
Japan lower house committee to vote on LGBT understanding bill Friday


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This shows they don't understand. LGBT is old news, It's now LGBTQIA. By doing this, they are, it seems, discriminating against QIA. At least Yamagichi wants to end suffering of sexual minorites. The LDP needs to tighten up because they are slacking off in regards to this issue.

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Will it be televised?

I would love to watch them.

All their little heads trying to understand what is all this LGBT about.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

A paragraph would be nice explaining what exactly is contained in the envisioned legislation  — beyond simply “a better understanding of the LGBT community.”

9 ( +12 / -3 )

In consideration of those cautious of the legislation, some expressions in the bill have been watered down from a version crafted by the ruling and opposition parties in 2021,

This is such a typical Japanese mindset. Either put your money where your mouth is or pack up and go home.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Make the Bill LGB and it will face less resistance.

Look at what is going on today in the west, and ask do we need men competing against women, do we need 18 year old high school boys changing in the same girls changing room as 14 year old girls.

Do you want your wife going to the gym, Osen, sento and a man calling himself a woman walking in naked with her?

The LGB alliance UK and Canada are now speaking out against this insanity.

A teacher in Canada told Muslim students that didn't go to school on pride event day that they basically don't belong in Canada if they can't show up.

A father wrote this in a news comment section:

At elementary school, they asked my daughter who does she want to be when she grows up; like your father or mother. She replied, like my father and my son replied, like his mother. The teachers concluded that my kids want a sex changed. They are 5 and 6 years old and obviously my daughter is attached to me and my son is attached to his mother. We need to stop this. Enough is enough. I do not want to disrespect LGBTQ community, but please stop forcing your beliefs onto our kids. The Liberals and NDP want to pay for sex change whereas, we are struggling to make ends meet due to inflation. Enough is enough

I think this says it all.

But I will add, I don't believe in discriminating against anyone saying they are the opposite sex their biology says they are, but to act or pretend they actually are or to let them into the space of actual biological men and especially biological women needs to stop along with the pronoun nonsense.

Watching the LGBTQIA++2 ++etc.. representative fumble all over in and interview trying to use and remember the pronoun if her colleagues was enough to see even they can't figure it out.

At first the representative say she, then realised the person uses they/them so switched to they/them but got confused and used "she" again then back to "they" "her" "they" "she" stuttering losing her train of thought as she tried desperately to keep to the "prefered pronoun " the representative was talking about her own colleague and still couldn't get it right.

Japan doesn't need this mess.

Give the LGB protection, give them the right to marry, but ignore the rest of the alphabet group.

Yes I am 100% fine with same sex marriage as a single father I still see it as better having 2 parents even 2 same sex parents than raising children as a single parent.

Two men or two women can provide far more attention and support to children than a single father or single mother.

Providing the right to marriage avoids any possibility the children being removed from the non biological parent or the official adoptive parent.

12 ( +20 / -8 )

how abt to take care abt some more serious problems???

5 ( +13 / -8 )

A paragraph would be nice explaining what exactly is contained in the envisioned legislation — beyond simply “a better understanding of the LGBT community.”

The act quite literally says that the state, the local governments, employers and schools shall "based on the recognition that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is unacceptable, contribute to the realization of a society in which people can live together in mutual respect for each other's personality and individuality."

To that end the government shall formulate a plan how to do promote that understanding, promote research and studies how to formulate policies to increase public understanding, and schools shall promote education and provide consultation.

It's basically a law that says, "come up with a plan". No concrete measures are included.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

do we need men competing against women, do we need 18 year old high school boys changing in the same girls changing room as 14 year old girls.

Do you want your wife going to the gym, Osen, sento and a man calling himself a woman walking in naked with her?

None of these things are a possible result of the proposed bill.

The LGB alliance UK and Canada are now speaking out against this insanity.

The "LGB Alliance" is an anti-trans advocacy group, described as "hate group" even by gay and lesbian organisations.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

The act quite literally says that the state, the local governments, employers and schools shall "based on the recognition that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is unacceptable, contribute to the realization of a society in which people can live together in mutual respect for each other's personality and individuality."

Sounds simple, right?

Guess again!

Look at the highlighted part "discrimination based on gender identity!"

What does that mean?

Well if we use what is happening in the west, it means an 18 year old high school biological male, can enter the girls toilet, the girls changing room.

It means a biological male can compete against girls and women.

It means when your wife, daughter, girlfriend goes to the onsen she may find a biological male naked in the bath with her.

All these males have to do is say they are women.

Because if passed as a law like in the west saying, NO you cannot go into the same spaces as a biological female, is going to be taken as discrimination.

This is not speculation on my part, it is the plan and the pattern, this has taken in every country that has passed laws including "gender identity " as part of LGBT+++++±++++.

Now I know someone will say Why do I only focus on women.

Well simple name any Sport where a biological female has taken top spot competing as a man against men.

How many biological women are really going to go into an all biological males space and get naked and feel safe?

It is called logic something people have apparently lost.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Well if we use what is happening in the west, it means an 18 year old high school biological male, can enter the girls toilet, the girls changing room.

It means a biological male can compete against girls and women.

It means when your wife, daughter, girlfriend goes to the onsen she may find a biological male naked in the bath with her.

You keep repeating that, and it is still not a possible result from this bill.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Roy Sophveason

Today 06:46 pm JST

do we need men competing against women, do we need 18 year old high school boys changing in the same girls changing room as 14 year old girls.

> Do you want your wife going to the gym, Osen, sento and a man calling himself a woman walking in naked with her?

> None of these things are a possible result of the proposed bill.

See my post on this above, sorry but this is how it started.

The LGB alliance is growing faster expanding to more countries.

"Discrimination based on gender identity"

Refusing to let a trans woman into a women's Onsen or into a girls changing room is according to the LGBTQIA+++2+++etc... "Discrimination " go check it out, that is the official stance.

Refusing a trans woman to compete as a woman against biological women is by the LGBTQIA+++2+++etc... official stance "Discrimination" and they will use this clause "based on gender identity" to get into these places and sports, we know that because they are doing it everywhere a similar wording was done.

The LGB alliance UK and Canada are now speaking out against this insanity.

> The "LGB Alliance" is an anti-trans advocacy group, described as "hate group" even by gay and lesbian organisations.

A hate group, really, where in the minds of transgenders?

4 ( +10 / -6 )

For anyone who wants to take a look for themselves, here's a summary of the proposed bill:


and here's the full text:


1 ( +5 / -4 )

You keep repeating that, and it is still not a possible result from this bill.

Now where have I heard that argument before?

Lets see, oh yeah, Canada, USA, UK, etc..and what is going on now in those places?

Oh yeah a failed male swimmer taking the medals way from biological women, male cyclist take the medal for biological females, male high school boys in the girls changing room, court case after court case of biological males demanding access to women's changing room, women's spas, etc...

But they said just as you are saying when the first laws were passed.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Refusing to let a trans woman into a women's Onsen or into a girls changing room is according to the LGBTQIA+++2+++etc... "Discrimination " go check it out, that is the official stance.

And again, this is not an anti-discrimination bill.

It is a bill that asks the government to come up with measures to promote the public understanding that all citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, should be respected as individuals with equal human rights.

As much as you want to paint it this way, that's not the start of the slippery slope to "bearded man announces himself a women, walks into women's changing room and waves his wiener into everyone's face".

0 ( +7 / -7 )

if you want to be lgbt that is fine but don't shove it down my throat because I do not care.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Here is why so many LGB are leaving the LGBTQIA+++2+++etc... and why groups like the LGB alliance are growing rapidly and are opposed the including Transgender and the rest in any such bill.

According to those now running the LGBTQIA+++2+++etc... it is transphobic and discrimination to outright refuse to date a transgender person.

Think about that!

If you say no I don't want to dare someone because they are Transgender that is discrimination according to the LGBTQIA+++2+++etc...

Apps like Tinder are barred from making people say their biological sex, so those using these apps may arrive on a date and be confronted with a person not the biological sex they expected, now the LGB community apps in the USA, Canada have been told they must follow the same rules.

So a gay man may find himself on a date with a biological female or a lesbian on a date with a biological male,

Recently Dylan Mulvaney declared the he/she is a lesbian, really not sure I know too many lesbians that would be happy finding out their date has a penis.

So people may think the part of this bill saying "discrimination based on gender identity!" Isn't a big deal but you are not looking at how similar wording has been used in western countries and eventually someone here will do the same.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

It started exactly with something seemingly harmless and said to just protect.

Again, the bill does not even do that. It does not protect anything. It contains no measures. I'm begging you, read what you are reacting to.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Again, the bill does not even do that. It does not protect anything. It contains no measures. I'm begging you, read what you are reacting to.

I did and I stand by what I said.

Every country started exactly like this and you know that.

And you clearly know the LGBTQIA+++2+++etc...will not stop at just that or just acceptance, you clearly know that.

They will demand everything they have and are in other countries.

Are you really trying to claim the LGBTQIA+++2+++etc...in Japan will not want Transgender women to have access to women's changing room, toilets, sports, like they have in all the other countries in the west?

0 ( +7 / -7 )

LDP members who uphold traditional family values, such as the role of women in giving birth and raising children.

LDP members should mind their own business and let the citizens individually decide for themselves whether to have children or not, as well as whether two moms or two dads or a mom and a dad or any other combination raises them.

This is no one's business.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

There should be no unfair discrimination based on gender identity. Because of discrimination, a new law is required.  

Various ambassadors appear in this video showing support for increased rights for sexual minorities in Japan. Several polls have shown that only about 20% of Japanese oppose the LGBT rights bill that is currently being considered by the Diet.


-2 ( +5 / -7 )

There are hundreds in not thousands of videos of women and I mean biological female no CIS or trans actual women, complaining about biological men in their changing rooms, itheir sorority houses their sports, trying to get into their spas, etc...

But it seems the feelings of a few transgender out weigh the safety, privacy and feeling of millions of women real women.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

There are hundreds in not thousands of videos of women and I mean biological female no CIS or trans actual women, complaining about biological men in their changing rooms, itheir sorority houses their sports, trying to get into their spas, etc...

> But it seems the feelings of a few transgender out weigh the safety, privacy and feeling of millions of women real women.

How many transgender in Japan?

How many male transgender?

How many female transgender?

In total, there are less than 10,000 out of a population of 127 million.


How many GAYS are in Japan?

A recent online survey has found that 1 in 10 in Japan identify as LGBT or another sexual minority. About 12 million people.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

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