
Clean energy on agenda of Kishida's talks in UAE ahead of COP28

By Hashem Osseiran

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jetting about the planet to talk about 'clean energy'..... LOL when we get to COP 53, they'll still be mouthing the same platitudes.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Japan preaching about clean energy while still operating Coal Energy


While in Finance sector Japan still financing fossil fuel across the world.


-8 ( +5 / -13 )

What does Kishida know about ‘clean energy’ ?

He isn’t a scientist or an environmental specialist.

He doesn’t pay for his own electricity use.

Budgets don’t apply to him.

He always travels abroad with two full size passenger airliners.

He is an environmentalists’ nightmare!

The ME where he had meetings, has temperatures of over 40°C and he is walking around in a suit and tie?

Surely, a Yukata would be more practical?

Clean energy and the name Kishida do not have places in the same sentence….

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Japan relies almost entirely on imports for its crude oil, with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar accounting for the bulk of its supplies.

In other news, Kishida-san had a frank exchange of views and fruitful discussion with leaders in the region about their initiatives for the empowerment of women .

During the meeting with Prince Mohammed, Tokyo and Saudi Arabia agreed to launch the "Lighthouse Initiative for Clean Energy Cooperation," according to the official Saudi Press Agency.

The only thing being generated here is empty PR copy.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Jet set Kishida. Burning fuel on all his traipses around the world while back home, his own people are getting flooded and burning under the scorching sun.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Clean energy on agenda of Kishida's talks.

Oh Really? What about this:

Japan is like, "We need some coal!" They imported a whopping 210 million short tons of the stuff, making them the third-biggest coal-importing country on the planet, right after India and China. Japan relies on coal to power about a third of their electricity generation, and they also use it for making raw steel. Basically, they can't get enough of the black gold.

When it comes to coal, Japan's like that one friend who always orders takeout instead of cooking. They import nearly all (99%) of the coal they use. And guess who's their go-to supplier? Australia, baby! Those Aussies hooked them up with a massive 128 million short tons of coal, fulfilling 61% of Japan's coal cravings a few years back.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Clean energy should be on everyone's agenda, starting a hundred years ago, at least. CO2 has a half life in the atmosphere of about 100 years, so global warming will be with us for a long time.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Fossil fuels account for 70% of Japan’s needs and Qatar and Saudi Arabia are high up on that list.

How is it that Kishida isn’t in the clean energy country of the world instead of tripping around the Middle East?

Kishida should be in China.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Holding a climate conference in the gulf, the centre of the fossil universe, is a really good idea, LOL.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It's always on everyone's agenda.

It's required.

But nobody believes enough to take substantive action

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Ah the greatest banner to fly on Earth. The “I’m an environmentalist” banner, I am literally saving the world with my comments and feelings. The easiest and shortest route to self gratification , with the least effort necessary , all while doing absolutely nothing for it. I get it y’all, it’s a good deal.

From the sounds of it Japan has been very pragmatic of lates with its energy mix strategy. They have realized that much of the green movement is just posturing and bannerism, they’ve seen what’s happened to the likes of Germany and are very aware that they need to stay ground in reality. They will do things their way and it will work for them too.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Isn’t he there to buy oil and gas because he sanctioned cheap local Russian energy supplies?

clean energy my foot.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

is he a salesman of Itochu?

highly likely.yes.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japan got hit with bad luck when the Fukushima power plant imploded. Of the 33 operable nuclear power plants in the country, fewer than half are currently being used. Earthquakes and tidal waves in Japan? Who could have foreseen that happening? Plans for the short term are to put most of the nuclear power plants back on line, which will reduce the reliance on fossil fuel imports, but the power stations have not been moved further away from the ocean, so I hope they make appropriate plans to avoid another disaster like Fukushima.

Japan has plans to double the use of renewable energy by 2030, and to keep doing better after that date. In the meantime, one has to keep the lights on, and that means using imported fossil fuels. Seems to me that more should have been done, sooner, in the field of renewable energy, but then you know what they say about hindsight.

From what I have read, the transition to renewables for Japan will actually lower the cost of electricity, compared to the cost of fossil fuels and nuclear.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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