part of the propaganda the youth have to be inducted into.


And the west is always the good guy. This message is a vital part of the propaganda the youth have to be inducted into.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Some great comments here!

Thank you.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Japan wont forget them. They will be home soon.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

Thank you.

Yours, not so much

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Might also be a great idea to have a summit debate on wether or not dropping the A bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was actually justified.

mill wait for the Japan today down votes. LoL

i guess this is one summit to create a bogey man for the LDP so they can keep bring this up at every election.

kinda feels like brainwashing. I guess these hand picked students aren’t the students who challenge authorities.

-6 ( +12 / -18 )

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