
Japan reports 12,014 new coronavirus cases


Japan on Tuesday reported 12,014 new coronavirus cases, up 7,751 from Monday. Tokyo reported 989 new cases, up 654 from Monday.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms nationwide was 124, down seven from Monday, health officials said.

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 35.

© Japan Today

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Very low numbers as we enter into Spring and the lovely cherry blossom viewing.

I guess for most Covid is now a distant memory and those that were afraid can now enjoy life again, onwards and upwards

-7 ( +10 / -17 )

Numbers are becoming irrelevant now. In a post yesterday, I commented that I hoped mask wearing would drop 20-30% from next week. Somebody commented why does it bother you what other people do? Here’s why. I’m one of the only people maskless so I obviously stand out. It’s not me that’s against science anymore but people stare at you anyway. Another reason: People - especially children - are not making their own choices. Many are coerced or peer-pressured to conform. Finally, a lot of studies are coming out showing the detrimental effect masks are having on child development. One study in Hong Kong showed a large increase in young children needing speech therapy. Let’s just end the madness now.

2 ( +16 / -14 )

That is not very reassuring from someone who is afraid.

At some point we will have to stop asking everyone to act a certain way so other feel safe. The key word being “feel.”

13 ( +13 / -0 )

If everyone just does the right things, we can flatten this curve in just 2 weeks.

Let's Go - Covid Zero.

We are in this together.

Staying apart - Keeps us together.

People wrongly thought they were 'fully vaccinated' at 2 doses - May not be enough to stop transmission!!!!

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Heading home from Wakayama now by train after a little meeting with a chum. Awfully busy and so many tourists on the train. Pleasing too see places being busy again, many have suffered needlessly from lack of business due to the overhyping of the dangers of Covid.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Good that we are being kept informed of these critical statistics

2 ( +7 / -5 )

March 13th can't get here quick enough.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

One study in Hong Kong showed a large increase in young children needing speech therapy.

Just for the record: There was no study. The Hong Kong Department of Health registered an increase in children with speech disorders in 2020 and 2021, the number fell again by nearly a quarter in 2022. Some experts blame masks, others see a natural fluctuation in numbers: Even while the increase is a "large" 20-ish percent, it is only comparatively so: in 2021, it was some 0.6% of children affected, compared to 0.5% in 2020.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Masks are nothing compared to all the other stuff children are being subjected to in our topsy-turvy world !

Indeed. I estimate that most people, especially the kiddies, only wear masks about 4 to 5 hours a day, on a regular weekday, and not at all on weekends. A lot less time than playing video games daily until 3 am, I might add.

Of course there will be outliers that wear them longer because they are aware of the health benefits of masks.

It is personal choice to wear a mask, not the law so feel free to not use one.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Indeed. I estimate that most people, especially the kiddies, only wear masks about 4 to 5 hours a day, on a regular weekday, and not at all on weekends. A lot less time than playing video games daily until 3 am, I might add.

Of course there will be outliers that wear them longer because they are aware of the health benefits of masks.

It is personal choice to wear a mask, not the law so feel free to not use one.

As usual Elvis, you're distorting the point. Even if kids are forced to wear masks for 4-5 hours a day, they're still being forced. They don't have the choice. And you're dead wrong about them not wearing masks on weekends. Maybe you don't get out much, but huge numbers of kids are wearing them out of school hours, either enforced by their parents or peer group pressure, and some voluntarily.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

The green light has been by the reputable Japan Health Dept that we can all go back to the way things were before covid. Take off the mask enjoy the spring air.

However every single elderly student I asked in my classes say they’ll keep wearing them after D Day 13th. What are people waiting for , jesus!

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Is Covid a distant memory for you?


I guess for most Covid is now a distant memory and those that were afraid can now enjoy life again, onwards and upwards

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I definitely hope at least some people keep their masks on after March 13th. I need some sort of red flag to alert me if someone is not worth my time - seems as though masks will serve that purpose adequately.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

I guess for most Covid is now a distant memory and those that were afraid can now enjoy life again, onwards and upwards

> too bad even if I want to forget Covid like all the others I cannot caught Covid January 2022 and it completely changed my life.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Had systemic inflammation ever since.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

And before you say everyone has inflammation, not like this.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I  have the opportunity to talk freely with Japanese people who tell what they really think. Over 50 % say they can't wait for March 13 and that the only reason they still wear them is social pressure. About 20% tell me that they want to continue wearing them because they feel protected. Then I think that there will be some who want to keep them to hide themselves and this is especially true for unsecured young women.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

I definitely hope at least some people keep their masks on after March 13th. I need some sort of red flag to alert me if someone is not worth my time

And still people doubt that masks protect their wearers.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Over 50 % say they can't wait for March 13 and that the only reason they still wear them is social pressure. About 20% tell me that they want to continue wearing them because they feel protected.

State your n please.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Well, COVID is a big problem, as Brian points out, it can change your life. Though, masks are not the solution.

2 ( +6 / -4 )


well put old boy, I agree entirely

0 ( +7 / -7 )

*My kids have basically never seen their classmates'/homeroom teacher's face... They wouldn't even recognize them outside of school...

Do they do PE and sieve lunch with their eyes closed? Or haven't you told them which bits the mask should be covering?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

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